From ced47da8c776b3d2a682f00bf4b583a9556dafbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nadia Polikarpova
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 11:32:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] update page
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diff --git a/docs/lectures/07-classes.html b/docs/lectures/07-classes.html
index d80b904..682bab9 100644
--- a/docs/lectures/07-classes.html
+++ b/docs/lectures/07-classes.html
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ Constraint Propagation
that ensures the keys are in increasing order
@@ -1062,262 +1062,93 @@ Creating Typeclasses
-JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is a simple format for
-transferring data around. Here is an example:
-{ "name" : "Nadia"
-, "age" : 39.0
-, "likes" : [ "poke", "tea", "pasta" ]
-, "hates" : [ "beets" , "milk" ]
-, "lunches" : [ {"day" : "mon", "loc" : "fan fan"}
- , {"day" : "tue", "loc" : "home"}
- , {"day" : "wed", "loc" : "curry up now"}
- , {"day" : "thu", "loc" : "home"}
- , {"day" : "fri", "loc" : "rubios"} ]
-Each JSON value is either
-a base value like a string, a number or a boolean,
-an (ordered) array of values, or
-an object, i.e. a set of string-value pairs.
+Dictionary with Default Values
+Recall that our get
function throws an error when the key is not found:
+get key Empty = error "key not found"
+get key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key == oldK = v
+ | key < oldK = error "key not found"
+ | otherwise = get key rest
-A JSON Datatype
-We can represent (a subset of) JSON values with the Haskell datatype
-data JVal
- = JStr String
- | JNum Double
- | JBool Bool
- | JObj [(String, JVal)]
- | JArr [JVal]
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-The above JSON value would be represented by the JVal
-js1 =
- JObj [("name", JStr "Nadia")
- ,("age", JNum 38.0)
- ,("likes", JArr [ JStr "poke", JStr "coffee", JStr "pasta"])
- ,("hates", JArr [ JStr "beets", JStr "milk"])
- ,("lunches", JArr [ JObj [("day", JStr "mon")
- ,("loc", JStr "fan fan")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "tue")
- ,("loc", JStr "home")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "wed")
- ,("loc", JStr "curry up now")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "thu")
- ,("loc", JStr "home")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "fri")
- ,("loc", JStr "rubios")]
- ])
- ]
-Serializing Haskell Values to JSON
-Lets write a small library to serialize Haskell values as JSON
-- Base types
, Double
, Bool
are serialized as base JSON values
-- Lists are serialized into JSON arrays
-- Lists of key-value pairs are serialized into JSON objects
+Let’s modify our implementation of fast dictionaries
+so that get
returns a default value instead:
+λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty)))
+λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 Empty))
-We could write a bunch of functions like
-doubleToJSON :: Double -> JVal
-doubleToJSON = JNum
-stringToJSON :: String -> JVal
-stringToJSON = JStr
-boolToJSON :: Bool -> JVal
-boolToJSON = JBool
+How can we achieve this?
+Option 1: add an argument to get
+get def key Empty = def
+get def key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = def
+ | ...
+But then the client has to do:
+λ> let dict = add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty))
+λ> get "" 2 dict
+-- Need to pass in an extra argument every time! annoying!
+λ> get "" 5 dict
-Serializing Lists
-But what about collections, namely lists of things?
-doublesToJSON :: [Double] -> JVal
-doublesToJSON xs = JArr (map doubleToJSON xs)
-boolsToJSON :: [Bool] -> JVal
-boolsToJSON xs = JArr (map boolToJSON xs)
-stringsToJSON :: [String] -> JVal
-stringsToJSON xs = JArr (map stringToJSON xs)
+Option 2: store the default value in the dictionary
+data Dict k v
+ = Empty v -- store the default value here
+ | Bind k v (Dict k v) v -- and maybe also here
-This is getting rather tedious
-Serializing Collections (refactored with HOFs)
-You could abstract by making the element-converter a parameter
-listToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [a] -> JVal
-listToJSON f xs = JArr (map f xs)
-mapToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [(String, a)] -> JVal
-mapToJSON f kvs = JObj [ (k, f v) | (k, v) <- kvs ]
-But this is still rather tedious as you have to pass
-in the individual data converter (yuck)
-λ> doubleToJSON 4
-JNum 4.0
+Type Classes to the Rescue!
+Would it be too much to ask for a magical defValue
+get def key Empty = defValue
+get def key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = defValue
+ | ...
+… which has different values depending on the type of v
+λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty)))
+"" -- default value for strings
-λ> listToJSON stringToJSON ["poke", "coffee", "pasta"]
-JArr [JStr "poke",JStr "coffee",JStr "pasta"]
-λ> mapToJSON stringToJSON [("day", "mon"), ("loc", "fan fan")]
-JObj [("day",JStr "mon"),("loc",JStr "fan fan")]
-This gets more hideous when you have richer objects like
-lunches = [ [("day", "mon"), ("loc", "fan fan")]
- , [("day", "tue"), ("loc", "home")]
- ]
-because we have to go through gymnastics like
-λ> listToJSON (mapToJSON stringToJSON) lunches
-JArr [ JObj [("day",JStr "monday") ,("loc",JStr "fan fan")]
- , JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday") ,("loc",JStr "home")]
- ]
-Yikes. So much for readability
-Is it too much to ask for a magical toJSON
that just works?
+λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 Empty))
+0.0 -- default value for floats
-Typeclasses To The Rescue
-Lets define a typeclass that describes types a
that can be converted to JSON.
-class JSON a where
- toJSON :: a -> JVal
-Now, just make all the above instances of JSON
like so
-instance JSON Double where
- toJSON = JNum
-instance JSON Bool where
- toJSON = JBool
-instance JSON String where
- toJSON = JStr
-This lets us uniformly write
-λ> toJSON 4
-JNum 4.0
-λ> toJSON True
-JBool True
-λ> toJSON "guacamole"
-JStr "guacamole"
-Bootstrapping Instances
-The real fun begins when we get Haskell to automatically
-bootstrap the above functions to work for lists and key-value lists!
-instance JSON a => JSON [a] where
- toJSON xs = JArr [toJSON x | x <- xs]
-The above says, if a
is an instance of JSON
, that is,
-if you can convert a
to JVal
then here’s a generic
-recipe to convert lists of a
-λ> toJSON [True, False, True]
-JArr [JBln True, JBln False, JBln True]
-λ> toJSON ["cat", "dog", "Mouse"]
-JArr [JStr "cat", JStr "dog", JStr "Mouse"]
-or even lists-of-lists!
-λ> toJSON [["cat", "dog"], ["mouse", "rabbit"]]
-JArr [JArr [JStr "cat",JStr "dog"],JArr [JStr "mouse",JStr "rabbit"]]
-We can pull the same trick with key-value lists
-instance (JSON a) => JSON [(String, a)] where
- toJSON kvs = JObj [ (k, toJSON v) | (k, v) <- kvs ]
-after which, we are all set!
-λ> toJSON lunches
-JArr [ JObj [ ("day",JStr "monday"), ("loc",JStr "zanzibar")]
- , JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday"), ("loc",JStr "farmers market")]
- ]
-It is also useful to bootstrap the serialization for tuples (upto some
-fixed size) so we can easily write “non-uniform” JSON objects where keys
-are bound to values with different shapes.
-instance (JSON a, JSON b) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3), (k4, toJSON v4)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d, JSON e) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d), (String, e)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4), (k5, v5)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3), (k4, toJSON v4), (k5, toJSON v5)]
-Now, we can simply write
-hs = (("name" , "Nadia")
- ,("age" , 38.0)
- ,("likes" , ["poke", "coffee", "pasta"])
- ,("hates" , ["beets", "milk"])
- ,("lunches", lunches)
- )
-which is a Haskell value that describes our running JSON example,
-and can convert it directly like so
+That’s what type classes are for!
+-- (<) is a magical function
+-- with different implementations depending on the argument type:
+λ> 1 < 2
+λ> "cat" < "dog"
-EXERCISE: Dictionary with Default Values
-Modify our implementation of fast dictionaries
-so that get
returns a default value if the key is not found.
-You should get the following behavior:
--- Note: the default value is NOT passed into `get`
-λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" empty)))
-λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 empty))
+Type Class for Default Values
+class Default a where
+ defValue :: a
+Now we need to tell get
that v
has a default value:
+get :: (Ord k, Default v) => k -> Dict k v -> v
+get key Empty = defValue -- uses the method of the Default class!
