The group was set up on 1st July 2008 within the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde and comprises
: who is currently working on theories of advanced data types, containers, induction recursion, parametricity and all areas of category theory. See Neil's current homepage for more details or email [neil.ghani [at]](mailto:neil.ghani [at] And, here is a picture of Neil.
: who works on mathematical models of interaction such as distributed games and event structures. Contact Glynn at [glynn.winskel [at]](mailto:glynn.winskel [at]
: who is currently working on dependently typed programming. He is also interested in extending the functionality of Haskell so that it can mimic the dependently-typed style of programming. See Conor's current homepaqe for more details or email [conor.mcbride [at]](mailto:conor.mcbride [at]
: who is currently working on both coalgebras and logics for knowledge representation, learning and verification. See Clemens' homepage for more details or email [clemens.kupke [at]](mailto:clemens.kupke [at]
: See Bob's homepage or email [robert.atkey [at]](mailto:robert.atkey [at]
: who is interested in Martin-Löf Type Theory, constructive mathematics, and category theory. See Fred's homepage for more details or email [fredrik.nordvall-forsberg [at]](mailto:fredrik.nordvall-forsberg [at]
: who is interested in game theory, economics and machine learning using tools of category theory and functional programming. See Jules' homepage or email [jules.hedges [at]](mailto:jules.hedges [at]
: who is interested in efficient runtime representations, generic programming, proof automation, and user experience. See Guillaume's homepage or email [guillaume.allais [at]](mailto:guillaume.allais [at]
: who is interested in dependent types, type theory and programming language design and their application in making systems more trustworthy. See Jan's homepage for more information or email [ [at]]( [at]
: who is interested in concurrency and logic, and their applications to analysing threats to security and privacy. See Ross' homepage for more information or email [ross.horne [at]](mailto:ross.horne [at]
: who is an RA working with Clemens Kupke.
Stuart Gale
: who is a PhD student under Conor McBride's direction. Stuart's homepage.
Simone Barlocco
: who is a PhD student under Clemens Kupke's direction. Simone's homepage.
Alasdair Lambert
: who is a PhD student under Clemens Kupke's and Neil Ghani's direction.
Malin Altenmüller
: who is a PhD student under Conor McBride's direction.
Georgi Nakov
: who is a PhD student under Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg's direction.
Matteo Capucci
: who is a PhD student under Neil Ghani and Scott Cunningham's direction. Matteo's homepage.
Eigil Rischel
: who is a PhD student under Radu Mardare and Neil Ghani's direction. Eigil's homepage.
André Videla
: who is a PhD student under Bob Atkey and Conor McBride's direction. André's homepage.
Ezra Schoen
: who is a PhD student under Clemens Kupke's direction.
Riu Rodríguez Sakamoto
: who is a PhD student under Jules Hedges' direction. Riu's homepage.
Dylan Braithwaite
: who is a PhD student under Jules Hedges' direction. Dylan's homepage.
Sean Watters
: who is a PhD student under Clemens Kupke and Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg's direction. Sean's homepage.
Dilsat Yuksel
: who is a PhD student under Conor McBride and Viv Kendon's direction.
April Gonçalves
: who is a PhD student under Bob Atkey's direction. April's homepage.
Samuel Fish
: who is a PhD student under Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg's direction.
Prof. Radu Mardare
: who worked on mathematical tools for modelling and reasoning about systems, especially in the use of metric spaces for quantitative and probabilistic reasoning.
: who worked as an RA on Bob Atkey's AISEC project, and is interested in dependent types, linear types and other substructural friends, lightweight verification, and verification of machine learning.
Dr William Waites
: who worked on modelling infectious diseases using tools such as stochastic graph rewriting and evolutionary game theory.
: who worked as an RA on Clemens Kupke's COVER project, and is also interested in the compositionality of formal verification and programming within a coalgebraic framework.
Dr Joseph Collins
: who was a PhD student under Ross Duncan's direction. Joe successfully defended his thesis "Hopf-Frobenius Algebras" in January 2024, with Chris Heunen as external examiner, and Jules Hedges as internal.
: who was a PhD student under Bob Atkey's direction. James passed his viva in January 2024 with external examiner Kathrin Stark, and internal examiner Conor McBride. His thesis is entitled "A Framework for Semiring-Annotated Type Systems".
Ethel Morgan
: who worked as a Research Software Engineer in the group.
: who was a PhD student under Neil Ghani's direction. Bruno's thesis, successfully defended 2023, is entitled "Fundamental components of deep learning: a category-theoretic approach".
: who worked as an RA on Neil Ghani's project Compositional Game Theory and is also interested in concurrency, topology, and epistemic logic.
Craig Roy
: who was a KTP Associate at Cambridge Quantum Computing under Conor McBride and Ross Duncan's direction.
: who is interested in quantum computation, the foundations of quantum mechanics, category theory and its application in computer science, logic and physics, and graphical techniques for reasoning.
Dr Phil Scott
: who was a KTP Associate at Symphonic Software under Bob Atkey's direction.
Stevan Andjelkovic
: who was a PhD student under Conor McBride's direction.
Ben Price
: who was a PhD student under Neil Ghani's and Conor McBride's direction.
Dr Kevin Dunne
: who was a PhD student under Ross Duncan's direction on the topic of categorical semantics of quantum physics.
: who worked as an RA on Conor McBride's grant Homotopy Type Theory: Programming and Verification.
: who worked as an RA on Clement Kupke's grant Coalgebraic Foundations of Semi-Structured Data.
Dr Federico Orsanigo
: who was a PhD student under Neil Ghani's direction on the topic of bifibrational parametricity.
: who was a PhD student under Clemens Kupke's direction.
Dr Tim Revell
: who was a PhD student under Neil Ghani's direction on the topic of symmetry and parametricity.
Dr Lorenzo Malatesta
: who was a PhD student under Neil Ghani's direction on the topic of induction-recursion.
: who is interested in logic, type theory and computer systems. He worked with Prof. Neil Ghani on induction recursion. Email: [hancock [at]](mailto:hancock [at]
Dr Clement Fumex
: was a PhD student under Patricia Johann's direction on the topic of generic induction principles. Clement completed his PhD in 2012. Clement's thesis is entitled "Induction and Coinduction schemes in Category Theory". His examiners were Bart Jacobs (external) and Conor McBride.
: who worked on advanced data types and categorical and operational models of parametricity. Patricia left in 2013 to take up a Chair at Appalachian State University.
: who worked as an RA on Dr McBride's grant Haskell Types with Added Value.
: who was a PhD student under Conor McBride's direction on the topic of reusability and dependent types.
: who was a PhD student under Conor McBride's direction on the topic of adding Nat-indexed families to Haskell.