2.0.0 (2021-12-27)
Fixed bugs:
- BA implementation bug #352
Closed issues:
- Remove vim comments #349
- Infinity test problem is a duplicate of Csendes #347
- Add a citation.cff file #346
Merged pull requests:
- Do not package the tests #358 (firefly-cpp)
- Add badge for Fedora #356 (firefly-cpp)
- Fixed flake8 versions #355 (zStupan)
- Maximization example corrected #354 (firefly-cpp)
- Fixed BA #353 (zStupan)
- Loa algorithm #351 (AljoM)
- Removed vim comments #350 (zStupan)
- Remove infinity test problem and add missing test problems to docs #348 (zStupan)
- Fixed csendes function. #345 (zStupan)
2.0.0rc18 (2021-08-18)
Closed issues:
- BA, CS and FA implementations are incorrect #341
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'NiaPy' #339
- Add Problems.md file #332
- Add an example/guide showing how to solve a real-world problem #215
Merged pull requests:
- docs: add andrazperson as a contributor for code #343 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fix various algorithms #342 (zStupan)
- Initial implementation of Clonal Selection Algorithm #340 (andrazperson)
- docs: add firefly-cpp as a contributor for question, test #337 (allcontributors[bot])
- Add Python 3.10 tag #336 (firefly-cpp)
- Update docs #335 (zStupan)
2.0.0rc17 (2021-06-10)
Closed issues:
- Maximization doesn't work #328
- Remove ThrowingTask and CountingTask #317
- Tasks are missing from the documentation. #315
- NiaPy fails to build with Python 3.10.0a7. #308
Merged pull requests:
- Edit Algorithms.md #333 (firefly-cpp)
- Rename BFOA #331 (zStupan)
- Fixed Maximization #329 (zStupan)
- Remove export directory #327 (zStupan)
- docs: add eltociear as a contributor #326 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fix typo in jade.py #324 (eltociear)
- Remove ThrowingTask and CountingTask #323 (zStupan)
- Benchmark refactor #321 (zStupan)
- docs: add lukapecnik as a contributor #320 (allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add zStupan as a contributor #319 (allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add hrnciar as a contributor #318 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fix detection of two digit Python minor version #316 (hrnciar)
2.0.0rc16 (2021-05-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create a new release #310
Closed issues:
- niapy import fails for Python 3.6.x #311
Merged pull requests:
2.0.0rc15 (2021-05-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- [JOSS] (Optional) Follow PEP-8 style guide in naming methods #123
Closed issues:
- Several TODOs in ca.py #306
- limit_repair method alters the input array #294
- CuckooSearch's runIteration is incompatible with other algorithms runIteration #281
- """ #264
Merged pull requests:
- Huge refactor #309 (zStupan)
- corrected reference URL for basic hs algorithm #307 (firefly-cpp)
- Switched to numpy.random.Generator for generating random numbers #305 (zStupan)
2.0.0rc14 (2021-04-23)
Closed issues:
- scipy dependency #303
- Python 2.7 support #301
- Deprecation warnings #297
- Bug in Algorithm.runYield - runIteration executes nGEN - 1 times #293
- User defined function #292
Merged pull requests:
- Removed scipy dependency #304 (zStupan)
- Dropped Python 2 Support #302 (zStupan)
- Run method fix #300 (zStupan)
- Deprecation warnings and JADE fix #299 (sisco0)
- some nitpicks #298 (firefly-cpp)
- docs: add zStupan as a contributor #296 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fixed bug in Algorithm.runYield #295 (zStupan)
- np.float is deprecated #291 (firefly-cpp)
- BFOA quick fix #290 (zStupan)
2.0.0rc13 (2021-03-10)
Closed issues:
- BFOA implementation #288
- BAT #286
- BAT Optimization Algorithm #285
- NiaPy conda dependecy problem #284
- xlwt is archived: consider dropping xlwt requirement? #283
- . #263
Merged pull requests:
2.0.0rc12 (2020-12-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Fixing issues related to tests at infinity benchmark and NPAging DE. #267 (sisco0)
- Fix build description #261 (GregaVrbancic)
Closed issues:
- Fedora rpm build | two tests are failing #252
