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--- a/ermac.min.js
+++ b/ermac.min.js
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-function register_html(){$("body").append('\n
Web-browser is either busy or not supported: try to
restart \n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\x3c!-- TOP-LEFT CORNER MENU --\x3e\n\n
\n 👤 Guest — log in \n
\n 👤 (menu ) \n
\n\n\x3c!-- SEARCH --\x3e\n\n
\n \n
μx ° \n
☰ \n
⏎ \n
\n\n \n\n \n\n
\n \n Ref. \n Authors \n Title \n J. name \n J. code \n Year \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- DATAGRID --\x3e\n\n
Getting the rest of data...
There are results not shown — please, refine the search or use the MPDS API.
Get full machine-readable data using API: curl -H Key:
YOUR_API_KEY \'https://api.mpds.io/v0/download/facet?q=
\n\n \x3c!-- div id="fdwidget" class="context_msg">
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE OUTPUT --\x3e\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE DATATYPES CONTROL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT MAIN COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Distinct phases
other elements and impurities \n \x3c!-- br />\n
constituent phases See the
public dumps of the distinct phases appeared at least once in the literature.\n
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT CONTEXT COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
In-house machine-learning predictions
Show more info... These data are open and freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Cite as: Blokhin, Villars. MPDS: Materials Platform for Data Science, mpds.io , in preparation. See the materials design app and the properties prediction app online. \n
In-house ab initio calculations
Show more info... These data are open and freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Cite as: Sobolev, Civalleri, Maschio, Erba, Dovesi, Villars, Blokhin. MPDS: Materials Platform for Data Science, mpds.io , in preparation. See the data types comparison . \n
In-house ab initio calculations
Show more info... This calculation is in progress. Upon completion it will be freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Support our work purchasing our products . \n
Automatically combined phase diagrams
Show more info... The 3d prisms and tetrahedra were automatically combined and rendered by the platform from the suitable binary and (or) ternary phase diagrams. \n
\n Visualize \n Get XRPD \n Simulate ✔ in my data \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT INDIVIDUAL ID COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Permanent link:
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT PLOTTING COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Plot type
\n by occurence \n by atomic number \n by periodic number \n by atomic size \n by atomic reactivity \n by pseudopotential radii \n by ionic radii \n by covalent radii \n by metallic radii \n by melting temperature \n by electronegativity \n \n
\n by atomic number \n by periodic number \n by atomic size \n by atomic reactivity \n by pseudopotential radii \n by ionic radii \n by covalent radii \n by metallic radii \n by melting temperature \n by electronegativity \n \n
Node type
\n physical properties \n polyhedral types \n crystal systems \n publications \n countries \n \n
Active axes
\n atomic number \n periodic number \n atomic size \n atomic reactivity \n pseudopotential radii \n ionic radii \n covalent radii \n metallic radii \n melting temperature \n electronegativity \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- RIGHT MAIN COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Data types
\n crystal structures \n phase diagrams \n physical properties \n peer-reviewed experimental \n machine-learning \n ab initio modeling \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- RIGHT CONTEXT COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Show more \n\n
Area colors
\n liquid or gas blue or violet \n 1-phase violet \n 2-phase gray or white \n 3-phase yellow \n 4-phase red \n 5-phase green \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- ADVANCED SEARCH MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n bibliography \n crystallography \n basics \n \n\n
Chemical elements
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Physical property
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Materials class
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication author
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication years
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Journal or book
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication DOI
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Crystal system
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Space group
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Polyhedral type
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Polyhedron atoms
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Lattice a , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
a /b , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Lattice b , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
b /c , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Lattice c , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
c /a , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Cell volume, Å3 [3 — 104 ] 🔍
Density, Mg/m3 [0.1 — 30] 🔍
\n\n\x3c!-- LOGIN MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- FACTOR MODAL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- RESTORE MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- USER MENU MODAL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- USER MENU COLLATERAL WINDOWS --\x3e\n\n\n\n\x3c!-- NEW PROPS HIERARCHY MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n scalars \n objects and arrays \n textual data \n visualization \n \n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PLOTS EMBED --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- NB relative URL --\x3e\n\n\x3c!-- DISCOVERY SETTINGS MODAL --\x3e\n\n
Used properties \n
Unused properties \n
Click labels to rearrange.
\n\n\x3c!-- ALL POLYHEDRA MODAL --\x3e\n\n
The most common polyhedral types
\n\n\x3c!-- SORTING SETTINGS MODAL --\x3e\n\n
Joint sort operators \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
\n\n\x3c!-- HELP BOXES --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- NUMERIC SEARCH SMART BOX --\x3e\n\n\n\n')};
+function register_html(){$("body").append('\nWeb-browser is either busy or not supported: try to
restart \n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\x3c!-- TOP-LEFT CORNER MENU --\x3e\n\n
\n 👤 Guest — log in \n
\n 👤 (menu ) \n
\n\n\x3c!-- SEARCH --\x3e\n\n
\n \n
μx ° \n
☰ \n
⏎ \n
\n\n \n\n \n\n
\n \n Ref. \n Authors \n Title \n J. name \n J. code \n Year \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- DATAGRID --\x3e\n\n
Getting the rest of data...
