Please see this page Developing Pomdog Game Engine.
To build with CMake and Ninja, run the following commands:
cd path/to/pomdog
# Generate Ninja file to the 'build/linux' directory
cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" \
-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi" \
# Compiling source code
ninja -C build/linux
# Run the unit tests
To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:
After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.a
file in build/linux/cmake/pomdog
To compile with GCC, run the following command:
cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja \
You can also override the compiler options by setting the environment variables such as expor CXX=...
or export CXXFLAGS=...
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
export LINK=clang++
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++"
export LDFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
First, you need to generate the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj) using CMake. Afterwards you can build the whole project.
cd path/to/pomdog
# Generate Xcode project files to the 'build/macos' directory
cmake -Bbuild/macos -H. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME=ON
# Compiling source code
xcodebuild -project build/macos/Pomdog.xcodeproj -configuration Release
To build in debug mode, use -configuration
xcodebuild -project Pomdog.xcodeproj -configuration Debug
After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.a
file in build/macos/cmake/pomdog/Release
(also build/macos/cmake/pomdog/Debug
) directory.
To run all unit tests, use:
# Run the unit tests
To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:
open ./build/macos/examples/FeatureShowcase/Release/
First, you need to generate the Visual Studio project files (.sln and .vcxproj) using CMake. Afterwards you can build the whole project.
cd path/to/pomdog
# Generate projects for Visual Studio 2022 to the 'build/windows' directory
cmake -Bbuild/windows -H. -G "Visual Studio 17"
# Building projects using CMake and MSBuild
cmake --build build/windows --config Release
To switch between Debug/Release modes, use the --config
cmake --build build/windows --config Debug
After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.lib
file in build/windows/build/Release
(also build/windows/build/Debug
) directory.
To run all unit tests, use:
# To run all unit tests, use the following:
To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:
cd path/to/pomdog
# Move to the `examples/FeatureShowcase` directory
cd examples/FeatureShowcase
# To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following: