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Open311 FMS Service Definition additions

M Somerville edited this page May 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

FixMyStreet can handle an additional optional field to any attribute returned by a GET Service Definition call. This additional field can be either blank, or set to server_set or hidden_field.

If set to hidden_field, then the attribute will be output on the FixMyStreet website during the reporting process as a hidden input field with no label, rather than a visible one as is the default. This is meant for attributes where the expectation is that it might be filled in automatically with e.g. a selected asset or nearest road identifier.

If set to server_set, then the attribute is not output on the FixMyStreet website during the reporting process at all. This is meant for attributes where the Open311 sending process will automatically fill in the required information. Default processing exists for attributes with codes as follows:

Code Description
easting The report's easting co-ordinate
northing The report's northing co-ordinate
fixmystreet_id The report's FixMyStreet ID

Other fields can be added with custom processing; examples include the report title/description (if those are required separately; by default Open311 puts them together in one field), or the report's URL.