There are results not shown — please, refine the search or use the MPDS API.
Get full machine-readable data using API: curl -H Key:
YOUR_API_KEY \'https://api.mpds.io/v0/download/facet?q=
\n\n \x3c!-- div id="fdwidget" class="context_msg">
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE OUTPUT --\x3e\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PERIODIC TABLE DATATYPES CONTROL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT MAIN COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Distinct phases
other elements and impurities \n \x3c!-- br />\n
constituent phases See the
public dumps of the distinct phases appeared at least once in the literature.\n
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT CONTEXT COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
In-house machine-learning predictions
Show more info... These data are open and freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Cite as: Blokhin, Villars. MPDS: Materials Platform for Data Science, mpds.io , in preparation. See the materials design app and the properties prediction app online. \n
In-house ab initio calculations
Show more info... These data are open and freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Cite as: Sobolev, Civalleri, Maschio, Erba, Dovesi, Villars, Blokhin. MPDS: Materials Platform for Data Science, mpds.io , in preparation. See the data types comparison . \n
In-house ab initio calculations
Show more info... This calculation is in progress. Upon completion it will be freely available under the CC BY 4.0 license. Support our work purchasing our products . \n
Automatically combined phase diagrams
Show more info... The 3d prisms and tetrahedra were automatically combined and rendered by the platform from the suitable binary and (or) ternary phase diagrams. \n
\n Visualize \n Get XRPD \n Simulate ✔ in my data \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT INDIVIDUAL ID COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Permanent link:
\n\n\x3c!-- LEFT PLOTTING COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Plot type
\n by occurence \n by atomic number \n by periodic number \n by atomic size \n by atomic reactivity \n by pseudopotential radii \n by ionic radii \n by covalent radii \n by metallic radii \n by melting temperature \n by electronegativity \n \n
\n by atomic number \n by periodic number \n by atomic size \n by atomic reactivity \n by pseudopotential radii \n by ionic radii \n by covalent radii \n by metallic radii \n by melting temperature \n by electronegativity \n \n
Node type
\n physical properties \n polyhedral types \n crystal systems \n publications \n countries \n \n
Active axes
\n atomic number \n periodic number \n atomic size \n atomic reactivity \n pseudopotential radii \n ionic radii \n covalent radii \n metallic radii \n melting temperature \n electronegativity \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- RIGHT MAIN COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Data types
\n crystal structures \n phase diagrams \n physical properties \n peer-reviewed experimental \n machine-learning \n ab initio modeling \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- RIGHT CONTEXT COLUMN --\x3e\n\n
Show more \n\n
Area colors
\n liquid or gas blue or violet \n 1-phase violet \n 2-phase gray or white \n 3-phase yellow \n 4-phase red \n 5-phase green \n \n
\n\n\x3c!-- ADVANCED SEARCH MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n bibliography \n crystallography \n basics \n \n\n
Chemical elements
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Physical property
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Materials class
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication author
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication years
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Journal or book
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Publication DOI
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Crystal system
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Space group
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- simple autocomplete --\x3e\n
Polyhedral type
\x3c!-- multiselect autocomplete --\x3e\n
Polyhedron atoms
\x3c!-- no autocomplete --\x3e\n
Lattice a , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
a /b , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Lattice b , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
b /c , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Lattice c , Å [1.5 — 20] 🔍
c /a , [0.1 — 10] 🔍
Cell volume, Å3 [3 — 104 ] 🔍
Density, Mg/m3 [0.1 — 30] 🔍
\n\n\x3c!-- LOGIN MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- FACTOR MODAL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- RESTORE MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- USER MENU MODAL --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- USER MENU COLLATERAL WINDOWS --\x3e\n\n\n\n\x3c!-- NEW PROPS HIERARCHY MODAL --\x3e\n\n
\n scalars \n objects and arrays \n textual data \n visualization \n \n\n
\n\n\x3c!-- PLOTS EMBED --\x3e\n
\x3c!-- NB relative URL --\x3e\n\n\x3c!-- DISCOVERY SETTINGS MODAL --\x3e\n\n
Used properties \n
Unused properties \n
Click labels to rearrange.
\n\n\x3c!-- ALL POLYHEDRA MODAL --\x3e\n\n
The most common polyhedral types
\n\n\x3c!-- SORTING SETTINGS MODAL --\x3e\n\n
Joint sort operators \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
none sum diff product ratio max min \n
\n\n\x3c!-- HELP BOXES --\x3e\n\n\n\x3c!-- NUMERIC SEARCH SMART BOX --\x3e\n\n\n\n')};
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