+get key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = defValue
+ | key == oldK = v
+ | otherwise = get key rest
+Finally, we need to define instances of Default
for different value types:
+instance Default Int where
+ defValue = 0
+instance Default [a] where
+ defValue = []
@@ -1330,9 +1161,6 @@
EXERCISE: Dictionary with Defau
That’s all folks!
diff --git a/lectures/ b/lectures/
index be92f9c..b659ec5 100644
--- a/lectures/
+++ b/lectures/
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ How, did GHC figure this out?
-## TRY AT HOME: A Faster Dictionary
+## EXERCISE: A Faster Dictionary
Write an optimized version of
@@ -1124,370 +1124,146 @@ Lets conclude today's class with a quick example that provides a taste.
-## JSON
-*JavaScript Object Notation* or [JSON]( is a simple format for
-transferring data around. Here is an example:
-{ "name" : "Nadia"
-, "age" : 39.0
-, "likes" : [ "poke", "tea", "pasta" ]
-, "hates" : [ "beets" , "milk" ]
-, "lunches" : [ {"day" : "mon", "loc" : "fan fan"}
- , {"day" : "tue", "loc" : "home"}
- , {"day" : "wed", "loc" : "curry up now"}
- , {"day" : "thu", "loc" : "home"}
- , {"day" : "fri", "loc" : "rubios"} ]
-Each JSON value is either
-- a *base* value like a string, a number or a boolean,
-- an (ordered) *array* of values, or
-- an *object*, i.e. a set of *string-value* pairs.
-## A JSON Datatype
-We can represent (a subset of) JSON values with the Haskell datatype
-data JVal
- = JStr String
- | JNum Double
- | JBool Bool
- | JObj [(String, JVal)]
- | JArr [JVal]
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+## Dictionary with Default Values
-The above JSON value would be represented by the `JVal`
+Recall that our `get` function throws an error when the key is not found:
-js1 =
- JObj [("name", JStr "Nadia")
- ,("age", JNum 38.0)
- ,("likes", JArr [ JStr "poke", JStr "coffee", JStr "pasta"])
- ,("hates", JArr [ JStr "beets", JStr "milk"])
- ,("lunches", JArr [ JObj [("day", JStr "mon")
- ,("loc", JStr "fan fan")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "tue")
- ,("loc", JStr "home")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "wed")
- ,("loc", JStr "curry up now")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "thu")
- ,("loc", JStr "home")]
- , JObj [("day", JStr "fri")
- ,("loc", JStr "rubios")]
- ])
- ]
+get key Empty = error "key not found"
+get key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key == oldK = v
+ | key < oldK = error "key not found"
+ | otherwise = get key rest
-## Serializing Haskell Values to JSON
-Lets write a small library to _serialize_ Haskell values as JSON
- - Base types `String`, `Double`, `Bool` are serialized as base JSON values
- - Lists are serialized into JSON arrays
- - Lists of key-value pairs are serialized into JSON objects
+Let's modify our implementation of fast dictionaries
+so that `get` returns a default value instead:
-We could write a bunch of functions like
-doubleToJSON :: Double -> JVal
-doubleToJSON = JNum
-stringToJSON :: String -> JVal
-stringToJSON = JStr
+λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty)))
-boolToJSON :: Bool -> JVal
-boolToJSON = JBool
+λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 Empty))
-## Serializing Lists
+How can we achieve this?
-But what about collections, namely _lists_ of things?
+### Option 1: add an argument to `get`
-doublesToJSON :: [Double] -> JVal
-doublesToJSON xs = JArr (map doubleToJSON xs)
-boolsToJSON :: [Bool] -> JVal
-boolsToJSON xs = JArr (map boolToJSON xs)
-stringsToJSON :: [String] -> JVal
-stringsToJSON xs = JArr (map stringToJSON xs)
+get def key Empty = def
+get def key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = def
+ | ...
-This is **getting rather tedious**
-- Lots of repetition :(
-## Serializing Collections (refactored with HOFs)
-You could abstract by making the *element-converter* a parameter
+But then the client has to do:
-listToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [a] -> JVal
-listToJSON f xs = JArr (map f xs)
-mapToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [(String, a)] -> JVal
-mapToJSON f kvs = JObj [ (k, f v) | (k, v) <- kvs ]
+λ> let dict = add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty))
+λ> get "" 2 dict
+-- Need to pass in an extra argument every time! annoying!
+λ> get "" 5 dict
-But this is *still rather tedious* as you have to pass
-in the individual data converter (yuck)
-λ> doubleToJSON 4
-JNum 4.0
-λ> listToJSON stringToJSON ["poke", "coffee", "pasta"]
-JArr [JStr "poke",JStr "coffee",JStr "pasta"]
-λ> mapToJSON stringToJSON [("day", "mon"), ("loc", "fan fan")]
-JObj [("day",JStr "mon"),("loc",JStr "fan fan")]
-This gets more hideous when you have richer objects like
-lunches = [ [("day", "mon"), ("loc", "fan fan")]
- , [("day", "tue"), ("loc", "home")]
- ]
-because we have to go through gymnastics like
+### Option 2: store the default value in the dictionary
-λ> listToJSON (mapToJSON stringToJSON) lunches
-JArr [ JObj [("day",JStr "monday") ,("loc",JStr "fan fan")]
- , JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday") ,("loc",JStr "home")]
- ]
+data Dict k v
+ = Empty v -- store the default value here
+ | Bind k v (Dict k v) v -- and maybe also here
-Yikes. So much for _readability_
-Is it too much to ask for a magical `toJSON` that _just works?_
-## Typeclasses To The Rescue
+### Type Classes to the Rescue!
-Lets _define_ a typeclass that describes types `a` that can be converted to JSON.
+Would it be too much to ask for a magical `defValue`...
-class JSON a where
- toJSON :: a -> JVal
+get def key Empty = defValue
+get def key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = defValue
+ | ...
-Now, just make all the above instances of `JSON` like so
+... which has different values depending on the type of `v`?
-instance JSON Double where
- toJSON = JNum
+λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" Empty)))
+"" -- default value for strings
-instance JSON Bool where
- toJSON = JBool
-instance JSON String where
- toJSON = JStr
+λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 Empty))
+0.0 -- default value for floats
-This lets us uniformly write
-λ> toJSON 4
-JNum 4.0
-λ> toJSON True
-JBool True
-λ> toJSON "guacamole"
-JStr "guacamole"
-## Bootstrapping Instances
-The real fun begins when we get Haskell to automatically
-bootstrap the above functions to work for lists and key-value lists!
-instance JSON a => JSON [a] where
- toJSON xs = JArr [toJSON x | x <- xs]
-The above says, if `a` is an instance of `JSON`, that is,
-if you can convert `a` to `JVal` then here's a generic
-recipe to convert lists of `a` values!
-λ> toJSON [True, False, True]
-JArr [JBln True, JBln False, JBln True]
-λ> toJSON ["cat", "dog", "Mouse"]
-JArr [JStr "cat", JStr "dog", JStr "Mouse"]
-or even lists-of-lists!
-λ> toJSON [["cat", "dog"], ["mouse", "rabbit"]]
-JArr [JArr [JStr "cat",JStr "dog"],JArr [JStr "mouse",JStr "rabbit"]]
-We can pull the same trick with key-value lists
+That's what type classes are for!
-instance (JSON a) => JSON [(String, a)] where
- toJSON kvs = JObj [ (k, toJSON v) | (k, v) <- kvs ]
-after which, we are all set!
+-- (<) is a magical function
+-- with different implementations depending on the argument type:
+λ> 1 < 2
-λ> toJSON lunches
-JArr [ JObj [ ("day",JStr "monday"), ("loc",JStr "zanzibar")]
- , JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday"), ("loc",JStr "farmers market")]
- ]
+λ> "cat" < "dog"
-It is also useful to bootstrap the serialization for tuples (upto some
-fixed size) so we can easily write "non-uniform" JSON objects where keys
-are bound to values with different shapes.
-instance (JSON a, JSON b) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3), (k4, toJSON v4)]
-instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d, JSON e) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d), (String, e)) where
- toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4), (k5, v5)) =
- JObj [(k1, toJSON v1), (k2, toJSON v2), (k3, toJSON v3), (k4, toJSON v4), (k5, toJSON v5)]
-Now, we can simply write
+## Type Class for Default Values
-hs = (("name" , "Nadia")
- ,("age" , 38.0)
- ,("likes" , ["poke", "coffee", "pasta"])
- ,("hates" , ["beets", "milk"])
- ,("lunches", lunches)
- )
+class Default a where
+ defValue :: a
-which is a Haskell value that describes our running JSON example,
-and can convert it directly like so
+Now we need to tell `get` that `v` has a default value:
-js2 = toJSON hs
+get :: (Ord k, Default v) => k -> Dict k v -> v
+get key Empty = defValue -- uses the method of the Default class!
+get key (Bind oldK v rest)
+ | key < oldK = defValue
+ | key == oldK = v
+ | otherwise = get key rest
-## EXERCISE: Dictionary with Default Values
-Modify our implementation of fast dictionaries
-so that `get` returns a default value if the key is not found.
+Finally, we need to define instances of `Default` for different value types:
-You should get the following behavior:
--- Note: the default value is NOT passed into `get`
-λ> get 2 (add 5 "five" (add 10 "ten" (add 3 "three" empty)))
+instance Default Int where
+ defValue = 0
-λ> get "horse" (add "cat" 10.0 (add "dog" 20.1 empty))
+instance Default [a] where
+ defValue = []
@@ -1503,9 +1279,6 @@ You should get the following behavior:
That's all folks!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lectures/ b/lectures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1bc8b..0000000
--- a/lectures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-title: How to run Ocaml in the Lab machines
-headerImg: books.jpg
-## Entering the Ocaml Shell
-You need to type `prep cs130s` before you can run `Ocaml`.
-Here is a sample session.
-$ prep cs130s
-$ ocaml
- OCaml version 4.02.3
-# 2 + 3;;
-- : int = 5
-# Printf.printf "Hello, %s \n" "world" ;;
-Hello, world
-- : unit = ()
-If you run `Ocaml` on your _own_ machine, then do
-$ rlwrap ocaml
-The `rlwrap` is **optional** but rather nice as it lets you
-hit the up/down cursors to go to your old commands (to avoid
-typing them out again.) We have used `alias` so you don't have
-to type it out on `ieng6`.
-## Loading Files
-#use "";;
-to `load` the file ``.
-This has the same effect as
-typing out the file at the
-prompt, but its usually more
-convenient to type and edit
-the file with Vim/Emacs/Atom
-and load it in like this.
-(A more convenient option is
-the OCaml-mode for Emacs.)
-Press `Ctrl-D` to exit OCaml.
-## Directly Running Ocaml from Bash
-You can directly _run_ the file,
-i.e. send the file `` into
-OCaml and get the output piped
-to `stdout` by typing:
-$ ocaml
diff --git a/lectures/ b/lectures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25905ca..0000000
--- a/lectures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-title: How to run Prolog in the Lab machines
-headerImg: books.jpg
-## Entering the Prolog Shell
-Here is a sample session. We use `$` for the Unix shell prompt, and `?-` for
-the Prolog shell prompt.
-$ rlwrap swipl
-130f@ieng6-202]:~:501$ swipl
-Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 32 bits, Version 5.10.5)
-Copyright (c) 1990-2011 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
-SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
-and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Please visit for details.
-For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
-?- X = cat.
-X = cat.
-?- X = Y.
-X = Y.
-?- halt.
-To **load** a program [](/lectures/ from disk use the `consult` command like so:
-?- consult('').
-% compiled 0.00 sec, 10,640 bytes
-?- parent(albert, z).
-?- parent(albert, Z).
-Z = felix ;
-Z = dana.
-?- parent(Z, dana).
-Z = albert ;
diff --git a/lectures/ b/lectures/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb92da5..0000000
--- a/lectures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-title: Partial Solution Key For Sample Exams
-headerImg: books.jpg
-## Final Fall 06
-### 6 (a)
-def elementAndRest[A](xs: List[A]): Iterator[(A, List[A])] = {
- for (i <- (0 until xs.length).iterator)
- yield (xs(i), xs.slice(0, i) ++ xs.slice(i+1, xs.length))
-### 6 (b)
-def permutations[A](xs: List[A]): Iterator[List[A]] =
- xs match {
- case Nil =>
- Iterator(List())
- case x::rest =>
- for ( ys <- permutations(rest)
- ; i <- 0 until xs.length)
- yield ys.slice(0, i) ++ List(x) ++ ys.slice(i, ys.length)
- }
-## Fall 07
-### 6 (d)
-object tick {
- private var ctr = 0
- def apply() = {
- ctr += 1
- ctr
- }
-### 7 (a)
-def valid(es:List[(Int, Int)], c: List[Int]): Boolean =
- es.forall(e => c(e._1) != c(e._2))
-### 7 (b)
-def colorings(n: Int, k: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
- if (n <= 0) List(List())
- else { for ( cs <- colorings(n-1, k)
- ; c <- 0 until k)
- yield (c::cs) }
-### 7 (c)
-def initColoring(n: Int) =
- (0 until n) => 0)
-def lastColoring(xs: List[Int], k: Int) =
- xs.forall(_ == k-1)
-def nextColoring(xs: List[Int], k: Int) = {
- var res : List[Int] = List()
- var carry = 1
- for (i <- (xs.length - 1) to 0 by -1) {
- val sum = carry + xs(i)
- val dig = sum % k
- carry = sum / k
- res = dig :: res
- }
- res
-## Midterm Spring 12
-### 1 (a)
-val (<.>) : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c)
-### 1 (b)
-### 1 (c)
-let giftList =
- let rec helper acc xs = match xs with
- | [] -> acc^" and thats what I want for Christmas!"
- | x::xs' -> helper (acc ^ " and ") xs'
- in helper ""
-### 2 (a)
-val getEven : int list -> int option
-### 2 (b)
-let rec find_first f xs = match xs with
- | [] -> None
- | x::xs' -> if f x then Some x else find_first f xs'
-### 2 (c)
-val tree_to_string: string tree -> string
-### 2 (d)
-let rec post_fold f b t = match t with
- | Leaf -> b
- | Node (x, l, r) -> f x (post_fold f b l) (post_fold f b r)
-### 2 (e)
-let rec in_fold f b t = match t with
- | Leaf -> b
- | Node (x, l, r) -> let bl = in_fold f b l in
- let bx = f bl x in
- let br = in_fold f bx r in
- br
-### 3 (a)
-Left 3
-### 3 (b)
-Right "monkey"
-### 3 (c)
-let rec assoc key kvs = match kvs with
- | (k, v)::rest -> if key = k then Right v else assoc key rest
- | [] -> Left key
-### 3 (d)
-let map f e = match e with
- | Left l -> Left l
- | Right r -> Right (f r)
-### 3 (e)
-let map2 f e1 e2 = match (e1, e2) with
- | Right r1, Right r2 -> Right (f r1 r2)
- | Left l, _ -> Left l
- | _, Left l -> Left l
-### 4 (a)
-let lookup x env = match assoc x env with
- | Left z -> Left (UnboundVariable z)
- | Right i -> Right i
-### 4 (b)
-let safeDiv n m =
- if m != 0 then Right (n / m) else Left DivideByZero
-### 4 (c)
-let rec eval env e = match e with
- | Const i -> Right i
- | Var v -> lookup v env
- | Bin (e1, Plus, e2) -> map2 (+) (eval env e1) (eval env e2)
- | Bin (e1, Div, e2) -> (match (eval env e1) (eval env e2) with
- | _, Right 0 -> Left DivideByZero
- | Right i1, Right i2 -> Right (i1/ i2)
- | Left l, _ | _, Left l -> Left l)
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-title: Piazza Discussions
-headerImg: sea.jpg
-date: 2017-03-28
-## Lambda Calculus 4/7
-## 4/10
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-title: Logic Programming
-headerImg: sea.jpg
-# Logic Programming
-(adapted from lecture notes by Henri Casanova and Todd Millstein)
-## Introduction
-We now turn to a brand new paradigm, called "Logic Programming Languages"
--- our vehicle for studying this paradigm is Prolog, whose roots are
-in logic and on automated theorem proving.
-Prolog was developed in the 1970s for AI applications. Some such applications
-have a knowledge base (or database) of facts, from which you'd like to
-ask queries and deduce other facts. For example, given facts in the
-knowledge base like "Carnitas is Mexican" and "Mexican food is delicious",
-then we can deduce "Carnitas is delicious".
-Prolog probably looks nothing like any language you've seen before.
-Fundamental difference between Prolog and most other languages:
- You don't run a Prolog Program
-Instead, you ask questions and the system attempts to answer them using the
-rules and facts that it has been given.
- Logic programs are "declarative": the specification of the
- desired results are written, rather than how to obtain them.
-This approach is very good at expressing problems that involve searching
-a large space of possibilities. For example, given a list of cities and
-distances between them, find me the shortest route that passes through
-each one once (the travelling salesman problem).
-The philosophy of this approach is that it is often hard to specify a
-search algorithm -- and in such cases, it is easier to specify
-the characteristics of the solution.
