- Add versions to services controller. (DONE)
- Implement update. (DONE)
- fuck modals. just drop a textinput below the li/tr (DONE)
- Mechanism for creating new services. (DONE)
- UI. Adding a child should redirect you to that node (DONE)
- Deleting root node should bounce you to index (DONE)
- implement UI code for associations. (DONE)
- UI. Deleting root node should prompt for confirmation
- UI. Catch exceptions and flash messages (or do '/' validation)
- validate node name client-side before accepting creation.
- Support versions, rollback, and pegging to a version
- Log every action so we can recreate in case of accident.
- show raw json view.
- add tooltips to inherited view and associations.
- warn user if their update failed because of version conflict
- preserve user's changes
- use backbone.js for associations.
- monitor zk connection state
- if no connection can be made, send app into reduced functionality mode
- integration tests
implement: walk (DONE) resolve (DONE) ln (DONE) test: ZNodeLink (DONEish) fix: travis-ci (DONE)