Thanks for using and improving HTML::Pipeline
If there's an idea you'd like to propose, or a design change, feel free to file a new issue.
If you have an implementation question or believe you've found a bug, please provide as many details as possible:
- Input document
- Output HTML document
- the exact
code you are using - output of the following from your project
ruby -v
bundle exec nokogiri -v
Pull requests are always welcome!
Check out the project's issues list for ideas on what could be improved.
Before sending, please add tests and ensure the test suite passes.
To run the full suite:
bundle exec rake
To run a specific test file:
bundle exec ruby -Itest test/html/pipeline_test.rb
To run a specific test:
bundle exec ruby -Itest test/html/pipeline/markdown_filter_test.rb -n test_disabling_gfm
To run the full suite with all supported rubies in bash:
rubies=(ree-1.8.7-2011.03 1.9.2-p290 1.9.3-p429 2.0.0-p247)
for r in ${rubies[*]}
rbenv local $r # switch to your version manager of choice
bundle install
bundle exec rake