- manage shared dependencies version central in root gradle
- reduced libs - split uiauomator / support / appcompat / espresso intents in own modules/libs
- JavaDoc - Elements / Mocks / Tools
- Package "internal" - Actions / Assertions / Matcher (not intended for public usage)
- error handler - for default assertions (current failure handler only called when using onView checks)
- contribute - avoid issues with git (read git tag only if necessary)
- provided com.android.support dependencies - avoid exclude them, so it use project under test versions
- All Elements - ensure for mostly all actions and checks, that the view is currently shown on screen
- EspListDialog - dialog with button list
- EspDateTimePicker - select date time
- EspWebView - basic elements for web view tests with espresso
- EspTextView - autocomplete checks and actions
- EspActionBar - click menu items / overflow menu / action mode / search
- EspToolbar - mostly same like actionbar
- EspRecyclerView - same like list
- EspSpinner - choose option / assertions
- EspViewPager - switch page / assertions visible fragment
- EspPermissionsTool - ensure permissions for multiple permissions group (more than one dialog)
- EspPermissionsTool - try getContext instead of getTargetContext (hope most permissions must only specified in test AndroidManifest.xml)
- Mocks with static methods
- lowest supported android version - changed from v8 to v9 because of support libraries since 24.2.0