The Spark Monitoring Library can generate large volumes of logging and metrics data. This page describes the ways that you can limit the events that are forwarded to Azure Monitor.
Note: All regex filters below are implemented with java.lang.String.matches(...). This implementation essentially appends ^...$ around the regular expression, so the entire string must match the regex. If you need to allow for other values you should include .* before and/or after your expression.
Note: The REGEX value(s) should be surrounded by double quotes as noted in the examples so that the characters in the regular expression(s) are not interpretted by the shell.
You can uncomment and edit the LA_SPARKLISTENEREVENT_REGEX
environment variable that is included in to limit the logging to only include events where Event_s matches the regex.
The example below will only log events for SparkListenerJobStart
, SparkListenerJobEnd
, or where org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.
is in the event name.
export LA_SPARKLISTENEREVENT_REGEX="SparkListenerJobEnd|SparkListenerTaskEnd|org\.apache\.spark\.sql\.execution\.ui\..*"
The following query will show counts by day for all events that have been logged to Azure Monitor:
| project TimeGenerated, Event_s
| summarize Count=count() by tostring(Event_s), bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
- SparkListenerExecutorAdded
- SparkListenerBlockManagerAdded
- org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener$QueryStartedEvent
- org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.SparkListenerSQLExecutionStart
- org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.SparkListenerSQLExecutionEnd
- org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.SparkListenerDriverAccumUpdates
- org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener$QueryTerminatedEvent
- SparkListenerJobStart
- SparkListenerStageSubmitted
- SparkListenerTaskStart
- SparkListenerTaskEnd
- org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener$QueryProgressEvent
- SparkListenerStageCompleted
- SparkListenerJobEnd
You can uncomment and edit the LA_SPARKMETRIC_REGEX
environment variable that is included in to limit the logging to only include events where name_s matches the regex.
The example below will only log metrics where the name begins with app
and ends in .jvmCpuTime
or .heap.max
export LA_SPARKMETRIC_REGEX="app.*\.jvmCpuTime|app.*\.heap.max
Query to find all metric prefixes and counts by day:
| project nameprefix=split(tostring(name_s),".")[0], TimeGenerated
| summarize Count=count() by tostring(nameprefix), bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
If you want to get more granular, the full names can be seen with the following query. Note: This will include a large number of metrics including for specific Spark applications.
| project name_s, TimeGenerated
| summarize Count=count() by tostring(name_s), bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
- jvm
- worker
- Databricks
- HiveExternalCatalog
- CodeGenerator
- application
- master
- app-20201014133042-0000 - Note: This prefix includes all metrics for a specific Spark application run.
- shuffleService
- SparkStatusTracker
The logs that propagate to SparkLoggingEvent_CL do so through a log4j appender. This can be configured by altering the script that is responsible for writing the file. The script at can be modified to set the threshold for events to be forwarded. A commented example is included in the script.
# Commented line below shows how to set the threshhold for logging to only capture events that are
# level ERROR or more severe.
# log4j.appender.logAnalyticsAppender.Threshold=ERROR
You can uncomment and edit the LA_SPARKLOGGINGEVENT_NAME_REGEX
environment variable that is included in to limit the logging to only include events where logger_name_s matches the regex.
The example below will only log events from logger
or where the logger name starts with org.apache.spark.util.Utils
export LA_SPARKLOGGINGEVENT_NAME_REGEX="com\.microsoft\.pnp\.samplejob\.StreamingQueryListenerSampleJob|org\.apache\.spark\.util\.Utils.*"
You can uncomment and edit the LA_SPARKLOGGINGEVENT_MESSAGE_REGEX
environment variable that is included in to limit the logging to only include events where the message matches the regex.
The example below will only log events where the message ends with the string StreamingQueryListenerSampleJob
or begins with the string FS_CONF_COMPAT
You should be mindful of using complicated Regular Expressions as they have to be evaluated for every logged event or metric. Simple whole-string matches should be relatively performent, or pattern.*
expressions that will match the beginning of strings.
Warning: Filtering on the logging event message with
should be considered experimental. Some components generate very large message strings and processing the.matches
operation on these strings could cause a significant burden on the cluster nodes.