Make sure you've read all the instructions on how to complete the challenges.
Follow along with the daily guide.
Challenge 1 : Write a function is_anonymous that takes no arguments but returns true is the caller is anonymous and false otherwise.
Challenge 2 : Create an HashMap called favoriteNumber where the keys are Principal and the value are Nat.
Challenge 3 : Write two functions :
- add_favorite_number that takes n of type Nat and stores this value in the HashMap where the key is the principal of the caller. This function has no return value.
- show_favorite_number that takes no argument and returns n of type ?Nat, n is the favorite number of the person as defined in the previous function or null if the person hasn't registered.
Challenge 4 : Rewrite your function add_favorite_number so that if the caller has already registered his favorite number, the value in memory isn't modified. This function will return a text of type Text that indicates "You've already registered your number" in that case and "You've successfully registered your number" in the other scenario.
Challenge 5 : Write two functions
- update_favorite_number
- delete_favorite_number
Challenge 6 : Write a function deposit_cycles that allow anyone to deposit cycles into the canister. This function takes no parameter but returns n of type Nat corresponding to the amount of cycles deposited by the call.
Challenge 7 (hard
⚠️ ) : Write a function withdraw_cycles that takes a parameter n of type Nat corresponding to the number of cycles you want to withdraw from the canister and send it to caller asumming the caller has a callback called deposit_cycles()
Note : You need two canisters.
Note 2 : Don't do that in production without admin protection or your might be the target of a cycle draining attack. -
Challenge 8 : Rewrite the counter (of day 1) but this time the counter will be kept accross ugprades. Also declare a variable of type Nat called versionNumber that will keep track of how many times your canister has been upgraded.
Challenge 9 : In a new file, copy and paste the functionnalities you've created in challenges 2 to 5. This time the hashmap and all records should be preserved accross upgrades.
Challenge 10 (optional) : In autonomy, write a CRUD canister, you can add as much functionnalities as you want, a few examples :
- Anonymous principal rejection.
- Cycle functionnality for registration.
- Admin management.
Note : Only practice challenge 10 if you wish to, this is optional and it will not be taken into account for any ranking.
Good luck 🎉