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LDK & allocator update

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@muhopensores muhopensores released this 11 Oct 16:05
  • add LDK;
  • add Memory Allocator adjustments (works only if you have a dmc3se.exe with a .reloc section that has some free bytes, example in etc.7zip);
  • add build for speedrunners without gameplay hooks (rename dinput8_speedrun.dll to dinput8.dll and place into dmc3 install dir);
  • add AreaJump
  • etc.7zip contains examples of patched files for new memory allocator to work;
    known issues:
  • game can address only ~268 MB of memory even with patches
  • there's a hard limit of 100 collision handles in any scene. if the value overflows you cant hit anyone or crash the game (fix: drop LDK multiplier/ keep a Holy Water or use AreaJump to load next room);
  • there's some hard limit on draw commands (fix: drop LDK multiplier if you start seeing naked hell pride asses);
  • style switcher doesn't load all style levels on mission start (fix: switch to other style and restart a mission bunch of times, levels will stick around until game restart);
  • style switcher F1 bind crashes the game (fix: don't press F1);
  • style switcher arcade mode is broken (fix: there's a patched StyleSwitcherPatched.dll the game will load if it can and it makes sense);
  • its possible to load higher poly player models with StyleSwitcher WeaponSwitch=1, but the performance is poor (fix: requires rewriting the renderer);
  • some enemy spawns are only doubled due to issues with their logic (no fix);
  • sometimes game crashes in some stage loading routines, i just keep a backup of native folder in case this happens, restoring it fixes crashes