Building KISSLoRa-demo_app:
Tip: If your interface language is not English you can change it using the following steps: Dutch: Bestand->Voorkeuren->Taal voor editor->Engels(Engels) hierna Arduino IDE opnieuw opstarten.
- Go to and download the latest Arduino IDE installer*.
- Run the installer.
- Open the sketch KISSLoRa-demo_app/KISSLoRa-demo_app.ino
- Go to File->Preferences->Additional Boards Manager URLs. Add the following URL and click OK:
- Download the following board package via Tools->Board->Boards Manager: "SparkFun AVR Boards by SparkFun Electronics version 1.1.5". Close window.
- Select the following board via Tools->Board: "SparkFun Pro Micro".
- Select the following processor via Tools->Processor: "ATmega32U4 (3.3V, 8MHz)".
- Download the following libraries via Sketch->Include Library->Manage Libraries: "TheThingsNetwork by The Things Network Version 2.5.2" and "SoftPWM 1.0.0". Close window.
- Click verify. If there are no errors in the build output you can continue with "Programming firmware".
*Tested on Windows PC with Arduino IDE version 1.8.2.
Programming firmware:
- Change preferences: File->Preferences->Settings(tab)->Show verbose output during:->upload(check checkbox). You only have to do this once.
- Turn KISSLoRa off and connect it to the PC using a micro-USB cable.
- Press and hold the push button on KISSLoRa.
- Click upload in the Arduino IDE.
- When you see "PORTS {} / {} => {}" printed in the output window turn KISSLoRa on.
- When the programming starts you can release the push button.
Create your own app:
The easiest way to create your own app is to change an existing app. Apps start at: "switch(app)" (line 282). Choose the app you want to change and make your changes accordingly.
- The demo code uses about 98% of the flash, so you may want to comment out apps to save some space.
- You can enable warnings: File->Preferences->Compiler warnings: All. Code should compile with only a few warnings.
- You can enable line numbers: File->Preferences->Display line numbers
- You can use SPI. Unfortunately, due to lack of pins, the SPI_SS line uses the same pin as the RXLED of the Arduino Leonardo. So either don't use USB serial during SPI or change your USB serial library.
- During sleep mode the timer used by millis() is not updated, you may try estMillis() in stead, but this function is untested.