This package makes you have the ability that using Jiaja2 Template Engine with Tornado Web Framework. It will replace the default Tornado Templates.
Import Jinja2Loader to your project
from tornado_jinja2 import Jinja2Loader
Pass the instance of Jinja2Loader to tornado.web.Application as the value of "template_loader" parameter. You can use the particular Loader from jinja2 and configuring jinaja2 environment by your self.
import tornado.web
import jinja2
# Create a instance of Jinja2Loader
jinja2_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader('template/path/'), autoescape=False)
jinja2_loader = Jinja2Loader(jinja2_env)
# Give it to Tornado to replace the default Loader.
settings = dict(template_loader=jinja2_loader)
application = tornado.web.Application(handler=[],