-To do so, you specify *facts* and *rules* for deducing new
-facts from old facts, and then a *query*. So you just state what is
-true and then ask what (else) is true. The language implementation figures
-out how to actually compute appropriate solutions.
-Use the travelling salesman problem as an illustration: I say
-the constraints, not how to search the space of possible solutions.
-Of course, as we will see, this is a simplification, and often for reasons
-of efficiency, one has to impose constraints on the search.
-The original and principal applications for Prolog are in various AI
-settings such as (expert databases). Examples include using prolog-based
-databases to determine when credit card fraud has occurred (prolog is used
-to specify rules that indicate when a fraud occurs), and there are
-projects afoot to use ideas from prolog to determine suspicious
-people from phone/communication patterns.
-Note that currently AI researchers devise statistical techniques to
-complement (if not replace) logical approaches for such tasks.
-Another big application is as a database query language.
-E.g., my facts are things like the daily stock prices of various
-stocks over the last year. Queries can be things like: find me all
-pairs of stocks that had the same price on the same day at least 50
-times this year.
-Standard query languages like SQL are inspired by and are really subsets of Prolog.
-Of course, the reason we're studying it is that its a radically different
-way of thinking about computation: "programming as proving".
-You'll be surprised at how many places this paradigm fits beautifully, or
-leads to very elegant and readable systems.
-## Terms
-Based on propositional logic. The entire program comprises three kinds of
-elements: facts, rules, and queries. The basic unit of each of these are
-Terms are Prolog's way of encoding data. They are very similar to the
-values of datatypes created in ML. There are three kinds of terms:
-constants, variables and compound terms.
-1. **Constants**: The simplest kind of terms are constants.
- - _integers_ and _reals_: are constants.
- - _atoms_: are identifiers starting with a lowercase letter.
- For example:
- `alice`, `bob`, `charlie`
- are all atoms.
- **Atoms are NOT variables** -- the way to think of them is as TAGS,
- or special constants, or elements of a giant enum datatype.
- They are similar to the tags used in ML datatypes:
- type day = Alice | Bob | Charlie ...
- Only in ML, the tags start with a capital letter.
- Atoms are *uninterpreted constants*: nothing is known about each tag
- except that it is equal to itself.
- Intuitively, Prolog knows that:
- `alice = alice`
- as the tags are the same. However, to it,
- `alice = bob`
- *never* makes sense, as it has a strange notion of equality, that we
- will see shortly.
- There are some built-in atoms such as `[]` that signifies the empty
- list, `.` which is used for list concatenation and so on, that we will
- see shortly.
-2. **Variables**: Any identifier beginning with an upper case letter
- or an underscore is a variable.
- For example,
- `X`, `Y`, `Head`, `Tail`, `Alfred`
- are all variables.
- The variable `_` is like a **wildcard" variable**, whose meaning
- is similar to the `_` in ML, but more on that when we see what a
- variable means.
- As we shall see:
- -- `x = a` is nonsense (as x and a are two *different* constants/tags).
- -- `X = a` has some sense (but isnt at all what one might think...).
- WARNING: Upercase/Lowercase is a common source of error! Also, variables
- are NOT declared before use (so be careful!).
-3. **Compound Terms**: These are terms of the form: atom(term,term,term,...)
- where each "term" is either an atom or a variable or a compound term.
- Examples include:
- x(y,z)
- parent(alice,bob). %here alice,bob are atoms
- parent(alice,Child). %here alice is an atom, Child is a variable
- In other words, (compound) terms are generated by the following grammar:
- atom := [a-z][A-z,a-z,0-9]* | [0-9]* | ...
- variable := [A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9]* | _
- term := atom | variable | atom(term,term,term,...)
- While you may be tempted to think of compound terms like:
- `parent(alice, bob)`
- as function calls, they are NOT! Instead, you should think about this
- in the same way as we thought of ML the recursive, one-of types in ML.
- type term = alice | bob | charlie | ... (* other atoms *)
- | Var of string
- | Parent of term * term
- Thus, `parent(alice, bob)` in Prolog is "equivalent to" the ML value:
- `Parent(alice, bob)`
- which is just a tuple `alice, bob` with a tag `Parent` on it, or
- equivalently represented as a tree:
- Parent
- / \
- / \
- alice bob
- and parent(alice,Charlie) in Prolog is "equivalent to" the ML value:
- Parent(alice,Var ("Charlie")), or represented as a tree:
- Parent
- / \
- / \
- alice Var
- |
- |
- Charlie
-Consider a term: `factorial(5)`
-It is **NOT a function** (despite what it looks like).
- - there is no associated function implementation
-Prolog has no idea of the meaning you intend for this term -- to it,
-this is just a box containing `5` with a label `factorial`.
-Another way to view it is as a tree:
- factorial
- |
- |
- 5
-Thus, the only thing Prolog knows is that:
-i.e. the two terms are the same. In particular, to Prolog,
-`factorial(5)=120` is NOT true.
-Thus Prolog compound terms are really just structured data -- like values
-of a datatype in ML. Can also think of atoms that begin a compound term
-as *uninterpreted functions*: e.g., `factorial` is a function about which
-NOTHING is known, except that the result of applying this function to the
-atom x, is the term `factorial(x)`.
-These atoms are called **function symbols**.
-## Facts
-A fact is just a term, typically without any variables.
-You specify a fact by writing a term followed by a '.'.
-For example, here are a few facts that one might have
-in the system.
-% List of parent relationships
-Note that `kim`, `holly`, `margaret`, `herbert`, `john`, `kim`, `felix`, `albert`
-are all atoms.
-The Prolog interpreter maintains a collection of facts like the above --
-think of it as the underlying data in the database over which queries will be asked.
-You can define your own facts and add them to the database. The function
-symbols beginning a fact are called *predicates*: intuitively, they
-represent functions that evaluate to a boolean.
-Thus, (the atom) `parent` is a predicate that, intuitively,
-takes two arguements and returns a boolean -- we say that
-`parent` is a predicate of arity 2.
-The key thing to note, is that predicates have _no intrinsic meaning_.
-However, they are generally designed and named so that
-the programmer can easily "interpret" them.
-For example, as a programmer, I will decide that
-means that `X` is a parent of `Y`. In other words,
-I will specify the fact:
-only if the person corresponding to atom `a` is
-a parent of the person corresponding to atom `b`.
-Thus, the predicate is interpreted as a logical
-relation between `X` and `Y`.
-Prolog uses these facts to answer queries, as well
-as to infer new facts.
-Lets see how it does the first.
-## Running Prolog : Queries
-The standard interface to Prolog is in an interactive shell.
-To run it, first, lets put a bunch of facts into a file, and then load the
-file into the shell. Suppose the list of facts are stored in a file called
-"". First, we load prolog, and get the shell prompt:
-Prolog prompt: "?-"
-At this prompt, enter something like:
-?- consult('facts.prolog').
-You can manually add the facts one by one by typing at the prompt:
-?- assert(parent(margaret,kim)).
-(or whatever fact you want to insert).
-Once this is done, the facts have been registered into the shell, we can query Prolog as follows:
- 1. Prompts you to type a query
- 2. You type a query
- 3. Prolog tries to prove your query
- 4. Prints out the result (or 'failure')
- 5. Repeat
-The simplest query is a term followed by a '.'
-(looks like a fact, but is just typed at the prompt).
-For example, suppose you type the following query:
-?- parent(margaret, john).
-The meaning of a query is "is this fact in your database or can it be
-inferred from your database". In other words, we are asking Prolog if it
-can PROVE the fact. Prolog replies:
-as this is not one of the facts (we have not yet given it any rules to
-infer new facts).
-Instead, if we were to ask:
-?- parent(margaret,kim).
-Prolog replies:
-As this is in the database of facts we fed in.
-(Tip: If you forget the period then you can type it on the next line)
-Not bad, but not especially exciting -- we gave it a bunch of facts, and
-basically each query is effectively asking if the query term was one of the
-facts we supplied.
-Things get more fun, when we toss variables into the queries.
- ?- parent(margaret,X).
-This is where we Prolog departs radically from other paradigms. The meaning
-of this query is:
-"What value(s) can you plug in for X such that the fact becomes provable for that value ?"
-Prolog replies:
- X = kim [press enter if you're satisfied]
- Yes
-This means that it can plug in "kim" for X, and thus, it can deduce the
-fact: parent(margaret,kim). Instead, you can enter the query:
- ?- parent(X,kim).
-This asks prolog, for what values of X does the fact parent( _ , kim) hold.
-In other words, this innocent query is asking prolog -- who are the (known)
-parents of kim ? It replies:
- X = margaret ; [press ';' if you want another answer]
- X = john ;
- No
-Thus, it returns, one-by-one, all the "solutions" for X that make the fact
-parent(X,kim) provable. We can make both the parameters variables:
- ?- parent(X,Y).
