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File metadata and controls

136 lines (95 loc) · 5.39 KB

Contributing to Nerves Metal Detector

Contributions in the form of adding new vendors, products and product update items (vendor-item relation) are greatly welcome.

Of course, creating issues to hint at vendors, products and which products are listed on specific vendors but not part of our listing yet are also always welcome. Please look at the existing issues to see if a related issue already exists.

This document will focus on how to add new vendors, products and product update items.

Adding a new Vendor

Each vendor has its own file in lib/nerves_metal_detector/vendors with the naming scheme {name}_{country}.ex, e.g. berry_base_de.ex.

The structure of such a file looks like this:

# example_vendor_de.ex
defmodule NervesMetalDetector.Vendors.ExampleVendorDe do
  alias NervesMetalDetector.Vendors.Vendor

  @behaviour Vendor

  @impl Vendor
  def vendor_info() do
      id: "examplevendorde",
      name: "Example Vendor",
      country: :de,
      homepage: ""

  defmodule ProductUpdate do
    @enforce_keys [:url, :sku]
    defstruct [:url, :sku]

defimpl NervesMetalDetector.Inventory.ProductAvailability.Fetcher,
  for: NervesMetalDetector.Vendors.ExampleVendorDe.ProductUpdate do
  alias NervesMetalDetector.Vendors.ExampleVendorDe

  def fetch_availability(%ExampleVendorDe.ProductUpdate{url: url, sku: sku}) do
    # fetching product info
      sku: sku,
      vendor: ExampleVendorDe.vendor_info().id,
      url: "...",
      in_stock: false,
      items_in_stock: nil,
      price:!(String.to_atom("..."), "...")

The main module of this file is the specific vendor module that implements the Vendor behaviour.

The Vendor behaviour defines a vendor_info function that returns a Vendor struct. Its fields should be pretty self-explanatory. The id field convention is to use the file name without underscores.

Nested inside the specific vendor module is the ProductUpdate struct. The name ProductUpdate and the fields :url and :sku are by convention. Additional fields can be added, if they are required for the product update functionality.

The second part of the file is the implementation of the Inventory.ProductAvailability.Fetcher protocol for the vendor specific ProductUpdate struct.

Its only function is the fetch_availability/1 function to fetch the availability of a given product.

A few things to note:

  • sku - Should be used from the ProductUpdate struct because the vendors SKUs are unlikely the same as ours
  • url - Should be parsed from the product page and not just simply be the value from the ProductUpdate struct
  • items_in_stock Should be nil if unknown or not in stock
  • price Needs to be a Money struct

Fetching the required info is usually done via web scraping using HTTPoison and Floki.

A good starting point is to copy an existing vendor file.

  • Vendors.BerryBaseDe is a good example of parsing the information from <meta itemprop="..." content="..." /> elements
  • Vendors.AdafruitUs and Vendors.PimoroniUk are good examples of parsing the information from JSON strings inside <script type="application/ld+json"> elements

Important: Once done, the new vendor needs to be added to the list in NervesMetalDetector.Vendors.

Adding a new Product

Products are defined in lib/nerves_metal_detector/inventory/data/products inside collection modules.

An existing collection module is Rpi which contains Raspberry Pi SBCs. There could be a BeagleBone collection for all BeagleBone SBCs or a PiJuice collection for all PiJuice hats and batteries. The collections are mainly used for organisational purpose and don't follow strict rules.

A collection only has an all/0 function which returns a list of Inventory.Product structs.

A few things to note about Inventory.Product items:

  • sku - Finding out the "proper" SKU can be difficult as almost all stores use different ones. It's best to look directly at the manufacturer website.
  • ìmage - Can be ignored for now

Important: If a new collection was created, it needs to be added to the list in Inventory.Data.Products.

Adding new Product Update Items

Each vendor has a collection of its specific ProductUpdate structs in lib/nerves_metal_detector/inventory/data/product_update_items.

Usually, they just need an sku which needs to match the sku of a known product, and an url that points to the product page.

Important: If a new collection was created, it needs to be added to the mapping in Inventory.Data.ProductUpdateItems.

Adding new Vendors and Products from RpiLocator

All products from are already defined.

For adding missing vendors, please look at the guide above.

Creating the product update items list for a vendor is made easy using the /dev/rpilocator page when the project is run locally in the dev environment. Simply select the RpiLocator vendor and press "Update". It will fetch all vendor specific items and generate a list of ProductUpdate structs that can be pasted into the collection if the collection follows the same structure as the existing ones.

For better organisation, please structure the list in the same way as the existing ones where the items are separated into different product groups like RPi 3, RPi 4, RPi CM4.

Also, please remove any additional query params that were added by RpiLocator.