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A Cardano tool to spin up a testnet and run contracts with an EDSL to describe the instructions. Rhymes with tulip for no particular reason.


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A Cardano tool to spin up private network and run Plutus contracts on it


If your project is importing and making use of Plutips library you will need to make sure that the following executables are present in your PATH:

  • cardano-cli executable available in the environment
  • cardano-node executable available in the environment

And the following ghc flag must to be set for the test execution: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts


Plutip provides a tasty interface for executing Plutus contracts on a local cluster. depend on each other.

tests :: TestTree
tests =
    "Integration tests"
    [ assertExecution "Get utxos" (initAndAssertAda 100 100)
        (withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxos)
    , assertExecution "Throws Contract error" (initAda 100)
        (withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxosThrowsErr)
    , assertExecution "Throws Exception" (initAda 100)
        (withContract $ const GetUtxos.getUtxosThrowsEx)
    , assertExecution
        "Pay wallet-to-wallet"
        (initAda 300 <> initAndAssertAda 100 110)
        (withContract $ \[w1] ->
          PayToWallet.payTo (ledgerPaymentPkh w1) 10_000_000)
    , assertExecution
        "Lock at script then spend - budget overspend"
        (initAda 100)
        (withContract $
          const LockUnlock.lockThenSpend)
    , assertExecutionWith
        [ShowTrace, ShowBudgets]
        "Lock at script then spend - validation fail"
        (initAda 100)
        (withContract $
          const LockUnlockValidationFail.lockThenSpend)

For more, see Test.Plutip.LocalCluster Test.Plutip.Contract.

More examples could be found here.

Known limitations

At the moment underlying mechanisms that execute contract do not support awaitTxConfirmed. As one possible solution, waitNSlots n can be used instead. We are working on it.