#Lab 4 - Partitioning Data# During this lab you will learn how to create and query partitioned tables.
^^^Please make sure your AWS Management Console is set on US-East Region (N.Virginia)^^^
Create a Spark EMR cluster
- Follow the instructions at this link to create the SSH key you will require later
Create an S3 bucket
- In a new browser window/tab open S3 console with this link
- Click Create Bucket
- Enter your username as the Bucket Name
- Select ‘US Standard’ as the Region
- Click Create
- Close the S3 browser window/tab.
- Wait while the cluster is being provisioned and running. (Approx. 5-10 minutes)
Connect to your EMR cluster master
Linux/Mac machines - Set SSH KeepAlive by default for your user:
- Open a terminal
- Enter
nano ~/.ssh/config
- Copy the lines below to the file
Host * ServerAliveInterval 30
- Save the file to disk
- Close the terminal
When the EMR cluster is ready click the SSH link to the left of the Master public DNS.
Follow the instructions to SSH into the master instance.
Once connected run the command
at the prompt
Create a partitioning batch job
Run the command
at the bash prompt -
Wait for the Spark Shell to load
Run the following command line by line into the Spark Shell prompt
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
- Define the external CSV table to read from.
hiveContext.sql("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS yellow_trips_csv(" +
"pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING) " +
"LOCATION 's3://nyc-yellow-trips/csv/'")
- Read the data from the CSV hive table
val data=hiveContext.sql("select *,date_sub(from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp),0) as pickup_date from yellow_trips_csv limit 100")
- Perform the conversion. Replace
with the bucket you created.
data.write.mode("overwrite").partitionBy("pickup_date").parquet("s3://<BUCKET NAME>/parquet-partitioned/")
Wait for the job to finish
Look for the PARQUET files in your S3 bucket
Query partitioned files within Athena
- Open Athena console
- Create an external table from the partitioned PARQUET files. Replace
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned(pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://<BUCKET NAME>/parquet-partitioned/'
- Load the table partitions
MSCK REPAIR TABLE yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned
- Run a query against the partitioned table. Replace
select *
select date_trunc('day',from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp)) as pickup_date1,*
from <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned
where pickup_date between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'
where pickup_date1 between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'
- Create an external table for non-partitioned PARQUET. Replace
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet(pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://nyc-yellow-trips/parquet/';
- Compare the time and data scanned to the following query. Replace
select *
select date_trunc('day',from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp)) as pickup_date1,*
from <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet
where pickup_date1 between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'