A Cardano tool to spin up private network and run Plutus contracts on it
If your project is importing and making use of Plutip
s library you will need to make sure that the following executables are present in your PATH
executable available in the environmentcardano-node
executable available in the environment
And the following ghc flag must to be set for the test execution: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts
Plutip provides a tasty interface for executing Plutus contracts on a local cluster. depend on each other.
tests :: TestTree
tests =
"Integration tests"
[ assertExecution "Get utxos" (initAndAssertAda 100 100)
(withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxos)
, assertExecution "Throws Contract error" (initAda 100)
(withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxosThrowsErr)
, assertExecution "Throws Exception" (initAda 100)
(withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxosThrowsEx)
, assertExecution
"Pay wallet-to-wallet"
(initAda 300 <> initAndAssertAda 100 110)
(withContract $ \[w1] ->
PayToWallet.payTo (ledgerPaymentPkh w1) 10_000_000)
, assertExecution
"Lock at script then spend - budget overspend"
(initAda 100)
(withContract $
const LockUnlock.lockThenSpend)
, assertExecutionWith
[ShowTrace, ShowBudgets]
"Lock at script then spend - validation fail"
(initAda 100)
(withContract $
const LockUnlockValidationFail.lockThenSpend)
For more, see Test.Plutip.LocalCluster
More examples could be found here.
At the moment underlying mechanisms that execute contract do not support awaitTxConfirmed
. As one possible solution, waitNSlots n
can be used instead. We are working on it.