Create tool for generating all necessary database files.
- Table classes with constants
- ContentProvider implementation
- CursorWrapper
- Hook for database updates
- and many more ...
Current there is an important bug with joins and ids BoD/android-contentprovider-generator#86. To avoid this issue you can give a specific projection.
private final String[] ALL_JOINED_COLUMNS = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(
// multi join example
private final String[] ALL_JOINED_COLUMNS = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(
The ArrayUtils comes with compile 'commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6'
Add the following snippet to your build.gradle file:
// this block must be above the first plugin line
plugins {
id "" version "1.2"
// this block can be at the end of the build.gradle or in a separate file
def dbSchemaPath = "src/main/json/database/schema"
def dbClassesPath = "src/gen/java" += dbClassesPath += "src/main/json"
task generateDatabaseFiles << {
def generatorVersion = "1.9.2"
# download android contentprovider generator
if (!file("$buildDir/android_contentprovider_generator-${generatorVersion}-bundle.jar").exists()) {
download {
src "${generatorVersion}/android_contentprovider_generator-${generatorVersion}-bundle.jar"
dest buildDir
# delete last generated files
# execute the generator
exec {
executable "java"
args = ["-jar", "$buildDir/android_contentprovider_generator-${generatorVersion}-bundle.jar", "-i", dbSchemaPath, "-o", dbClassesPath]
This snippet add the new task generateDatabaseFiles to you gradle tasks. This new Task reads the schema files from $dbSchemaPath and write them to $dbClassesPath.
After the generation you will get a hint how to register your new database provider at AndroidManifest.xml
android:exported="false" />
public class ExampleDbProvider extends ExampleProvider {
By default this class would not be overwritten but with some custom changes to the generation process it does. Best is to move it to src/main/java instead of src/gen/java within the same package to keep custom callback implementations. After each you must delete