JDK 17 and Maven is required. Please run to test and package the project:
./mvnw verify
There’s a fast
profile that will skip all the tests and validations:
./mvnw -Dfast package
If the cluster integration test is flaky or does not work at all in your build, you can skip it like this without skipping any other integration tests:
./mvnw -DskipClusterIT verify
When you add new files, you can run
./mvnw license:format
to add required headers automatically.
We use spring-javaformat to format the source files.
./mvnw spring-javaformat:apply
The Spring Developers write: "The source formatter does not fundamentally change your code. For example, it will not change the order of import statements. It is effectively limited to adding or removing whitespace and line feeds."
This means the following checkstyle check might still fail.
Some common errors:
Static imports, import javax. and java. before others
Static imports are helpful, yes, but when working with 2 builders in the same project (here jOOQ and Cypher-DSL), they can be quite confusing. |
There are plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA and the Checkstyle settings can be imported as well. We took those "as is" and just disabled the lambda check (requiring even single parameters to have parenthesis).
Public classes do require an author tag.
Please add yourself as an @author
to the .java
files you added or that modified substantially (more than cosmetic changes).
Neo4j-JDBC logs via Java Util Logging (JUL). A sensible configuration for debugging translated statements could look like this:
java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format = [%1$tFT%1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS] %5$s%n
This can be used for example with IntelliJs diagnostics. For that to work, you need to disable class-path isolation in IntelliJ or DataGrip, though.
Standalone runner (Java 17 required):
./mvnw -Dfast -am -pl benchkit clean package
TEST_NEO4J_HOST=localhost TEST_NEO4J_PASS=verysecret java -jar benchkit/target/neo4j-jdbc-benchkit-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Built a Benchkit compliant Docker as follows.
docker build . -f benchkit/Dockerfile --tag neo4j/neo4j-jdbc-benchkit-backend
docker run --publish=9000:9000 \
-e TEST_NEO4J_HOST=host.docker.internal \
-e TEST_NEO4J_PASS=verysecret neo4j/neo4j-jdbc-benchkit-backend
Pick your poison, in both scenarios the following request should work (assuming you have a Neo4j running on your local machine with the given credentials):
curl -X PUT --location "http://localhost:9000/workload" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"method": "executeQuery",
"database": "",
"routing": "write",
"mode": "sequentialSessions",
"queries": [
"text": "UNWIND $titles AS title CREATE (n:Movie {title: title}) RETURN n",
"parameters": {
"titles": [
"Terminator ",
"Terminator 2"
"text": "UNWIND range(1,10000) AS i CREATE (n:F {i: i}) RETURN n"
Package private by default, no "impl" packages and the like if avoidable. Public classes must be final unless explicitly designed as SPI.
Please use conventional commits when possible: Conventional Commits. Two live examples: cypher-dsl and neo4j-migrations.
The docs are written with AsciiDoctor inside the docs
The module is build with Maven.
The package
goal will process all asciidoc files and bundle them up both as generated site and as an Antora-ready zip archive, ready to be included somewhere else.
./mvnw -Dfast clean package -pl docs -am
On JDK21 you can bring up a web-server like this to view the documentation on localhost:8000
jwebserver -d `pwd`/docs/target/generated-docs/
To preview the Antora docs you can run this after the above Maven build succeeds. The Maven build is necessary so that the version numbers and other references in the source files are processed proper:
npm --prefix etc/antora i
npm --prefix etc/antora run preview
The build also provides a zipped version of the Antora module alone, ready to be pushed into another repo under docs/target/jdbc-manual.zip
JDBC Basics (JDK 8 based, still useful though)