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File metadata and controls

57 lines (49 loc) · 2.6 KB


Staging is different from mainnet only in that it uses a different key. Ensure that the key in matches the intended staging key (typically stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct)


  • You have access to the staging program authority wallet (we will assume it is at ~/keys/staging-deploy.json from here on)
  • Anchor 0.30.1
  • Solana 1.18.17


With Anchor

  • Note: this rarely works, the program is probably too chonky.
  • Build with anchor build -p marginfi -- --no-default-features --features staging
  • If this is your first time deploying (to a new key), with anchor build -p marginfi -- --no-default-features --features staging ignore-fee-deploy
  • Ensure anchor.toml is configured like this:
cluster = ""
wallet = "~/keys/staging-deploy.json"

Adjust the cluster as needed if using a custom rpc.

  • Deploy with anchor upgrade target/deploy/ --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct. Use deploy instead upgrade if this is your first deployment, and use the keypair.json in the target folder instead of the program's id for program-id.

If Anchor is busted (for any number of reasons)

  • Run:
solana program deploy --use-rpc \
  target/deploy/ \
  --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --fee-payer ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --url <your rpc>

If this is your first time deploying, use the keypair.json in the target folder instead of the program's id for program-id

  • Failed? That happens often. solana program close --buffers -k ~/keys/staging-deploy.json to recover the buffer funds and try again (Note: this costs you .02 SOL to try again)
  • Still failing? That happens. Try to recover the buffer instead of closing it: solana-keygen recover -o recovered-buffer.json (then enter the buffer seed phrase). Then:
solana program deploy --use-rpc \
  target/deploy/ \
  --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --fee-payer ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --url <your rpc ( is usually fine)> \
  --buffer recovered-buffer.json
  • Program buffer full? Use:
solana program extend \
  --url <RPC_URL> \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct 10000
  • If you changed your wallet config, make sure to remove the staging wallet from your Solana config to avoid sausage fingers errors in the future: solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json