Juan Escamilla-Molgora, March 2020
The climatic data used in the worked example were obtained from WorldClim2 (Fick and Hijmans, 2017). The license restricts the redistribution of this dataset and it is necessary to download and install it separately.
The data need to be downloaded from the project's website. Here we show the direct downloads to the highest resolution datasets (30s). The procedure for lower resolution data is exactly the same.
- Maximum temperature
- Minimum temperature
- Mean temperature
- Precipitation
- Solar Radiation
- Wind speed
- Vapor pressure
The obtained zip files need to be accessible inside the Biospytial client container.
To do this we can simply copy them to the shared mounting point.
Typically the folder /RawDataCSV
Check the container_files/biopytial_stack.yml
to see the host's path.
Once the datasets (zip files) are accessible (inside Biospytial) we can log into the system, that is, the Biospytial Computing Engine, (client). We can do this directly using the docker commands.
docker exec -it biospytial_stack_client_1 bash
This method logs directly into the ipython console. We need to type
as the ingestion scripts need to be run on Bash.
Or using the SSH service:
ssh -p 2323 biospytial@localhost
This method logs into biospytial as the user biospytial . However, the scripts for ingesting the datasets need to be run as root therefore it is necessary to log as superuser once inside the biospytial client. (i.e. 'sudo -s')
Copy the file
located in:raster_api/bash_raster_tools/bash_scripts
Extract the content of each dataset into a folder with the same name as the data set. E.g. if the dataset is named:
extract the content into the folderwc2.0_30s_prec
. This can be done with:zip -d wc2.0_30s_prec wc2.0_30s_prec.zip
Run the script as:
bash multiband_raster_migrateToPostgis.bash wc2.0_30s_prec
This script will transform the tif file into an SQL file. -
Once the transformation has been done, type the database password to ingest the table into the database. By default this password is:
Perform step 2 and 4 for each dataset.
This process can take several hours depending on the computer's capacity and the size of the datasets. The SQL files are significantly larger than the original tif files. However, once
these files have been ingested into the database they can be removed.
rm *.sql
Fick, S.., Hijmans, R.., 2017. Worldclim 2: New 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. Int. J. Climatol. doi:10.1002/joc.5086