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πŸ›« Metaflow have-a-go session

In this have-a-go session we will explore Metaflow, a framework for building and managing data pipelines.

Have-a-go session organised by Aidan Kelly and Sofia Pinto.

πŸ› οΈ Setup

Run the following on your command line before the have-a-go session:

  1. If you don't have this repo in your local computer run: git clone; Otherwise open this repo locally and run git fetch origin;
  2. cd YOUR_LOCAL_PATH/dap_tutorials/metaflow/ where YOUR_LOCAL_PATH is your local path to your repos' folder;
  3. conda create --name metaflow_demo python=3.9
  4. conda activate metaflow_demo
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

πŸ’‘ This have-a-go

In this have-a-go session we will cover:

  • What is Metaflow? When is Metaflow used?
  • Why might you need it?
  • A Metaflow flow & the concept of step
  • Parameters & variables in Metaflow
  • Debugging your pipeline
  • Scaling with Metaflow
  • Organising your projects when using Metaflow
  • Common issues when using Metaflow
  • Tips for using Metaflow to scrape data

We will then go through an example and do some exercises.

🧐 What is Metaflow? And when is it used?

Metaflow is a framework for bulding and managing data pipelines. It allows to:

  • Easily define complex workflows;
  • Track all steps in the pipelie;
  • Scale to cloud services like AWS.

You can use it to:

  • Process & clean data;
  • Collect data from APIs or by doing web scraping;
  • Train and test machine learning models;

❓ Why might you need Metaflow?

  • To have nicely defined pipelines;
  • To leverage cloud resources if you need more computing resources (using AWS batch with Metaflow is easier than setting up and EC2 instance and running a script on it);
  • When you have complex and conflicting dependencies;
  • To resume a pipeline from where it broke after you debug your code;

↗️ A metaflow flow & the concept of step

We call flow to a Metaflow pipeline. To create a flow:

  • Create a new Python script and import the Python Metaflow library;
  • Define a new flow class that inherits from the Metaflow FlowSpec class;
  • Define a steps within the flow. Each step is a function within the flow class and it's preceded by the @step decorator;
    • You always need a start and an end step;
  • Use to transition between steps.

Here's an example, from a flow script named

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

class MyFirstMetaflowFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):
        # Add your code here

    def another_step(self):
        # Add your code here

    def end(self):
        # Concluding step
        print("Pipeline completed!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

To run the flow above you can run the following on your command line:

python run

🎲 Parameters & variables in Metaflow

Metaflow allows you to define parameters to input values from the command line into your flow (similar to what we do when we use the argparse Python library). This is useful when you want to run the same flow with different parameters.

Here's an example, from a script named

from metaflow import FlowSpec, Parameter, step

class ParameterFlow(FlowSpec):
    alpha = Parameter('alpha',
                      help='Learning rate',

    def start(self):
        print('alpha is %f' % self.alpha)
    def doubling_alpha(self):
        self.alpha = self.alpha * 2
        print('alpha is %f' % self.alpha)

    def end(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

As one can see:

  • We use the Parameter class to define the parameters;
  • We define our parameters inside our Flow class;
  • We can access the parameters as attributes of the flow class, using self.parameter_name;

You can run the flow above with the following command, which will run the pipeline with the default alpha value of 0.01

python run 

or change the alpha value by running the following command:

python run --alpha 0.5

You can define variables in Metafaflow at each step, using self.my_variable. However, unlike parameters, variables are only accessible up to the next foreach step (we will learn about these in a section below!). See the following example:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

class VariableFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):
        self.my_variable = 1

    def second_step(self):
        print("second step", self.my_variable)
    def end(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Small note: we're using print instead of logging in the examples above, as logging doesn't work in Metaflow.

πŸ› Debugging your pipeline

Your flows will eventually break: that's for sure❗ If your flow breaks, Metaflow will highlight where the issue occured (the specific step and line of code) and what it was (by printing an error message on the console). After you identify the error and fix it, you can use resume instead of run to continue the flow from where it broke. This avoids running the pipeline from the start.

If you run:

python run --alpha 0.5

and your code breaks, you can then fix the error and run:

python resume

This will continue the flow from where it broke, taking the same parameters as before.

πŸ†™ Scaling with Metaflow

You can use Metaflow to scale your pipelines in two ways: horizontal scaling and vertical scaling.

Horizontal scaling

You do horizontal scaling by paralellising a certain step (or multiple ones) in your flow. As an example, you might need to apply the same function to a large number of files or a large number of rows in a database. You can split the files/the rows into chunks and run the same function in parallel on each chunk. In addition to breaking your data into smaller chunks, you use the foreach argument in as in the examples below.

Let's start with a toy example:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

class MyToyParallelFlow(FlowSpec):

    def start(self):
        # Define your iterable (e.g., a list of numbers)
        self.list_of_numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], foreach='list_of_numbers') # note the foreach here

    def process_number(self):
        # Each branch processes one element of the iterable
        self.result = self.input * 2  # Example operation

    def join(self, inputs): # note the inputs here
        # Gather results from all branches
        self.results = [input.result for input in inputs]

    def end(self):
        # Final step - process or output the aggregated results
        print("Aggregated Results:", self.results)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now into a more real life example:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

S3_BUCKET = "my-s3-bucket"

class MyParallelFlow(FlowSpec):

    def start(self):
        # Read data from S3
        s3_path = f"s3://{S3_BUCKET}/path/to/data.parquet"
        with open(s3_path, "rb") as s3_file:
   = pd.read_parquet(s3_file)

    def prepare_chunks_of_data(self):
        # Split data into chunks of CHUNKSIZE
        self.chunks = [
  [i : i + CHUNKSIZE]
            for i in range(0, len( + 1, CHUNKSIZE)
        ], foreach='chunks') # note the foreach here

    def process_input(self):
        # self.input is one of the chunks of data defined above
        input_data = self.input

        input_data["processed_id"] = input_data["id"] * 2

        self.output_data = input_data

    def join(self, inputs): # note the inputs here
        import pandas as pd

        # Gather results from all parallel processes = pd.DataFrame()
        for input in inputs:
   = pd.concat([, input.output_data])

    def end(self):
        # Final step - process or output the aggregated results
        print("Aggregated Results length:", len(

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note that: the join step is not optional (you can call it whatever name you want though!). You always need to have a function calling both self and inputs after paralellising a step with foreach, even if the join step does not do anything (i.e. it's a dummy join that only points to the next step).

max-workers and max-num-splits

By default, Metaflow will run 16 tasks in paralell. To change this, change max-workers when running the flow, which defines the number of parallel workers running at a given time. For example, to run 32 tasks in parallel, run the following command:

python run --max-workers 32

Note that, if you increase the number of workers too much, you might crash your laptop.

To make sure that the number of branches resulting from the foreach does not surpass a certain value, change the max-num-splits argument (100 by default). For example, to make sure that the number of branches does not surpass 1000, run the following command:

python run --max-num-splits 2000

When you change max-num-splits, nothing changes in the way your code is ran! It serves more as a sense check to make sure you haven't made a mistake when chunking your data/paralellising your code. If you know that the step you're parallelising will result into a large number of branches, it's a good idea to increase max-num-splits to a value that makes sense for your specific use case.

Vertical scaling

When you need more compute resources than your local machine can provide, you can use batch to run specific steps on larger AWS machines. To do that, use the @batch decorator in the steps you want to run on the cloud. Here's an example of a script named

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, batch

import os
	f"pip install -r {os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/flow_requirements.txt 1> /dev/null"

class BatchFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):

    @batch(cpu=2, memory=4000)
    def processing_data(self):
        # This step will run on AWS Batch

        import pandas as pd
        # Add your code here
        # ...
    def another_step(self):
        # Add your code here

    def end(self):
        print("Pipeline completed! `processing_data` step ran on AWS Batch")
if __name__ == '__main__':

In the example above, the processing_data step will run on AWS Batch. The @batch decorator takes two arguments: cpu and memory, which define the number of CPUs and the amount of memory the step will use on AWS Batch. You should start with a small number of CPUs and a small amount of memory and increase them as needed.

If you get a Data Store Error message, it might mean you need to increase your batch resources.

πŸ“¦ Python packages to be installed

As you can also see in the flow above, we are pip installing flow_requirements.txt. This is a workaround to install any dependencies that are not installed by default in the AWS Batch environment. Note that this specific line will run at every step and you can then import the necessary packages at every step (instead of importing them at the top of the script, as we usually do). In fact, anything above the class definition will run at every step.

πŸ“ Importing configs & util files into the flow and saving metadata to S3

All configuration and utility files you might need to import need to be in the same directory as your flow script. Additionally, make sure change package-suffixes when running your code to account for the different types of files being imported by your Metaflow script.

python --package-suffixes=.txt --datastore=s3 run

datastore=s3 will save the metadata of your flow to S3. This is useful to keep track of your flow's progress and to debug it if it breaks.

πŸ—„οΈ Saving data

Note that you cannot save data locally in batch steps, so you need to save your data to S3.

As default, you cannot save data to any S3 bucket you want. You can save it to the ds-tutorials S3 bucket or ask the Data Engineering team to allow your outputs to be saved in a different S3 bucket.

πŸ“ˆ Organising your projects when using Metaflow

As mentioned above, when using AWS batch with Metaflow, you cannot import files in locations other than the folder your working on, so all the files you need to import: configs, utils, flow requirements, etc. need to be in the same folder as your flow script.

If you get import errors in your steps: ensure you’ve included a requirements file in the flow directory, have included the correct file types when using the --package-suffixes= command, and that your requirements are actually installable/don’t have clashing dependencies.

πŸ€“ Tips for using Metaflow (to scrape data)

  • Use resume to continue your flow from where it broke; this way, you don't have to request access to the website you're scraping data from again unecessarily, reducing:
    • the pressure on the website's servers;
    • the risk of being blocked by the website;
  • Use foreach to parallelise your scraping process into small chunks, making sure you sleep in between requests;
  • You might want to use batch - but there's some time associated to setting up the batch machines. Your code might not be faster when using batch, but it might still beneficial to use it if you're scraping a large number of pages;
  • Make sure each step is very well defined and that you're only doing one thing! This will make it easier to debug your code;
  • You might want to create a flow to collect the raw HTML files and another flow to extract the data from the HTML files - this way, if you decide to change how you're extracting the data, you don't have to re-scrape the pages;
  • Create a parameter called test to enable you and your colleagues to run your code in test mode;
  • All the code above your class definition will be run at every step of your flow, so if you need to define a variable with the date/time the flow started, for example, the best workaround is to define it as a parameter - if you define it above, your data will change at every step; Here's an example of how we did it for a project;

πŸ“š Resources

πŸ€“ Exercises

You’ll see a script which is a flow for processing text data (includes lemmatisation and removing stop words). This was inspired by previous work we've done for our Understanding Public Discourse on Home Decarbonisation project. Here we're using it to process "synthetic" sustainability and heating forum text data (generated by ChatGPT)!

To run the script use the following command:

python run (this will run the flow with the default parameters).

Learn more about how to change the parameters at the top of the script.

Exercises: Change the existing code by:

  • Adding in the capability of the Metaflow script to process the β€˜title’ column like were processing the β€˜text’ column (feel free to compare the raw and processed data afterwards);
  • Add in AWS batch functionality on the steps where the most computational resources are required;
  • Time how long it takes for the script to run with and without AWS batch (e.g. using time python run to know how long it takes);
  • Experiment with the max-workers and max-num-splits arguments as well as CHUNKSIZE when running the script to see how it affects the time it takes for the script to run;
  • Save the processed data to an S3 bucket within the save data step;
    • Data should be stored in this path: "s3://dsp-tutorials/metaflow/forum_data_category_{self.category}_YourName.csv"
  • Add in a test parameter that gives the script the functionality to only read in the first 100 entries and not saving the processed data when running the pipeline on test mode;
  • Add a bug to one of your steps and run the script (e.g. print a variable that doesn't exist!). After it breaks, fix the issue and re-run with the resume command to see how it works - the flow should not run from the start - instead, it will run from the step it previously broke.