Linux | macOS | Windows |
For building OR-Tools as a CMake standalone project, you can read the following instructions.
This project should run on GNU/Linux, MacOS and Windows.
- Get the source code and change to it.
git clone
cd or-tools
- Run CMake to configure the build tree.
cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_DEPS=ON
note: To get the list of available generators (e.g. Visual Studio), use -G ""
- Afterwards, generated files can be used to compile the project.
cmake --build build --config Release -v
- Test the build software (optional).
cmake --build build --target test
- Install the built files (optional).
cmake --build build --target install
To list tests:
cd build
ctest -N
To only run C++ tests
cd build
ctest -R "cxx_.*"
Since we want to use the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR to generate the wrapper package (e.g. python wheel package) as well as be able to test from the build directory. We need to enable:
And have a finely tailored rpath for each library.