transpiles stylus to css, then uses a very simple css simplifier.
first set up a mspg project.
then, in src/config.js
import CSS from '@mspg/transpile-stylus'
export default {
do not rename the *.css files in the /src directory, you can just use stylus in them now.
you can also use the /includes/css directory to create *.styl files and @import them from the css files in /src.
if /includes/css/variables.styl exists, it will be imported and the variables in it will be available in all css files.
if /includes/css/mixins.styl exists, it will be imported and the mixins in it will be available in all css files.
if you add
@import 'nib'
at the top of your css, nib will be available and a css reset applied
a minimal example app is in the example directory of this repository, using config.js from the root directory
the example app is published to the gh-pages branch. it is hosted @