The MODX Advisory Board recommends the MODX Project adopt PHP-DI as the Dependency Injection Container for MODX Revolution 3.x.
- Editor: Jason Coward
- First published draft: October 20, 2016
- Accepted: December 8, 2016 with 14 votes in favour
To adopt a flexible and powerful Dependency Injection Container so MODX Revolution 3.x can begin using a configurable dependency injection instead of the legacy approach of service location for MODX core services.
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Taking advantage of proper dependency injection can foster a higher quality and more maintainable architecture for any modern software application. PHP-DI ( see ) provides a powerful, and flexible dependency injection container that has been quick to follow and adopt the proposed PSR-11 Container standards. It supports a number of different forms of dependency injection which the diverse MODX ecosystem could utilize without forcing one approach on everyone in every situation.
Following is a list of features and benefits MODX would gain by adopting PHP-DI.
- Support for various forms of dependency injection:
- Annotations — recommended for writing controllers in MVC apps and could be utilized by core when managing Resources, which are essentially controllers.
- Constructor Injection — recommended for writing services.
- Auto-Wiring — a recommended alternative when writing services where possible.
- Easy, expressive container configuration using PHP code.
- PHP-DI is well documented.