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581 lines (481 loc) · 21.2 KB

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581 lines (481 loc) · 21.2 KB
Number Category Status Author Created
Standards Track
Xu Jiandong <[email protected]>


Omnilock is a lock script designed for interoperability. It comes with built-in support for verification of transaction signing methods used in Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, and Dogecoin. Omnilock is also extensible, so more verification algorithms can be added in future.

Another feature of Omnilock for practitioners is the regulation compliance module which brings interoperability with the traditional world. If enabled, the specified administrator can revoke tokens held by users under circumstances which the administrator deems proper. This part has evolved from the Regulation Compliance Extension (RCE) proposal for xUDT. This feature provides an option that sits at the other side of the asset lock spectrum and lays the foundation of registered assets like Apple stock on CKB. When used together, Omnilock and RCE provide an ERC-1404 equivalence.

Omnilock Script

Lock Script

An Omnilock script has the following structure:

Code hash: Omnilock script code hash
Hash type: Omnilock script hash type
Args: <21 byte auth> <Omnilock args>

There are 2 key fields in args: Omnilock args and auth. The Omnilock args is to control extra checking. It allows different modes to be enabled in the same Omnilock args. The auth is used for authentication. It is generally with pubkey hash in its content.

The Omnilock args can be without mode (with Omnilock flags = 0) while the auth must be present. The functionality of Omnilock script without mode is almost the same as traditional SECP256K1/blake160 lock script. The Omnilock script can be considered as a traditional lock script with additional checking/modes. Different modes can be enabled in different scenarios, depending on requirements.

Omnilock args

The structure of Omnilock args is as follows:

<1 byte Omnilock flags> <32 byte AdminList cell Type ID, optional> <2 bytes minimum ckb/udt in ACP, optional> <8 bytes since for time lock, optional> <32 bytes type script hash for supply, optional>
Name Flags Affected Args Affected Args Size (byte) Affected Witness
administrator mode 0b00000001 AdminList cell Type ID 32 omni_identity/signature in OmniLockWitnessLock
anyone-can-pay mode 0b00000010 minimum ckb/udt in ACP 2 N/A
time-lock mode 0b00000100 since for timelock 8 N/A
supply mode 0b00001000 type script hash for supply 32 N/A

All the modes will be described later.


An authentication (auth) is a 21-byte data structure containing the following components:

<1 byte flag> <20 bytes auth content>

Depending on the value of the flag, the auth content has the following interpretations:

  • 0x0: The auth content represents the blake160 hash of a secp256k1 public key. The lock script will perform secp256k1 signature verification, the same as the SECP256K1/blake160 lock.

  • 0x01~0x05: It follows the same unlocking methods used by PW-lock

  • 0x06: It follows the same unlocking method used by CKB MultiSig with a little modification. When a message is calculated for signing, there is a step to clear witness. In omnilock, it clears the whole field lock in witness. But in CKB MultiSig script, it only clears part of lock in witness. This part is used as signatures followed by multisig_script.

  • 0xFC: The auth content that represents the blake160 hash of a lock script. The lock script will check if the current transaction contains an input cell with a matching lock script. Otherwise, it would return with an error. It's similar to P2SH in BTC.

  • 0xFD: The auth content that represents the blake160 hash of a preimage. The preimage contains exec information that is used to delegate signature verification to another script via exec.

  • 0xFE: The auth content that represents the blake160 hash of a preimage. The preimage contains dynamic linking information that is used to delegate signature verification to the dynamic linking script. The interface described in Swappable Signature Verification Protocol Spec is used here.

Administrator Mode

When "administrator mode" is enabled, <32 byte AdminList cell Type ID> must be present. The AdminList cell contains the type script hash used by a special cell with the same format as RCE Cell. The RCE cell follows a set of rules and contains whitelists and blacklists. These lists can be used in the SMT proofs scenarios.

The RCE cells are organized in tree structure illustrated in the following diagram:

RCE Cells

The diagram above shows the 4 lists in total. The AdminList cell Type ID is pointed to the root of tree and represents 4 lists in order. If the current RCRule uses blacklist, the auth identity in omni_identity (see below) must not be present in the blacklist SMT tree. If the current RCRule uses whitelist, the auth identity in omni_identity must be present in the whitelist SMT tree.

The AdminList cell has the following distinctions compared to RCE Cell:

  • The cell used here contains auth identities, not lock script hashes.

  • If the cell contains an RCRule structure, this structure must be in whitelist mode.

  • If the cell contains an RCCellVec structure, there must be at least one RCRule structure using whitelists in the RCCellVec.

To make this mode more flexible, when no type script hash is found in cell_deps, it continues searching in input cells with the same type script hash. Once a cell is found, it will be used as AdminList Cell.

If the administrator mode flag is on, Anyone-can-pay mode, Time-lock mode and Supply mode flag will be ignored even set. That means both the administrator and the user can unlock the cell, but the administrator is not constrained by timelock. The administrator can only unlock existing cells with Administrator mode on. It's still impossible to bypass supply limitation or mint new tokens at will.

Anyone-can-pay Mode

When anyone-can-pay mode is enabled, <2 bytes minimum ckb/udt in ACP> must be present. It follows the rules of anyone-can-pay lock. The <1 byte CKByte minimum> and <1 byte UDT minimum> are present at the same time.

Time-lock Mode

When time-lock mode is enabled, <8 bytes since for time lock> must be present. The check_since is used. The input parameter since is obtained from <8 bytes since for time lock>.

Supply Mode

When supply mode is enabled, <32 bytes type script hash> must be present. The cell data of info cell which is specified by type script hash has the following data structure:

version (1 byte)
current supply (16 bytes, little endian number)
max supply (16 bytes, little endian number)
sUDT script hash (32 bytes, sUDT type script hash)
... (variable length, other data)

Currently, the version is 0. Only the current supply field can be updated during transactions. The script iterates all input and output cells, accumulating input amounts and output amounts identified by sUDT script hash. Then the script verifies:

<issued amount> = <output amount> - <input amount>
<output current supply> = <issued amount> + <input current supply>


<output current supply> <= <max supply>

All the modes mentioned above can co-exist in Omnilock args in memory layout.

Omnilock Witness

In witness, there is a signature field which is signed from a message. The message can be calculated via blake2b hash function with following data:

  • Transaction hash
  • Witness length and content in same script group covered by inputs, excluding lock field which contains signature
  • Other witness length and content that not covered by inputs

When unlocking an Omnilock, the corresponding witness must be a proper WitnessArgs data structure in molecule format. In the lock field of the WitnessArgs, an OmniLockWitnessLock structure must be present as follows:

import xudt_rce;

array Auth[byte; 21];

table Identity {
    identity: Auth,
    proofs: SmtProofEntryVec,
option IdentityOpt (Identity);

// the data structure used in lock field of witness
table OmniLockWitnessLock {
    signature: BytesOpt,
    omni_identity: IdentityOpt,
    preimage: BytesOpt,

When omni_identity is present, it will be validated whether the provided auth in omni_identity is present in RC AdminList Cell associated with the current lock script via SMT validation rules. In this case, the auth included in omni_identity will be used in further validation.

If omni_identity is missing, the auth included in lock script args will then be used in further validation.

Once the processing above is successfully done and the auth to be used is confirmed, the flag in the designated auth will be checked for the succeeding operations:

  • When the auth flag is 0x0, a signature must be present in OmniLockWitnessLock. We will use the signature for secp256k1 recoverable signature verification. The recovered public key hash using the blake160 algorithm must match the current auth content.

  • When the auth flag is 0xFC, we will check against the current transaction, and there must be an input cell, whose lock script matches the auth content when hashed via blake160.

When signature is present, the signature can be used to unlock the cell in anyone-can-pay mode.

When preimage is present, the auth flag can be 0xFD or 0xFE.

  • When auth flag is 0xFD, the exec method is used. The preimage's memory layout will be as follows:
exec code hash (32 bytes)
exec hash type (1 byte)
place (1 byte)
bounds (8 bytes)
pubkey blake160 hash (20 bytes)

The place and bounds are passed in directly to exec:

int ckb_exec(size_t index, size_t source, size_t place, size_t bounds, int argc, char* argv[]);

The index is located by exec code hash and exec hash type from cell_deps(See usage]. Finally, message, signature, pubkey blake160 hash are encoded into hex strings. Then these hex strings are passed in as argv.

  • When auth flag is 0xFE, the dynamic linking method is used. The preimage's memory layout will be as follows:
dynamic library code hash (32 bytes)
dynamic library hash type (1 byte)
pubkey blake160 hash (20 bytes)

It loads the dynamic linking libraries via code hash and hash type, and gets the entry function named validate_signature. The entry function is expected to have following C API:

int validate_signature(void *prefilled_data, const uint8_t *signature_buffer,
    size_t signature_size, const uint8_t *message_buffer, size_t message_size,
    uint8_t *pubkey_hash, size_t *pubkey_hash_len);

Then the entry function is called to validate the message and signature. The pubkey_hash returned from the entry function is compared with the blake160 hash of the pubkey. If they are the same, then validation succeeds.


Unlock via owner's public key hash

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 0>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via owner's lock script hash

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0xFC> <lock hash: 0x12...34> <Omnilock flags: 0>
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
        Lock: blake160 for this lock script must be 0x12...34
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <EMPTY>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via administrator's public key hash

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> AdminList Cell 1
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 1> <AdminList Cell 1's type ID>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 2>
           identity: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 2>
           proofs: <SMT proofs for the above identity in AdminList Cell 1>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via administrator's lock script hash (1)

Note: the location of AdminList Cell 1 is in cell deps

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> AdminList Cell 1
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 1> <AdminList Cell 1's type ID>
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
        Lock: blake160 for this lock script must be 0x12...34
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <EMPTY>
           identity: <flag: 0xFC> <lock hash: 0x12...34>
           proofs: <SMT proofs for the above identity in AdminList Cell 1>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via administrator's lock script hash (2)

Note: the location of AdminList Cell 1 is in input cell

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell

    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 1> <AdminList Cell 1's type ID>
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
        Lock: blake160 for this lock script must be 0x12...34
    <vec> AdminList Cell 1
        Data: <RCData, union of RCCellVec and RCRule>
        Type: <its hash is same to AdminList Cell 1's type ID>
        Lock: <...>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <EMPTY>
           identity: <flag: 0xFC> <lock hash: 0x12...34>
           proofs: <SMT proofs for the above identity in AdminList Cell 1>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via anyone-can-pay

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 2> <2 bytes minimun ckb/udt in ACP>
    follow anyone-can-pay rules
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <EMPTY>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock via dynamic linking

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0xFE> <preimage hash> <Omnilock flags: 0>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <code hash> <hash type> <pubkey hash 1>

Unlock via exec, using ethereum signature

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0xFD> <preimage hash> <Omnilock flags: 0>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid ethereum signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <code hash> <hash type> <place> <bounds> <pubkey hash 1>

Unlock via owner's public key hash with time lock limit

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <...>
        Type: <...>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 4> <since 1>
    <vec> Any cell
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Unlock with supply mode

    <vec> Omnilock Script Cell
    <vec> sUDT Script Cell
    <vec> Cell
        Data: <version> <current supply, 2,000>  <max supply: 10,000> <sUDT script hash, H1>
        Type: <Type ID script with hash H2>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 8> <type script hash, H2>
    <... one of the input cell must have owner lock script as lock, to mint>

    <vec> Cell
        Data: <version> <current supply, 3,000>  <max supply: 10,000> <sUDT script hash, H1>
        Type: <Type ID script with hash H2>
            code_hash: Omnilock
            args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 8> <type script hash, H2>
    <vec> Minted sUDT Cell
        Data: <amount, 1,000>
        Type: <type script hash, H1>
    WitnessArgs structure:
        signature: <valid secp256k1 signature for pubkey hash 1>
        omni_identity: <EMPTY>
        preimage: <EMPTY>

Note, Here we combine Omnilock(lock script) and Type ID script(type script) into one cell.

Type: <Type ID script with hash H2>
    code_hash: Omnilock
    args: <flag: 0x0> <pubkey hash 1> <Omnilock flags: 8> <type script hash, H2>

They can be in different cells.


An implementation of the Omnilock spec above has been deployed to Mirana CKB mainnet and Pudge testnet:

  • Mirana
parameter value
code_hash 0x9b819793a64463aed77c615d6cb226eea5487ccfc0783043a587254cda2b6f26
hash_type type
tx_hash 0xdfdb40f5d229536915f2d5403c66047e162e25dedd70a79ef5164356e1facdc8
index 0x0
dep_type code
  • Pudge
parameter value
code_hash 0xf329effd1c475a2978453c8600e1eaf0bc2087ee093c3ee64cc96ec6847752cb
hash_type type
tx_hash 0x27b62d8be8ed80b9f56ee0fe41355becdb6f6a40aeba82d3900434f43b1c8b60
index 0x0
dep_type code

Reproducible build is supported to verify the deploy script. To build the deployed the script above, one can use the following steps:

$ git clone
$ cd ckb-production-scripts
$ git checkout 716433e2eb6fb862acbe8d858ab7f294d894faf5
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ make all-via-docker

A draft of this specification has already been released, reviewed, and discussed in the community at here for quite some time.