-This asks prolog -- what are the pairs X,Y such that X is (provably) the
-parent of Y ? It responds:
- X=kim Y=holly ;
- X=margaret Y=kim;
- ...
-Suppose you want to know if there are any strange circularities in your
-fact database -- for example, does there exist any person who is their own
-parent ? The following query does the trick:
- ?- parent(X,X).
- No
-------------------------------- Unification -----------------------------------
-In most other languages, a function designed to look up
-things like this would be less flexible -- it would require tedious
-parentOf() method or a childOf() method, loops, etc.
-With Prolog -- the queries are very flexible, and work like magic.
-Whats going on ?
-Turns out that Prolog's computational heart is a fancy pattern matching
-technique (also, btw, at the heart of ML's type system) borrowed from
-logicians, called "Unification". Regrettably, we won't have time to go
-into the details of unification -- and so, lets content ourselves with a
-cartoon version.
- Intuitively, two terms can be unified if there a
- way of assigning values to their variables so that
- the terms become identical.
-This is really what " = " means in prolog -- when you ask it:
- ?- t1 = t2.
-For any two terms t1 and t2, you are asking it whether the terms t1 and t2
-can be unified. So, if you ask:
- ?- foo(bar) = foo(bar).
- Yes
-Because there are no variables and the terms are the same.
-If instead you ask:
- ?- foo(X) = foo(bar).
-It replies:
- X = bar
- Yes
-Meaning that foo(X) can be unified with foo(bar) by assigning the variable
-X to the term "bar".
-Note that we can ask this from Prolog without "declaring" any of the above
-atoms. This is because everything is symbolic -- everything is a term which
-is an arbitrary notation that can encode whatever concept.
-One can type the above right after starting the interpreter.
-The more interesting case is when there are several variable in the terms:
- ?- p(X,dog) = p(cat,Y).
- X = cat
- Y = dog
- Yes
-meaning that one can unify the terms p(X,dog) and p(cat,Y) by assigning
-appropriate values to X and Y. However, if we were to ask:
- ?- p(cat) = p(dog).
- No
-As the terms are different, and so, if we ask:
- ?- q(X,dog,X) = p(cat,Y,Y).
- No
-is the answer as to unify, X must be "cat" and Y must be "dog", but this
-ensures that the last parameter of the term can never be the same!
-Similarly, the unification happens "deep" into the terms:
-?- a(W,foo(W,Y),Y) = a(2,foo(X,3),Z).
- W = 2
- X = 2
- Y = 3
- Z = 3
- Yes
-Intuitively, it first matches up the first position, and so W gets 2,
-next, it tries to match up the second position -- i.e.
- foo(W,Y) with foo(X,3).
-now, W is already 2, so X also gets 2, and Y gets 3.
-Finally, it tries to match up the last position,
-and Y is 3 and so Z gets 3.
-Instead, the query:
-?- a(W,foo(W,Y),Y) = a(2,foo(X,3),X).
- No
-Thus, by using W,X,Y in two places, we are forcing it to find a solution where
-those two places get exactly the same value. As a result, the constraints
-ensure that all the variables must get the same value. However, W and Y
-must get 2 and 3 and so there is no solution.
-Thus, this innocent "pattern matching" operation actually does a lot under
-its hood, and it turns out to be a surprisingly powerful and flexible way
-to encode all kinds of computation! All the queries that we asked before,
-were answered via unification.
-When we ask:
- ?- parent(margaret, john).
-prolog checks if the term "parent(margaret,john)" can be unified with any
-of the known facts (that are also terms). If so, it says Yes, but as it
-cannot, it replies No.
-When we ask:
- ?- parent(margaret,kim).
-it can unify the query term with a known fact term, and so it replies Yes.
-When we ask:
- ?- parent(margaret,X).
-it tries to find all the known facts with which it can unify the query term
--- there is only one, and so it "answers the query" by returning the
-substitution required for unification:
- X = kim
-Similarly, when we ask:
- ?- parent(X,kim).
-It attempts to find all the known terms with which this query can be
-unified -- this time, there are several terms, and the different
-valid unifying substitutions (called unifiers) yield the different parents
-of kim:
- X = margaret ;
- X = john ;
- No
-Finally, to answer the query:
- ?- parent(X,Y).
-It attempts to unify the query term with all known facts -- and the list of
-resulting unifiers is exactly the set of known parent child pairs.
-------------------------------- Conjunction ------------------------------
-Often, its more useful to ask questions about several terms.
-For example, to determine if margaret is holly's grandparent, we would like
-to find if there is some person who is both the child of margaret AND the
-parent of holly.
-To do so, we can issue a conjunctive query which is a list of terms
-separated by commas as follows:
- ?- parent(margaret, X), parent(X, holly).
-To answer this query, Prolog attempts to find an X such that
-parent(margaret,X) unifies with the set of known facts, AND,
-parent(X,holly) unifies with the set of known facts.
-Upon finding a unifier that works, it replies:
- X = kim
- Yes
-Thus, as kim is the intermediate parent, we can conclude that margaret is
-indeed a grandparent of holly. Finally, consider the following query:
- ?- parent(X,Y), parent(Y,Z), parent(Z,kim).
-It asks if there are X,Y,Z such that X is Y's parent, Y is Z's parent and Z
-is kim's parent. In other words, the query determines if kim has any
-"great-grandparent". Upon finding appropriate unifiers, prolog replies:
- X = john
- Y = felix
- Z = albert
- Yes
-------------------------------- Rules ------------------------------------
-The above is quite nifty -- it allows us to quickly mine the database to
-find interesting relationships. However, it gets somewhat cumbersome as we
-have to devise a complex conjunctive query ever time.
-Instead, it would be nice if we could define complex queries out of simpler
-Rules serve exactly that purpose. They allow us to specify complex queries
-(i.e. predicates) using simpler ones. In general, the format of a rule is:
- head :- condition1, condition2, condition3....
-Intuitively, it means, that the "head" query is true if condition1,
-condition2, condition3,... are all true. In other words, it tells prolog,
-to prove the head query, prove the conditions 1,2,3.
-For example, suppose we'd like to define a grandparent relationship
-(predicate). We do so as:
- grandparent(GP,GC) :- parent(GP,P), parent (P,GC).
-Intuitively this states:
- "GP is a grandparent of GC if GP is a parent of P AND P is a parent of GC".
-With this definition, we can now issue the following query:
- ?- grandparent(X,kim).
-and prolog responds with:
- X=herbert
- Yes
-as it can find that parent(herbert,margaret) and parent(margaret,kim),
-therefore, applying the rule, grandparent(herbert,kim), to which fact the
-query term gets unified. We can use this predicate to write more
- greatgrandparent(GGP,GGC) :- parent(GGP,GP) , grandparent (GP, GGC).
-We can now issue the query:
- ?- greatgrandparent(X,holly).
- X=herbert
- Yes
-Program = Facts + Rules:
-Facts and Rules are the two kinds of "Clauses" (intuitively, a fact is
-just a rule without any conditions).
-Thus, a prolog program is a set of clauses -- partitioned into a
-database of facts and a set of rules for inferring new facts.
-Notice that the same variable P appears twice in the grandparent rule.
-Indeed one may be tempted to reuse P across several rules. In Prolog, the
-scope of a variable is the clause (rule) that contains it. Thus, there is
-no connection whatsoever between variables across clauses.
-For example, consider the two clauses:
- foo(P) :- bar(P). % There is no connection between P in
- stuff(P) :- thing(P). % the 2 clauses.
-In other words, there are no global variables, all variables are local to
-the individual clauses.
------------- Multiple Clauses = Disjunction and Recursion ---------------
-Suppose we want to define a predicate that is true for all those persons
-that have some family -- that is, those persons who have either a parent OR
-a child. We can do so as follows:
- has_family(X) :- parent(X,_).
- has_family(X) :- parent(_,X).
-If we have multiple rules for the same predicate, effectively we are
-specifying a disjunction. The first rule says:
- "X has a family if there is some _ such that X is the parent of _"
-The second rule says:
- "X has a family if there is some _ such that _ is the parent of X"
-If either of these clauses fire then, has_family(X) becomes true.
-Like in ML, the symbol "_" represents a "wildcard" or dont-care
-variable that we will use only in one place and so we not bother
-to name it.
- ?- has_family(holly).
- Yes
-as the second rule fires for holly. While,
- ?- has_family(mugatu).
- No
-as neither rule fires for mugatu.
-For those of you who are economical with the keystrokes, there is another
-way to specify disjunctive rules -- via a semicolon:
- has_family(X) :- parent(X,_) ; parent(_,X).