Merged pull requests:
- Harris Hawks Optimization integration #280 (sisco0)
- Fixed some LaTeX formulas #279 (sisco0)
- Implementation of PLBA algorithm #278 (firefly-cpp)
- several TODOs removed #277 (firefly-cpp)
- tests for RS algorithm #276 (firefly-cpp)
- corrections in table #275 (firefly-cpp)
- Exception handling & Random Search implementation #274 (firefly-cpp)
- Table of implemented algorithms added #273 (firefly-cpp)
- removing TabuSearch - immature version #272 (firefly-cpp)
- Update README.md #271 (GregaVrbancic)
- LaTeX codes #270 (sisco0)
- Update issue templates #269 (GregaVrbancic)
- docs: add sisco0 as a contributor #268 (allcontributors[bot])
- reference added, small fixes #265 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Fixes #262 (lucijabrezocnik)
2.0.0rc11 (2020-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add workflow for publish to anaconda, setup.py fixes #259 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fix runner exports #254 (GregaVrbancic)
- Add python 3.8 #250 (GregaVrbancic)
Fixed bugs:
- OptimizationType.MAXIMIZATION does not work with GWO #246
- Possible issue with unit test #241
- GWO TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) #218
- Fix algorithm utility to work with python2 and add tests #239 (GregaVrbancic)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update versionbump #260 (GregaVrbancic)
- Documentation update #258 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Update Sphinx theme, update outdated stuff #257 (GregaVrbancic)
- Documentation update #256 (lucijabrezocnik)
- updated README file #255 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Installation instructions for Fedora users #253 (firefly-cpp)
- docs: add timzatko as a contributor #251 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fix GWO maximization #249 (GregaVrbancic)
- update getting started documentation #248 (GregaVrbancic)
- docs: add brett18618 as a contributor #242 (allcontributors[bot])
- Fix HSABA, SABA, ABA and fixes for examples #240 (kb2623)
2.0.0rc10 (2019-11-12)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
2.0.0rc9 (2019-11-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix publish workflow #236 (GregaVrbancic)
2.0.0rc8 (2019-11-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix pypi README #235 (GregaVrbancic)
2.0.0rc7 (2019-11-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix bump2version #234 (GregaVrbancic)
2.0.0rc6 (2019-11-11)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- docs: add jhmenke as a contributor #232 (allcontributors[bot])
- replacing badges and mentions of appveyor and travis #231 (GregaVrbancic)
- cleanup old ci configurations #230 (GregaVrbancic)
- docs: add FlorianShepherd as a contributor #229 (allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add musawakiliML as a contributor #228 (allcontributors[bot])
- Automatic Release #226 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fixes comments in runner.py #225 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix comment. replace mutation and crossover with uniform one. #223 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix runner nRuns issue #222 (GregaVrbancic)
- update run_jde.py #217 (rhododendrom)
- Added Cat Swarm Optimization algorithm #216 (mihael-mika)
- Bea algorithm #214 (RokPot)
2.0.0rc5 (2019-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update Runner to accept an array of algorithm objects or strings #189
- Merging logging and printing task in StoppingTask #208 (firefly-cpp)
- Upgrade runner #206 (GregaVrbancic)
- Foa fix #199 (lukapecnik)
- New examples (algorithm info + custom init population function) #198 (firefly-cpp)
- Dependencies, code style, etc. #196 (GregaVrbancic)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Custom init pop example fix #213 (firefly-cpp)
- Fixed example and readme.md #212 (bankojan)
- minor fix in examples #210 (firefly-cpp)
- Removing ScalingTask & MoveTask #209 (firefly-cpp)
- MBO algorithm implementation. #207 (bankojan)
- FOA tree aging and limitRepair bug fix. #205 (lukapecnik)
