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File metadata and controls

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#Lab 4 - Partitioning Data# During this lab you will learn how to create and query partitioned tables.

^^^Please make sure your AWS Management Console is set on US-East Region (N.Virginia)^^^

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Create a Spark EMR cluster

  • Follow the instructions at this link to create the SSH key you will require later

Create an S3 bucket

  • In a new browser window/tab open S3 console with this link
  • Click Create Bucket
  • Enter your username as the Bucket Name
  • Select ‘US Standard’ as the Region
  • Click Create
  • Close the S3 browser window/tab.
  • Wait while the cluster is being provisioned and running. (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

Connect to your EMR cluster master

  • Linux/Mac machines - Set SSH KeepAlive by default for your user:

    • Open a terminal
    • Enter nano ~/.ssh/config
    • Copy the lines below to the file
    Host *
     ServerAliveInterval 30
    • Save the file to disk
    • Close the terminal
  • When the EMR cluster is ready click the SSH link to the left of the Master public DNS.

  • Follow the instructions to SSH into the master instance.

  • Once connected run the command screen at the prompt

Create a partitioning batch job

  • Run the command spark-shell at the bash prompt

  • Wait for the Spark Shell to load

  • Run the following command line by line into the Spark Shell prompt

import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc._
import org.apache.spark.sql._

val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
  • Define the external CSV table to read from.
hiveContext.sql("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS yellow_trips_csv(" +
  "pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING) " +
  "LOCATION 's3://nyc-yellow-trips/csv/'")
  • Read the data from the CSV hive table
val data=hiveContext.sql("select *,date_sub(from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp),0) as pickup_date from yellow_trips_csv limit 100")
  • Perform the conversion. Replace <BUCKET NAME> with the bucket you created.
data.write.mode("overwrite").partitionBy("pickup_date").parquet("s3://<BUCKET NAME>/parquet-partitioned/")
  • Wait for the job to finish

  • Look for the PARQUET files in your S3 bucket

Query partitioned files within Athena

  • Open Athena console
  • Create an external table from the partitioned PARQUET files. Replace <BUCKET NAME> and <USERNAME>
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned(pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://<BUCKET NAME>/parquet-partitioned/'
  • Load the table partitions
MSCK REPAIR TABLE yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned
  • Run a query against the partitioned table. Replace <USERNAME>
select *
  select date_trunc('day',from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp)) as pickup_date1,* 
  from <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet_partitioned 
  where pickup_date between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'
where pickup_date1 between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'
  • Create an external table for non-partitioned PARQUET. Replace <USERNAME>
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet(pickup_timestamp BIGINT, dropoff_timestamp BIGINT, vendor_id STRING, pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, pickup_longitude FLOAT, pickup_latitude FLOAT, dropoff_longitude FLOAT, dropoff_latitude FLOAT, rate_code STRING, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT, payment_type STRING, fare_amount FLOAT, extra FLOAT, mta_tax FLOAT, imp_surcharge FLOAT, tip_amount FLOAT, tolls_amount FLOAT, total_amount FLOAT, store_and_fwd_flag STRING)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://nyc-yellow-trips/parquet/';
  • Compare the time and data scanned to the following query. Replace <USERNAME>
select *
  select date_trunc('day',from_unixtime(pickup_timestamp)) as pickup_date1,* 
  from <USERNAME>.yellow_trips_parquet
where pickup_date1 between timestamp '2009-04-12' and timestamp '2009-04-22'