e-Research Distributed Data System (Eddy)
The Eddy system was built as part of the ANDS funded Monash ARDC-EIF Data Capture and Metadata Store Project. This project aimed to develop software solutions that:
capture data and metadata from research instruments and devices
make available and automate feeds of data collection descriptions
enable data/metadata management and sharing
facilitate the re-use and discovery of data
recognise the need to facilitate the overall data stream/s from Monash to the RDA which include collections with related party and activity descriptions in compliance with the requirements set out in the ANDS Minimum Metadata Contents for RIF-CS
This project realised a number of groundbreaking technological advances in the eResearch distributed data system (Eddy). In particular, the project saw the development of an improved accessibility to the climate data and an auditable, searchable, distributed data system of research data. The Eddy system is fully integrated with the Research Australia Service so that the metadata of the research data is discoverable by the broader national and international research community. The Eddy system supports a range of scientific data formats, like NetCDF (Network Common Data Form), GRIB2 (GRIdded Binary) which makes the creation, access and sharing of scientific data easy.
In addition, the Eddy system is a multiple-tier web-centric application and a proven classic design MVC pattern was adopted. Each component of the Eddy system is independent and so applicable to future developing and easy maintaining. The Eddy system also uses the Monash Large Research Data Storage (LaRDS) service, which makes the research data reliably backed-up and secure.
To date the Eddy platform has been used to realise this goal for two ARDC-EIF sub projects:
Ecosystem (OzFlux)
Climate & Weather
This project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS). ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative.