Make sure you've read all the instructions on how to complete the challenges.
Follow along with the daily guide.
The goal of today is to create our own NFT standard. 😎
Challenge 1 : Create an actor in main.mo and declare the following types.
- TokenIndex of type Nat.
- Error which is a variant type with multiples tags :
Challenge 2 : Declare an HashMap called registry with Key of type TokenIndex and value of type Principal. This will keeep track of which principal owns which TokenIndex.
Challenge 3 : Declare a variable of type Nat called nextTokenIndex, initialized at 0 that will keep track of the number of minted NFTs.
Write a function called mint that takes no argument.
This function should :- Returns a result of type Result and indicate an error in case the caller is anonymous.
- If the user is authenticated : associate the current TokenIndex with the caller (use the HashMap we've created) and increase nextTokenIndex.
Challenge 4 : Write a function called transfer that takes two arguments :
- to of type Principal.
- tokenIndex of type Nat.
This function will transfer ownership of tokenIndex to the specified principal. You will check for eventuals errors and returns a result of type Result.
Challenge 5 : Write a function called balance that takes no arguments but returns a list of tokenIndex owned by the called.
Challenge 6 : Write a function called http_request that should return a message indicating the number of nft minted so far and the principal of the latest minter. (Use the section on http request in the daily guide).
Challenge 7 : Modify the actor so that you can safely upgrade it without loosing any state.
Well... you've just created your own NFT standard 🔥.
Bonus : intercanister calls.
- Challenge 8 : Create another canister and use to mint a NFT by calling the mint method of your first canister.
Well... you just created your own on-chain wallet. 🔒
Bonus optional (Only take on those challenges if you have nothing else to do today...)
Ledger canister 💰
Challenge 9 : In a new actor implement a function called default_account that returns the address of the subbacount 0 for the canister.
Challenge 10 : Write two functions :
- balance : takes no arguments and returns the balance of icps of the canister defaul account.
- transfer : takes
Ressources for challenge 9 & 10.
- Lectures on the ledger canister :
- Example of icp in canister :
Good luck 🎉