This is an unofficial, non authorized repository for WalkAbout for historical reference and troubleshooting.
This AddOn is (C) Antipodes and licensed under GPL V3, what allows you to:
- Copy and redistribute the material in any medium;
- Exploit it commercially as long you provide the source;
- Make any kind of derivative as long you provide the source;
But explicitly forbids you to:
- Distribute binaries without making the respective sources available;
- Distribute a derivative without stating that you are not the original author;
- Bundle/mixing/merging it with non Free Software;
- Use any trademark or name that could misrepresent the original artwork;
- Change the License to something else.
You are authorized to fork this repository under GitHub ToS, and to commit on it (creating a derivative), as long as you do not claim being the original author, by the GPL.
- Change Log
- KSP Forum
- Official Distribution Sites