-Suppose you want to specify an predicate ancestor(X,Y) which is true if
-X is an ancestor of Y, i.e. if by following the parent relationship from Y
-one eventually reaches X. Intuitively, X is an ancestor of Y either if:
- 1. X is the parent of Y, or,
- 2. Z is the parent of Y, and X is an ancestor of Z.
-Thus, we can specify this predicate recursively as follows:
- ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y). %[Base case]
- ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(Z,Y),ancestor(X,Z) %[Recursive case]
-This works quite niftily:
- ?- ancestor(kim,X).
- X = holly ;
- No
-i.e. holly is the only "descendant" of kim, and:
- ?- ancestor(X,kim).
- X = margaret ;
- X = john ;
- X = herbert ;
- X = felix ;
- X = albert ;
- No
-i.e. kim has a long ancestry.
------------------------------ Backtracking Search ---------------------------
-At this point, its worth looking into how exactly prolog pulls off this
-trick of answering queries in this manner, as it has its limits, which one
-needs to know to phrase the queries appropriately. Turns out, there's no
-real magic -- just brute force "proof" search.
-We can view each clause as a "proof rule":
- goal :- subgoal_1, subgoal_2,...
-Thus, the rules for ancestor are as follows:
-ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y). %rule 1
-ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(Z,Y),ancestor(X,Z). %rule 2
-To prolog, these rules mean the following -- to prove ancestor(X,Y), try to:
- 1. prove the subgoal parent(X,Y), or, failing that,
- 2. prove the subgoal parent(X,Z), and then the subgoal ancestor(X,Z).
-Thus, suppose we ask it the query:
- ?- ancestor(felix,holly).
-To prove this query, it undertakes the following backtracking search:
- ancestor(felix,holly)?
- / \
- parent(felix,holly) parent(Z,holly)
- NO ancestor(felix,Z)
- |
- | Z = kim (by fact)
- |
- ancestor(felix,kim)
- / \
- parent(felix,kim) parent(Z',kim)
- NO ancestor(felix,Z') ----------|
- | | Z'=john
- Z'=margaret | |
- | ancestor(felix,john)
- ancestor(felix,margaret) |
- / \ parent(felix,john)
- parent(felix,margaret) parent(Z'',margaret) YES
- NO ancestor(felix,Z'')
- |
- Z'' = herbert |
- |
- ancestor(felix, herbert)
- / |
- parent(felix,herbert) parent(Z''',herbert)
-Thus, it first tries the base rule i.e. to prove the subgoal parent(felix,holly).
-As it cannot unify this query with any known fact, it fails (NO),
-and so it backtracks and tries the other recursive rule.
-The only Z such that parent(Z,holly) unifies with a known fact is when
-Z=kim, thus, it tries to prove the second subgoal ancestor(felix,kim).
-To do so, again it first applies the base rule, which fails, and so it
-backtracks and applies the recursive rule.
-This time, there are two different Z (written Z' in the figure to
-distinguish from the upper part of the tree), such that parent(Z,kim) --
-namely Z=margaret and Z=john. It picks margaret first (as that is the first
-unification that succeeds, and tries to prove the the second subgoal
-ancestor(felix,margaret). As we can see, from the subtree, this search
-fails, (as margaret's sole parent is herbert who has no parent).
-Thus, prolog backtracks and tries the second Z=john, and tries to prove the
-second subgoal, ancestor(felix,john). This time, the base rule works as
-parent(felix,john) is a known fact, and thus the proof search succeeds and
-prolog returns:
- ?- ancestor(felix,holly).
- Yes
-This same process is repeated for any query. When there is a variable in
-the query, eg.
- ?- ancestor(X,kim).
-Prolog attempts the proof search and returns all the unifiers for X for which
-the proof succeeds. Thus, prolog is literally programming by proving.
-Hint: Trace mode in prolog shows the tree:
- ?- trace.
-The subsequent query is traced: use the on-line help on the ACS Prolog interpreter
- ?- help(trace).
-Order Matters:
-The rub is that the order of the clauses and terms influences greatly the order
-in which the unification and backtracking happens. This is because, to
-prove a particular goal query, the different clauses are selected in
-order, and further, within each clause, the subgoals are selected from
-left-to-right, which affects how the unification happens.
-In the above example, if we had entered the branch Z'=john rather than
-than the branch Z'=margaret, then we would have proven the query faster.
-Similarly, if we had swapped the order of the conjunctions (subgoals) in
-the recursive clause, we would have a rather different tree (try as an
-exercise). Thus, order matters for performance.
-Hint: Try simple things first!
-More importantly, there are cases where the program may not even work (may
-not terminate), depending on the order:
- ancestor(X,Y) :- ancestor(X,Z), parent(Z,Y).
- ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).
-Now lets try the same query:
- ?- ancestor(felix,holly).
- ERROR: Out of local stack
-Why ? Well, if you try to build the search tree, you'll see it goes forever:
- ancestor(felix,holly)?
- |
- |
- |
- ancestor(felix,Z) %prove first subgoal,
- | %then parent(Z,holly)
- |
- |
- ancestor(felix,Z') %prove first subgoal,
- | %then parent(Z',Z)
- |
- |
- ancestor(felix,Z'')
- .
- .
- .
-So, to avoid this, we must place the parent subgoal first (in the recursive
-rule). If this is done, the unification with the base facts (parent),
-fix the possible unifiers for Z, thereby guaranteeing termination.
-Lets see another example. Suppose we want to define a sibling predicate,
-where sibling(X,Y) holds if X and Y have the same parent. How about:
- sibling(X,Y) :- parent(P,X), parent(P,Y).
- ? sibling(kim,kim).
- Yes
-Ah, we have to ensure that X and Y are not the same. Ok, how about:
- sibling(X,Y) :- not(X=Y), parent(P,X), parent(P,Y).
-Surely this works ? Nope. The reason is prolog's semantics of equality
-(i.e. unification). This clause is read by prolog as:
-first, find a X,Y such that X cannot be unified with Y,
-then, find a P such that parent(P,X), and parent(P,Y).
-Now the catch is that to process the first subgoal, prolog finds it can
-always unify (two unconstrained variables) X and Y, by simply assigning X to Y!
- ?- X=Y.
- X=Y
- Yes
- ?- not(X=Y).
- No
-Thus, the very first subgoal always fails, thereby ensuring that:
- ?- sibling(X,Y).
- No
-Thus, to get the rule right, we must make sure that the goal that ensures
-that X and Y are not the same, is fired AFTER X and Y have been unified
-with appropriate atoms. We can do so by simply placing the subgoal at the
- sibling(X,Y) :- parent(P,X), parent(P,Y), not(X=Y).
- ?- sibling(X,Y).
- X = john
- Y = maya ;
- X = felix
- Y = dana ;
- X = dana
- Y = felix ;
- X = maya
- Y = john ;
- No
-This shows a major weakness: You can's just rely on the logical
-meanings and you sort of need to know how things work.
-Oh well, nothing's perfect.
-We'll see that many, many things break down the pure philosophy
-that says: "Just write what you need logically"
----------------------------- Numeric Computation --------------------------
-Although Prolog is mostly symbolic, there is a need for numeric
- - '=' is the unification operator
- ?- X = 2+3.
- X = 2+3
- Yes
- - 'is' evaluates arithmetic expressions before doing unification
- ?- X is 2+3.
- X = 5
- Yes
-When prolog tries to solve an "is" goal it evaluates the second argument
-and then unifies, as opposed to "=" which just does the unification.
- ?- Y is X+2, X=1.
- ERROR: Args are not sufficiently instantiated
- ?- X=1, Y is X+2.
- X=1
- Y=3
- Yes
-Again, order of evaluation matters!
-Functions are Predicates:
-Lets try to write a factorial function in Prolog. We need to somehow encode
-functions as predicates. Here's the deal:
-Whenever you have a function f(x), you can write a predicate
- pred_f(X,Y)
-that captures the behavior of f by being true for all those pairs X,Y
-where Y is f(X).
-Thus, we can write a predicate capturing the input/output relationship of
-the factorial function -- i.e. a predicate factorial(X,Y), that is true for
-those pairs X,Y where Y is the factorial of X.
- factorial(0,1). % base case
- factorial(X,N):- X1 is X-1, factorial(X1,N1), N is X1*N1.
-We "call" the function with a query.
- ?- factorial(0,X).
- X = 1
- Yes
- ?- factorial(5,X).
- X = 120
----------------------------- Data Structures: Lists --------------------------------
-Let us now see how we can encode lists in Prolog. Again, its useful to
-recall how lists were encoded as a datatype in ML.
