This directory contains additional information about experiments summarized in the EDCC2020 submission.
- BDMPs.pdf: This file contains images of the processed BDMPs. BDMPs defined in Figaro files can only be viewed in the KB3 tool. Therefore we dumped screen shots from KB3 in this file for accessibility.
- EDCC-results-sheet.ods: This work sheet contains all experimental results.
- GreatSPNresults: this directory contains screen dumps of the GreatSPN tool for each test case in a separate file.
- PythonScript: Python script used to process Figaro-based BDMP definitions is provided in this directory.
- TestCases: this directory contains Figaro definitions, shell scripts to automate experiments, and YAMS outputs organized as individual directory for each test case.
- TestCases/BENCHMARK: this directory contains the timed automaton based properties. We do not manually launch the GreatSPN GUI, instead we use command line to automate the experiments.
- TestCases/ script to process all test cases.