To run in The Cloud we need to get the Kafka Connect connector plugin available to the Docker container.
Once the install is done, the Kafka Connect startup is run, based on the CMD
from Dockerfile : /etc/confluent/docker/run
This is nice and easy :
confluent-hub install --no-prompt confluentinc/kafka-connect-gcs:5.0.0 && \
If a connector is not on Confluent Hub then one way to make it available to the container is make it available on GCS (Google Cloud Storage - Google’s object store), and pull it in as part of the container start up.
For example, kafka-connect-rest.
Build it locally, create a zip and then copy it to GCS:
$ gsutil mb gs://rmoff-connectors
$ gsutil cp /u01/connectors/ gs://rmoff-connectors/
Make the connectors available to public:
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://rmoff-connectors/
Now the connector can be accessed at
But, the Docker image confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect:5.0.0
doesn’t have unzip
on it, so we need to install it:
curl -o unzip.deb
dpkg -i unzip.deb
(The available APT source, zulu, doesn’t seem to have unzip
Now pull down the zip and uncompress it locally
curl -o
mkdir -p /data/connectors/
unzip -j -d /data/connectors/kafka-connect-rest
This can be combined into a series of Docker commands for the container at launch time:
bash -c 'echo Installing unzip… && \
curl -so unzip.deb && \
dpkg -i unzip.deb && \
echo Downloading connector… && \
curl -so && \
mkdir -p /u01/connectors/ && \
unzip -j -d /u01/connectors/kafka-connect-rest && \
echo Launching Connect… && \