- -- There is a "base atom": [] denoting the empty list
- -- There is a "cons"tructor: | (different syntax for this).
-Thus, ML's list Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil))) is equivalent
-to the prolog term:
- [1|[2|[3|[]]]]
-where (1) | is Cons, and (2) [] is Nil.
-Also, as they are heavily used, Prolog lets you write the above term as:
- ?- [1,2,3] = [1|[2|[3|[]]]].
- Yes
-To "deconstruct" a list into head and tail, we use pattern-matching (very
-much like in ML). So:
- [X|Y] unifies with any non-empty list (like h::t),
- X unified to the first element (head)
- Y unified to the rest of the list (tail).
- ?- [X|Y] = [1,2,3,4,5].
- X = 1
- Y = [2,3,4,5]
- Yes
- ?- [X|Y] = [1].
- X = 1
- Yes
- ?- [X|Y] = [].
- No
- [1|Y] unifies with any list starting with 1 (like 1::t),
- Y unified to the rest of the list.
- However, prolog also lets you write:
- [1,2|X] which unifies with any list that starts with 1 and then 2.
- ?- [1,2|X] = [1,2,3,4,5].
- X = [3,4,5]
- Yes
- ?- [1,2|X] = [1,2]
- X = []
- Yes
- ?- [1,2|X] = [1,3]
- No
- One can place variables wherever in the term, so:
- ?- [X,Y|Z] = [1,2,3].
- X = 1
- Y = 2
- Z = [3]
-Ok -- how do we do interesting things with lists. For example, how might we
-"append" two lists ? Well, there is no "concatenation" or sticking
-together. In prolog you write a predicate:
- append(X,Y,Z)
-which is true if Z is the result of appending the lists X and Y.
-Turns out such a predicate is built-in, so lets see what it does.
- ?- append([1,2],[3,4],Z).
- Z=[1,2,3,4]
- Yes
-It simply "solves" for the right Z that happens to be the result of
-appending [1,2] and [3,4], but wait, predicates can do more:
- ?- append(X,[3,4],[1,2,3,4]).
- X=[1,2]
-whoa! backwards computation -- what X is such that when appended to [3,4]
-you get [1,2,3,4] ? And now, the full power of multiple solutions:
- ?- append(X,Y,[1,2,3]).
- X = []
- Y = [1,2,3] ;
- X = [1]
- Y = [2,3] ;
- X = [1,2]
- Y = [3] ;
- X = [1,2,3]
- Y = []
- Yes
-Try doing that in another language.
-There are several such predicates for reverse, sort, append, built-in, but
-lets try to roll our own.
- How would you write append(X,Y,Z) in Prolog?
-Well, the base case is that if X is empty then, Z is just Y.
- append([], Y, Y). % base case
-The recursive case is when X is of the form [H|Tx], in which case, Z must
-begin with H, and the tail of Z is obtained by appending Tx to Y:
- append([H|T], Y, [H|Tz]) :- append(Tx,Y,Tz). % recursive case
-Very different way of thinking than imperative languages. Lets see what
-happens with the query:
- ?- append([1],[2],Z).
- Prolog tries to prove the term append([1],[2],Z)
- ---> recursive case fires.
- H unifies to 1
- Tx unifies to []
- Y unifies to [2]
- Z unifies to [1|Tz]
- ---> prove: append(Tx,Y,Tz)
- ---> i.e. prove: append([], [2], Tz)
- base case fires.
- ---> Tz unifies to [2]
- ---> therefore: Z = [1,2]
-But, because of the magic of pattern matching, proving and predicates, you
-get the backwards computations by the same "proving" process !
-Lets do a few more. Lets write a predicate tailof(X,Y) which is true if Y
-is the tail of the list X.
- tailof([_|X],X).
-Again, note the judicious use of the wildcard "_". If you actually named
-the variable there, eg.
- tailof([H|X],X).
-The compiler would warn you that you named a variable but used it only
-once -- a "Singleton Variable".
-Lets write a predicate which is true of lists with three or more elements:
- has3orMoreElements([_,_,_|_]).
-What does this predicate do ?
- foo([X,_,_,_,X|_]).
-One more tricky one. Lets write a predicate isin(X,L) which is true if
-X is an element of the list L. How ?
-base case: if X is the first element of the list L.
- isin(X,[X|_]).
-recursive case: if X appears in the tail of the list L.
- isin(X,[_|T]) :- isin(X,T).
-Let's give it a spin:
- ?- isin(2,[1,2,3]).
- Yes
- ?- isin(X,[1,2]).
- X=1 ;
- X=2 ;
- No
- ?- isin(1,[2,3]).
- No
-Let's write another predicate:
- mylength(L,X)
-which is true if X is the length of list L
- mylength([],0).
- mylength([_|Tail],Len) :- mylength(Tail,TailLen),
- Len is TailLen +1.
- ?- mylength([1,2],L).
- does not unify with mylength([],0)
- unifies with mylength([_|Tail],Len) with the bindings:
- Tail = [2] and Len = L
- now I need to prove the two things:
- mylength([2],TailLen) and Len is TailLen + 1
- can I prove the first one?
- mylength([2],TailLen) does not unify with mylength([],0)
- mylength([2],TailLen) unifies with mylength([_|Tail'],Len')
- with the bindings:
- Tail' = [] and Len' = TailLen
- now I need to prove the two conditions:
- mylength([],TailLen'') and Len' is TailLen'' + 1
- can I prove the first one?
- mylength([],TailLen'') unifies with mylength([],0)
- with the bindings: TailLen'' = 0
- Len' is TailLen'' + 1 then leads to the binding
- Len' = 1
- therefore TailLen is equal to Len', and thus to 1
- therefore Len is equal to Len' + 1, and thus to 2
- therefore L is equal to Len, and thus to 2
- Prolog answers L = 2.
------------------------------------ Cuts ----------------------------------
- - Ordering clauses and goals is a way to somewhat control the search and
- backtracking process, but it is very limited.
- - There is something called a "cut" that prevents Prolog from backtracking.
- - Example: Let's say we're writing a program to compute the following step function:
- X < 3 phi(X) = 0
- 3 <= X < 6 phi(X) = 2
- 6 <= X phi(X) = 4
- In Prolog we can implement this with a binary predicate, f(X,Y), which
- is true if Y is the function value at point X. For instance, f(0,0) is
- true, f(4,2) is true, but f(2,4) is false. Here is the program:
- f(X,0) :- X < 3. [rule 1]
- f(X,2) :- 3 =< X, X < 6. [rule 2] note '=<'
- f(X,4) :- 6 =< X. [rule 3]
- There are two sources of inefficiency in this program, that we'll see
- on one example:
- ?- f(1,Y), 2 < Y. [find a Y such that Y = f(1) and 2 < Y]
- [ we can see this is going to fail]
- what does Prolog do?
- f(1,Y)
- 2 < Y ----------
- rule 1 / \ \
- Y = 0 / \ rule 2 \ rule 3
- / | Y = 2 | Y = 4
- | | |
- 1 < 3 3 <= 1 6 <= 1
- 2 < 0 1 < 6 2 < 4
- | 2 < 2 NO
- | NO
- 2 < 0
- NO
- There is really no point in trying rule 2 and rule 3 because since X < 3, we
- know that rule 2 and rule 3 will fail. Basically, the three rules are mututally
- exclusive. We know that. Prolog doesn't.
- So, we can "cut" the backtracking by using the '!' operator:
- f(X,0) :- X < 3, !.
- f(X,2) :- 3 <= X, X < 6, !.
- f(X,4) :- 6 <= X.
- The new execution looks like:
- f(1,Y)
- 2 < Y
- rule 1 /
- Y = 0 /
- /
- |
- 1 < 3
- 2 < 0
- |
- |
- 2 < 0
- NO
- Lessons: cuts can be used to prevent Prolog from going into branches
- of the search tree that we know, due to our understanding and
- knowledge of the problem, will not succedd anyway.
- - There are many more things possible with cuts and using them well is
- an art. A program with no cuts at all will run orders of magnitude
- slower than an equivalent program with a few '!' thrown in.
--------------------------- Accumulators ---------------------------
- - There are cases in which you want to add an argument to a predicate
- just to keep track of useful information
-Example: List Reverse:
-We will now write a predicate:
- rev(X,Y)
-that is true if the list Y is the reverse of the list X.
-To do so, we will use an accumulator that tracks the elements seen so far
-in X.
- rev(X,Y) :- acc_rev(X,Y,[]).
-The third parameter is the "accumulator". We will "push" elements into it
-in the order they appear in X. Thus, when we have pushed all the elements,
-the third parameter is the "reversed" version of X.
