This extension imports records from EXT:tt_news to EXT:news with support for multiple 3rd party extensions which enhance tt_news.
- TYPO3 CMS >= 6.2
- Ext:news >= 3.0
GPL v2
The records tt_news are migrated to tx_news_domain_model_news and tt_news_cat to sys_category.
The following 3rd party extensions are supported during the migration and are not needed anymore:
- DAM: The dam records are migrated using the new FAL API.
- jg_youtubeinnews: YouTube links are migrated to EXT:news media elements
- tl_news_linktext: Related links are migrated to ext:news link elements
- EXT:mbl_newsevent are migrated to the available fields of EXT:roq_newsevent (News event extension for EXT:news)
- After installing the extension, switch to the module "News Import".
- Select the wizard you need and press Start.
You can migrate the plugins of tt_news to news by using the command line.
Be aware that not all options are migrated. Supported are:
- what_to_display
- listOrderBy (except: archivedate, author, type, random)
- ascDesc
- categoryMode
- categorySelection
- useSubCategories
- archive
- imageMaxWidth
- imageMaxHeight
- listLimit
- noPageBrowser
- croppingLenght
- PIDitemDisplay
- backPid
- pages
- recursive
not supported:
- croppingLenghtOptionSplit
- firstImageIsPreview
- forceFirstImageIsPreview
- myTS
- template_file
- altLayoutsOptionSplit
- maxWordsInSingleView
- catImageMode
- catImageMaxWidth
- catImageMaxHeight
- maxCatImages
- catTextMode
- maxCatTexts
- alternatingLayouts
Important: Run the plugin migration after the record migration!
# Gives you some information about how many plugins are still to be migrated
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:check
# Creates the plugins for *EXT:news* by creating a new record below the plugin of *EXT:tt_news*.
# This makes it possible for you to cross check the migration and adapt the plugins.
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:run
# Hide the old tt_news plugins.
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:removeOldPlugins
# Deletes the old tt_news plugins.
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase ttnewspluginmigrate:removeOldPlugins delete=1