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Running the Tests


Please see this page Developing Pomdog Game Engine.

Build and run the unit tests on Linux

To build with CMake and Ninja, run the following commands:

cd path/to/pomdog

# Generate Ninja file to the 'build/linux' directory
cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" \
    -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi" \

# Compiling source code
ninja -C build/linux

# Run the unit tests

To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:


After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.a file in build/linux/cmake/pomdog directory.

Building with a custom toolchain

To compile with GCC, run the following command:

cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja \

You can also override the compiler options by setting the environment variables such as expor CXX=... or export CXXFLAGS=....

export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
export LINK=clang++
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++"
export LDFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
cmake -Bbuild/linux -H. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Build and run the unit tests on macOS

First, you need to generate the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj) using CMake. Afterwards you can build the whole project.

cd path/to/pomdog

# Generate Xcode project files to the 'build/macos' directory
cmake -Bbuild/macos -H. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME=ON

# Compiling source code
xcodebuild -project build/macos/Pomdog.xcodeproj -configuration Release

To build in debug mode, use -configuration option:

xcodebuild -project Pomdog.xcodeproj -configuration Debug

After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.a file in build/macos/cmake/pomdog/Release (also build/macos/cmake/pomdog/Debug) directory.

To run all unit tests, use:

# Run the unit tests

To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:

open ./build/macos/examples/FeatureShowcase/Release/

Build and run the unit tests on Windows

First, you need to generate the Visual Studio project files (.sln and .vcxproj) using CMake. Afterwards you can build the whole project.

cd path/to/pomdog

# Generate projects for Visual Studio 2022 to the 'build/windows' directory
cmake -Bbuild/windows -H. -G "Visual Studio 17"

# Building projects using CMake and MSBuild
cmake --build build/windows --config Release

To switch between Debug/Release modes, use the --config option:

cmake --build build/windows --config Debug

After a complete build, you will find the libpomdog.lib file in build/windows/build/Release (also build/windows/build/Debug) directory.

To run all unit tests, use:

# To run all unit tests, use the following:

To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following:

cd path/to/pomdog

# Move to the `examples/FeatureShowcase` directory
cd examples/FeatureShowcase

# To run the 'FeatureShowcase' application, use the following: