diff --git a/templates/web/base/report/_update_state.html b/templates/web/base/report/_update_state.html
index d484dcb0514..7f78dc55033 100644
--- a/templates/web/base/report/_update_state.html
+++ b/templates/web/base/report/_update_state.html
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
[% # Small chance of duplicates in the case of fixed - user followed by fixed - council %]
-[% SET update_state = update.problem_state_processed %]
-[% IF ( update_state AND update_state != global.last_state AND NOT (global.last_state == "" AND update.problem_state_processed == 'confirmed') )
- OR update.mark_fixed
- OR update.mark_open
+[% IF state_change %]
[% loc('State changed to:') %] [% update.problem_state_display %]
- [%- global.last_state = update_state %]
- [%- IF update_state == "" AND update.mark_fixed %][% global.last_state = 'fixed - user' %][% END %]
- [%- IF update_state == "" AND update.mark_open %][% global.last_state = 'confirmed' %][% END %]
[% END %]
diff --git a/templates/web/base/report/updates.html b/templates/web/base/report/updates.html
index d65f1a28720..03a398860a7 100644
--- a/templates/web/base/report/updates.html
+++ b/templates/web/base/report/updates.html
@@ -9,6 +9,20 @@
[%- IF update.get_extra_metadata('triage_report') == 1 AND ( NOT c.user OR ( NOT c.user.from_body AND NOT c.user.is_superuser ) ) %]
[%- NEXT %]
[%- END %]
+[%- IF NOT update.whenanswered AND update.type != 'moderation' %]
+ [%- SET update_state = update.problem_state_processed %]
+ [%- SET state_change = ( update_state AND update_state != global.last_state AND NOT (global.last_state == "" AND update.problem_state_processed == 'confirmed') ) OR update.mark_fixed OR update.mark_open %]
+ [%- IF NOT update.photo AND NOT update.text AND NOT state_change %]
+ [%- NEXT %]
+ [%- END %]
+ [%- IF state_change %]
+ [%- global.last_state = update_state %]
+ [%- IF update_state == "" AND update.mark_fixed %][% global.last_state = 'fixed - user' %][% END %]
+ [%- IF update_state == "" AND update.mark_open %][% global.last_state = 'confirmed' %][% END %]
+ [%- END %]
+[%- END %]
[% INCLUDE 'report/update.html' %]
[% END %]