- Understand the basics of how the GANs and Image Colorization models in RunwayML work
- Develop high-level understandings of nonlinear dimensionality reductions and the latent space.
- Learn how to use RunwayML with GPU in the cloud.
- Slides
- Google's A.I. Experiments: Visualizing High-Dimensional Space
- Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence by Shan Carter (see the first three sections for latent space descriptions)
- Octavio Good on Generative Adversarial Networks (21:54 - 28:35)
- GAN Lab by Minsuk Kahng, Nikhil Thorat, Polo Chau, Fernanda Viégas, and Martin Wattenberg
- In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing? by Joshua Rothman
- The Next Word: Where will predictive text take us? by John Seabrook about the GPT-2 model in RunwayML
- Playing a game of GANstruction by Helena Sarin (2019 Eyeo Talk]
- Misremembering and Mistranslating: GANs in Art Context and Fall of the House of Usher by Anna Ridler
- Using AI to Produce “Impossible” Tulips: Anna Ridler uses AI to bring “tulipmania” into the future by Elain Ayers
- Mario Klingemann’s Neurography: Cameraless Photography with Neural Networks
- Booksby.ai by Andreas Refsgaard and Mikkel Thybo Loose
- Unfinished by Roman Lipski
- Blackberry Winter by Christian Mio Loclair
- Meet AICAN, a machine that operates as an autonomous artist
- The Coding Train Coding Challenge #150: AI Rainbows with RunwayML and p5.js
- Send mouse input to RunwayML
- Send webcam video to RunwayML - HTTP
- Send webcam video to RunwayML - Socket.io
- Generate StyleGAN Image
- Interpolate StyleGAN Image
- Wandering Latent Space StyleGAN
- Understand how GANs can be applied to interactive systems to generate imagery.
- Send semantic map to a RunwayML SPADE-Landscapes - HTTP
- Send semantic map to a RunwayML SPADE-Landscapes - Socket.io
- Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization, original SPADE paper paper
- GAUGan online demo
- Learning to See by Memo Akten
- Uncanny Road by Anastasis Germanidis and Cristóbal Valenzuela
- AI Lab Workshop: Painting Landscapes with the Body
Prepare a final project proposal. Follow the Final Project Guidelines and link to your slides and post on the Final Project Propsal Wiki