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Oracle Open World 2019 - HOL 5312

Deploy WebLogic domain

Preparing the Kubernetes cluster to run WebLogic domains

Every WebLogic Domain controlled by operator needs to be created in own separate kubernetes namespace. You have to create this namespace now (again don't forget to replace proper text with USER ID given by instructor).:

kubectl create namespace sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>

WebLogic Operator integrates kubernetes secrets with WLS image and overrides default admin username/password (that are stored in the image) with the secret values stored inside kubernetes. So you need to create a Kubernetes secret containing the Administration Server boot credentials. You may replace in the sample below password "welcome1" with any other but when you in the future try to login to console please don't forget which password you have used:

kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID> create secret generic sample-domain1-weblogic-credentials \
  --from-literal=username=weblogic \

Update WebLogic Operator configuration

Once you have your domain namespace (WebLogic domain not yet deployed) you have to update operator's configuration about the location where the domain will be deployed. The operator must know what namespaces to monitor to look for Customer Resource Object. So You need to update the deployed operator by proper helm command.

Make sure before execute domain helm install you are in the WebLogic Operator's local Git repository folder.

cd /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/

To update operator execute the following helm upgrade command:

helm upgrade \
  --reuse-values \
  --set "domainNamespaces={sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>}" \
  --wait \
  sample-weblogic-operator-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID> \

Deploy WebLogic domain on Kubernetes

To deploy WebLogic domain you need to create a domain custome resource definition which contains the necessary parameters for the operator to start the WebLogic domain properly.

We provided for you domain.yaml file that contains yaml representation of the custom resoirce object. Please copy it locally

curl -LSs >/u01/domain.yaml

Please open it with your favorite editor and replace the fragment of "PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID" with your USER ID. The easiest way of editing is through following command:

gedit /u01/domain.yaml &

Cerate Domain custom resource object by applying the following command:

kubectl apply -f /u01/domain.yaml

Check the introspector job which needs to be run first:

$ kubectl get pod -n sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>
NAME                                         READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
sample-domain1-introspect-domain-job-kcn4n   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          7s

Check periodically the pods in the domain namespace and soon you will see the servers are starting:

$ kubectl get po -n sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID> -o wide
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE            NOMINATED NODE
sample-domain1-admin-server      1/1       Running   0          2m    <none>
sample-domain1-managed-server1   1/1       Running   0          1m    <none>
sample-domain1-managed-server2   0/1       Running   0          1m   <none>

You have to see three running pods similar to the result above. If you don't see all the running pods please wait and check periodically. The whole domain deployment may take up to 2-3 minutes.

In order to access any application or admin console deployed on WebLogic you have to configure Traefik ingress (we installed this in advance however you need to configure routing rules).

Below you configure path routing which will route the external traffic through Traefik to domain cluster address or admin server's console.

Execute the following ingress resource definition:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: traefik-pathrouting-1
  namespace: sample-domain1-ns-<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>
  annotations: traefik
      - path: /
          serviceName: sample-domain1-cluster-cluster-1
          servicePort: 8001
      - path: /console
          serviceName: sample-domain1-admin-server
          servicePort: 7001          

Please note the two backends and the namespace, serviceName, servicePort definitions. The first backend is the domain cluster service to reach the application at the root context path. The second is for the admin console which is a different service.

As all participants of that HOL are using the same Load Balancer with the same IP we decided that the routing to the proper namespace (WLS Domain) will happen based on the hostname string in the URL. This is why the rule for routing above contains the parameter "host". Every participant will use own hostname. You need to define entry in /etc/hosts file with proper virtual hostname. To do so first you need collect IP assigned to Traefik service (Ingress type of LB) . Please execute the following command to get the public IP address:

$ kubectl describe svc traefik-operator --namespace traefik | grep Ingress | awk '{print $3}'

The result should display the IP of the Public Load Balancer (IP below is just an example)

Please edit /etc/hosts

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

and add the following line  cluster<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>.oow

where the first argument is the IP of Traefik service.

Then access console by typing: http://cluster<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>.oow/console

Enter admin user credentials (weblogic/welcome1) and click Login

!Please note in this use case the use of Administration Console is just for demo/test purposes because domain configuration persisted in pod which means after the restart the original values (baked into the image) will be used again.

Test the demo Web Application

The URL pattern of the sample application is the following:

http://cluster<PLEASE REPLACE THIS PART WITH YOUR USER ID>.oow/opdemo/?dsname=testDatasource

Refresh the page and notice the hostname changes. It reflects the managed server's name which responds to the request. You should see the load balancing between the two managed servers.

You may move to the next module of the tutorial - Scaling WebLogic Cluster.