A straightlaced C# libary to evaluate & edit Unreal Engine 4 config files, for UE4 projects and built games.
- Read & parse single *.ini config files
- Serialization pertains file structure and formatting of the original file by default
- Evaluate the value(s) of any property across one, or multiple config files
- ConfigFileHierarchy emulates UE4s hierarchical config layers and loads config files automatically
- Supports new "PlatformExtension" folder structure & configs of UE4.24+
- Easier API to modify & add new properties and values
- Sanitization utilities to declutter config files
You can directly load and read from a single specific config *.ini file by reading and parsing that file, before evaluating any property values.
var config = new ConfigIni("DefaultGame");
//Load the configs contents from a file, via a read stream
//Evaluate the values and put them into a list. Should the property only have a single value, the list will have a single element.
//Should the property not exist or should all its values have been deleted via config, the list will be empty.
var values = new List<string>();
config.EvaluatePropertyValues("/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings", "ProjectID", values);
Assert.That(values, Is.EquivalentTo(new[]{"3F9D696D4363312194B0ECB2671E899F"}));
You can also initialize a config hierarchy by providing a engine and/or a project path, and then evaluate any property values for a specific target level & platform. This emulates best what proeprty values would exist in which context in any Unreal Engine 4 project.
//Create a new config hierarchy, with paths to the engine as well as the project directory
var configHierarchy = new FileConfigHierarchy("Mock/Project/Directory", "Mock/Engine/Directory");
//Evaluate the values and put them into a list. Should the property only have a single value, the list will have a single element.
//Should the property not exist or should all its values have been deleted via config, the list will be empty.
var win64Values = new List<string>();
//Evaluate the property "LocalizationPaths" in the section "Internationalization" in the category "Game" for the topmost "Windows"-platform config in the hierarchy.
//This will take all lower hierarchy layers into account.
configHierarchy.EvaluatePropertyValues("Windows", "Game", "Internationalization", "LocalizationPaths", win64Values);
Assert.That(values, Is.EquivalentTo(new[]
//It is also possible to ask for a specific level range within the hierarchy
var engineDefaultWin64Values = new List<string>();
configHierarchy.EvaluatePropertyValues("Windows", "Game", "Internationalization", "LocalizationPaths",
ConfigHierarchyLevel.BasePlatformCategory.AndLower(), engineDefaultWin64Values);
Assert.That(engineDefaultWin64Values, Is.EquivalentTo(new[]