- acc_rev([],Y,Y). %base case
- acc_rev([H|T],Y,SoFar) :- acc_rev(T,Y,[H|SoFar]). %recursive case
- ?- rev([1,2,3],Y).
- Y = [3,2,1]
- Yes
- ?- rev(X,[3,2,1]).
- X = 1,2,3
- Yes
-The nice thing about predicates, is one can go forwards or backwards! Its
-completely symmetric...
-Example: Finding all solutions:
-Suppose we have a predicate foo(X), defined:
- foo(a).
- foo(b).
- foo(c).
- foo(d).
-and say we want to find all the terms X such that foo(X) is true.
-We will use an accumulator to define a predicate:
- allfoos(L)
-that is true for a list of terms iff every term in the list satisfies foo.
- allfoos(L) :- listallfoos(L,[]).
-listallfoos is a helper predicate, whose second argument is an accumulator
-that "tracks" which terms satisfying foo are already known. We shall then
-"add" those terms that satisfy foo, but are not in the "accumulator".
- % recursive case
- listallfoos([X|L],SoFar) :- foo(X),
- not(isin(X,SoFar)),
- append(SoFar,[X],NewSoFar),
- listallfoos(L,NewSoFar).
- % base case
- listallfoos([],_).
- ?- allfoos(A).
- must prove listalllfoos(A,[]).
- unifies with listallfoos([X|L],[])
- must prove four things: foo(X)
- not(isin(X,[])
- append([],[X],NewSoFar)
- listallfoos(L,NewSoFar)
- foo(a) true (X is bound to a)
- not(isin(a,[])) true
- append([],[a],NewSoFar) true with NewSoFar=[a]
- must prove listallfoos(L,[a])
- unifies with liastallfoos([Y|L'],[a])
- must prove four things: foo(Y)
- not(isin(Y,[a]).
- append([a],[Y],NewSoFar')
- listallfoos(L',NewSoFar')
- foo(a) true
- not(isin(a,[a])) false BACKTRACK
- foo(b) true (Y is bound to b)
- not(isin(b,[b])) true
- append([a],[b],NewSoFar') true with NewSoFar' = [a,b]
- must prove listallfoos(L',[a,b])
- unifies with listallfoos([Z|L''],[a,b])
- must prove four things: foo(Z)
- not(isin(Z,[a,b])
- one can see that will fail BACKTRACK
- unifies with listallfoos([],[a,b]).
- therefore: L' unifies with []
- therefore: [Y|L'] unifies with [b]
- therefore L unifies with [b]
- therefore [X|L] unifies with [a,b]
- therefore A unifies with [a,b]
- therefore allfoos([a,b])
-If you try this code, and hit ';', you'll get multiple answers
-Try to figure out why (using the "trace" mode)
-Solution: add a cut
- listallfoos_cut([X|L],SoFar) :-
- foo(X),
- not(isin(X,SoFar)),
- append(SoFar,[X],NewSoFar),
- listallfoos(L,NewSoFar),!.
- listallfoos_cut([],_).
-What happens when you flip order of base case and recursion ?
----------------------------- Puzzle Solving ----------------------------
-We now have a good feel for what Prolog programs look like. Lets finish, by
-seeing how succinctly and elegantly prolog allows us to write code to solve
-tricky logical puzzles.
-Towers of Hanoi:
- | | |
- =|= | |
- ===|=== | |
- =====|===== | |
- =======|======= | |
- --------------------------------------------------
- Peg 1 Peg 2 Peg 3
-Puzzle: There are three pegs. On the first one, there is a stack of rings
-of decreasing radius (that forms a tower).
-In each step, you are allowed to move the top ring from one peg to another, but
-only if the rings in the new peg form a conical tower -- i.e. as long as
-the sequences of radii from top to bottom is increasing (as shown in the
- - Goal: Find the sequence of moves (move top ring from from peg X to peg Y)
- that moves the tower from peg 1 to peg 3.
- - The basic action is to move 1 disk, with printing
- move(A,B) :-
- nl, write ('Move topdisk from '),
- write(A), write(' to '), write(B).
- - the main predicate is transfer(N,A,B,X):
- represents "Move N disks from peg A to peg B by using peg X as a helper"
- - base case:
- transfer(1,A,B,X) :- move(A,B).
- Better written as: transfer(1,A,B,_) :- move(A,B).
- - inductive case:
- transfer(N,A,B,X) :-
- transfer the top N-1 disks to X
- transfer the (bottom) disk from A to B
- transfer the top N-1 disks from X to B
- transfer(N,A,B,X) :-
- M is N-1,
- transfer(M,A,X,B),
- move(A,B),
- transfer(M,X,B,A).
-Lets see how these work -- lets name the pegs using atoms: peg1, peg2,
-peg3. Here's the sequence of moves to transfer a tower of size 3 across
-(you can try this at home!).
- ?- transfer(3,peg1,peg3,peg2).
- Move topdisk from peg1 to peg3
- Move topdisk from peg1 to peg2
- Move topdisk from peg3 to peg2
- Move topdisk from peg1 to peg3
- Move topdisk from peg2 to peg1
- Move topdisk from peg2 to peg3
- Move topdisk from peg1 to peg3
-Farmer/ Wolf / Goat / Cabbage:
- *West* *East*
- Goat | | Goat eats cabbage if no farmer
- Wolf | river | Wolf eats goat if no farmer
- Cabbage | | Only one spot on the boat(farmer+1)
-Configure the "state" of the program as a list with the location of the
-four objects (farmer, wolf, goat, cabbage). There are two locations: West (w)
-and East (e).
- initial state: [w,w,w,w]
- desired state: [e,e,e,e]
-There are four kinds of moves:
- with the cabbage, (move_cabbage)
- with the goat, (move_goat)
- with the wolf, (move_wolf)
- with nothing. (move_nothing)
-Here is how the "state" changes with a given move:
-For instance, [w,w,w,w] ---"move wolf"--> [e,e,w,w]
-We encode this as:
- move([w,w,w,w],move_wolf,[e,e,w,w]).
- (this just says that the state transformation above is true)
-We could write all the possible moves as facts, but there would be a lot. However,
-it is clear that when the farmer and wolf move, the goat and the cabbage do not
-move, so a more general fact is:
- move([w,w,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_wolf,[e,e,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]).
- move([e,e,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_wolf,[w,w,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]).
-therefore, a more general goal is:
- move([X,X,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_wolf,[Y,Y,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y)
-where we have:
- change(e,w).
- change(w,e).
-In addition to ensuring that X and Y are different, this predicate ensures
-that they cannot be any random atom -- they must be either "e" or "w".
-Now we can just write the whole program:
- move([X,X,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_wolf,[Y,Y,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
- move([X,P_Wolf,X,P_Cabbage],move_goat,[Y,P_Wolf,Y,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
- move([X,P_Wolf,P_Goat,X],move_cabbage,[Y,P_Wolf,P_Goat,Y]) :- change(X,Y).
- move([X,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_nothing,[Y,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
-At this point we have encoded all the possible moves. But there is nothing about
-moves being safe or unsafe. We need a safe predicate that takes a state as input and
-is true if the state is sage (nobody eats nobody).
- "if at least one of the goat or the wolf is on the same bank as the farmer, AND
- at least one of the goat or cabbage is on the same bank as the farmer,
- then we're safe"
-We define the one_equal(X,Y,Z) predicate that returns true if at least one
-of Y or Z is equal to X:
- one_equal(X,X,_).
- one_equal(X,_,X).
-then we can have:
- safe([P_Farmer,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :-
- one_equal(P_Farmer,P_Goat,P_Wolf),
- one_equal(P_Farmer,P_Goat,P_Cabbage).
-this encodes the logical statement we made above.
-A solution is defined as a sequence of moves such that we are either:
--- in the target configuration, all on the east bank, or,
--- in a state from which there is a single move, which takes us into
-a safe state, from which we can get to the target configuration.
- solution([e,e,e,e],[]).
- solution(State,[FirstMove|RemainingMoves]) :-
- move(State,FirstMove,NextState),
- safe(NextState),
- solution(NextState,RemainingMoves).
-The program is complete.
-Example run:
-If you just type solution([w,w,w,w],X), we get into an infinite loop as there are
-infinitely solutions. So:
- ?- length(X,7), solution([w,w,w,w],X).
- X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat]
-In fact, 7 steps is the shortest solution.
- ?- length(X,12), solution([w,w,w,w],X). (needs an odd number of moves)
- No
- ?- length(X,13423), solution([w,w,w,w],X).
- [goat, goat, goat, goat, goat, goat, goat, ....., +7 steps] is one of the solutions