- Fixes #203 (kb2623)
- BA and HBA #202 (kb2623)
- More modified examples #197 (firefly-cpp)
- Example for custom benchmark #195 (firefly-cpp)
- Some changes in BA and HBA #194 (firefly-cpp)
- significant commit of flower pollination algorithm #193 (rhododendrom)
- update of sigma calculation #192 (rhododendrom)
- PSO minor changes #191 (firefly-cpp)
- Simplified examples - part 2 #190 (firefly-cpp)
- Simplified examples #184 (firefly-cpp)
- New features. #183 (kb2623)
- FOA examples added and README.md update #181 (lukapecnik)
- FOA #180 (lukapecnik)
- add scandir dev dependency #176 (GregaVrbancic)
- New algorithms and port of old algorithms #175 (kb2623)
- fix scrutinizer python version #174 (GregaVrbancic)
- New tests #173 (firefly-cpp)
2.0.0rc4 (2018-11-30)
2.0.0rc3 (2018-11-30)
Closed issues:
- New mechanism for stopCond and old best values #168
- Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm (CRO) and Anarchic society optimization (ASO) #148
Merged pull requests:
- Added iterations counter to some of the algorithms #171 (kb2623)
- Added fixes for stopping conditions #170 (kb2623)
- Added stopping conditions #169 (kb2623)
- Fish school search implementation in old format #166 (tuahk)
- update of comments: algorithm.py #165 (rhododendrom)
- New tests for MFO #164 (firefly-cpp)
- Moth Flame Optimization #163 (kivancguckiran)
- update conda build for version 1.0.2 #162 (GregaVrbancic)
- add conda recipe #160 (GregaVrbancic)
- update comments #159 (rhododendrom)
- Fixes #158 (kb2623)
- HBA - bugfix #157 (kivancguckiran)
1.0.2 (2018-10-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Hybrid Bat Algorithm coding mistake? #156
Merged pull requests:
- fix Bat Algorithm #161 (GregaVrbancic)
2.0.0rc2 (2018-08-30)
2 (2018-08-30)
2.0.0rc1 (2018-08-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Differential evolution implementation #135
Closed issues:
- New feature: Support for maximization problems #146
- New algorithms #145
- Counting evaluations #142
- Convergence plots #136
Merged pull requests:
- fix rtd conf #154 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix rtd conf #153 (GregaVrbancic)
- add docs dependency #152 (GregaVrbancic)
- Docs build fix #151 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fixes and new algorithm #150 (kb2623)
- New optimization algorithm and fixes for old ones #149 (kb2623)
- New features #147 (kb2623)
- Algorithm refactoring #144 (kb2623)
- New algorithms and benchmarks #143 (kb2623)
- update #141 (rhododendrom)
- Update run_fa.py #140 (rhododendrom)
- Update run_abc.py #139 (rhododendrom)
- fix failing build #138 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fixed DE evaluations counter #137 (mlaky88)
- Fix renamed PyPI package #134 (jacebrowning)
- style fix #133 (lucijabrezocnik)
- style fix #132 (lucijabrezocnik)
- style fix #131 (lucijabrezocnik)
- citing #130 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Zenodo added #129 (lucijabrezocnik)
- DOI added #128 (lucijabrezocnik)
1.0.1 (2018-03-21)
Closed issues:
- [JOSS] Clarify target audience #122
- [JOSS] Comment on existing libraries/frameworks #121
- [JOSS] Better API Documentation #120
- [JOSS] Clarify set-up requirements in README and requirements.txt #119
- Testing the algorithms #85
- JOSS paper #60
Merged pull requests:
- fix #127 (lucijabrezocnik)
- reference Fix #126 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Documentation added #125 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fix for issue #119 #124 (GregaVrbancic)
- dois added #118 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fixes #117 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Fix paper title #116 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fix paper #115 (GregaVrbancic)
- arguments: Ts->integer; TournamentSelection: use shuffled indices in … #114 (mlaky88)
1.0.0 (2018-02-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Runner export #39 (GregaVrbancic)
1.0.0rc2 (2018-02-28)
1.0.0rc1 (2018-02-28)
Merged pull requests:
- fix algorithms docs #113 (GregaVrbancic)
