Please let us know where to find other slides and videos.
Pull Requests are appreciated!
- A Few Words of Encouragement from Artur Bergman video
- A Gestalt Informant: Chef driven monitoring, metrics and alerting slides, video
- Abusing databags for fun and profit slides, video
- Automating Application Configuration blog post
- Building the Next Big Game video
- Business Intelligence in the Cloud with Chef video
- Chef Behind Joyent's Cloud video
- ChefConf Crowbar Essex and Knife OpenStack video
- Chefing Your Development Environment (The Pivotal Way) slides, video
- Choose Your Own Adventure video
- Cloud Foundry BOSH Where the Platform rubber meets the Infrastructure road slides
- Concentrated Awesome: Building the HP Cloud video
- Consistent Local Development with Vagrant and Chef video
- Cross-node Orchestrations with Chef and Noah slides, video
- CycleCloud + Chef = 50,000-core Utility Supercomputer for Science video
- DEVOPS + Chef + Windows at video
- DevOps isn't just for the Web slides
- Dreadnot: Chef-powered Deployment Automation video
- Enough Ruby To Be Dangerous slides, video
- Fidelity IT's Journey to Cloud and Click2Compute video
- Five Things You Always Wanted To Know About Chef slides, video
- How Opscode Migrated Hosted Chef API to Erlang & Changed Databases Without Breaking slides, video
- Ignite the Chef Community! slides
- Ignite: Dell Crowbar History video
- Ironfan: Build a Hadoop Cluster in 20 minutes slides, video
- Lessons from Etsy: Avoiding Kitchen Nightmares slides, video
- Logging Patterns with Logstash and Chef slides, video
- Operations Secret Sauce: Incident Management video
- Opscode Chef Open Source Visualization w/ Gource video
- Opscode Chef State of the Union Part 1: Chef, Past and Present video
- Opscode Chef State of the Union Part 2: Chef, the Future video
- Q&A With Adam Jacob video
- Spiceweasel: Your Infrastructure as Code Table of Contents slides, video
- Surviving Incidents for Ops video
- Test Driven Development Roundtable video
- Test-driven Development for Chef Practitioners video
- The Joy of Cooking - Whip Up a Rails Environment with Chef slides, video
- Transformation to Continuous Delivery at Ancestry video
- Using Chef + Amazon Cloud Formation to scale Mint, GoPayment, TurboTax video
- Using Rundeck and Chef to Build DevOps Toolchains slides, video
- Episode 13 - #ChefConf Recap
- Live from #ChefConf - Daniel DeLeo on whyrun mode
- Live from #ChefConf - Steve Danna on Common Problems and Solutions
- Live from #ChefConf - Workshops and Hackday
- Live from #ChefConf - Fletcher Nichol on rvm and rbenv
- Live from #ChefConf - Recap of the pre-game hallway track