- cleanup #112 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix README.rst #111 (GregaVrbancic)
- code style fixes #110 (GregaVrbancic)
- whitespace fix #109 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Pso algorithm #108 (GregaVrbancic)
- CS levy flight fix #106 (mlaky88)
- fix cs code style #105 (GregaVrbancic)
- CS fix #103 (mlaky88)
- Documentation #102 (GregaVrbancic)
- Finishing runner #101 (GregaVrbancic)
0.1.3a2 (2018-02-26)
0.1.3a1 (2018-02-26)
0.1.2a4 (2018-02-26)
0.1.2a3 (2018-02-26)
0.1.2a2 (2018-02-26)
Merged pull requests:
- fix #100 (lucijabrezocnik)
0.1.2a1 (2018-02-26)
Merged pull requests:
- version 0.1.2a1 #99 (GregaVrbancic)
- ga fix #98 (mlaky88)
- test fix #97 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fix docs #96 (GregaVrbancic)
- cs and pso fix #95 (lucijabrezocnik)
- add getting started guide #94 (GregaVrbancic)
- algorithms docs fix #93 (lucijabrezocnik)
- algorithms documentation fix #92 (lucijabrezocnik)
- documentation fix #91 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Latex #90 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fixes docs building #89 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix code style #88 (GregaVrbancic)
- changes in DE & jDE #87 (rhododendrom)
- More changes in CS #86 (rhododendrom)
- Fixed some problems in CS #84 (rhododendrom)
- fix auto build docs #83 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix docs build #82 (GregaVrbancic)
- Gen docs #81 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix indent #80 (lucijabrezocnik)
- typo #79 (lucijabrezocnik)
- new algorithms #78 (lucijabrezocnik)
- NiaPy logo added #77 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fix codestyle #76 (GregaVrbancic)
- fixing codestyle #75 (GregaVrbancic)
- Fixed evals, added cuckoo search #74 (mlaky88)
- Refactoring #73 (GregaVrbancic)
- latex documentation fixes #72 (lucijabrezocnik)
- benchmark tests added #71 (lucijabrezocnik)
- tests added #70 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Gen docs #69 (GregaVrbancic)
- docs descriptions #68 (lucijabrezocnik)
- prepare for docs #67 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fix issues #66 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Readthedocs configuration #65 (GregaVrbancic)
- Cleanup docs and fix benchmark comments #64 (GregaVrbancic)
- docs generation #63 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Gen docs #62 (GregaVrbancic)
- Generate docs #61 (GregaVrbancic)
- fix csendes benchmark #59 (GregaVrbancic)
- compatibility bugfixes #58 (GregaVrbancic)
- Docs #57 (GregaVrbancic)
- add OS compatibillity fixes. #56 (GregaVrbancic)
- Improved Docs #55 (GregaVrbancic)
- Styblinski-Tang Function added #54 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Sum Squares added #53 (lucijabrezocnik)
- decimal fixes #52 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Stepint function added #51 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Step function #50 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Schumer Steiglitz Function #49 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Salomon function #48 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Quintic function added #47 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Qing function added #46 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Pinter function added #45 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Csendes function #44 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Chung reynolds function #43 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Ridge function #42 (lucijabrezocnik)
- fix latex export #41 (GregaVrbancic)
- Happy cat function added #40 (lucijabrezocnik)
- add comment of arguments for fpa.py #38 (rhododendrom)
- Move test #37 (GregaVrbancic)
- description added #36 (lucijabrezocnik)
- Feature functions2 #35 (lucijabrezocnik)
- add runner export to xlsx #34 (GregaVrbancic)
- Runner export #33 (GregaVrbancic)
- Feature functions2 #32 (lucijabrezocnik)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator