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Export Dialog

mjuhasz edited this page Oct 31, 2012 · 4 revisions

When a stream is saved, the export dialog pops up. It contains the following items:

  • Filename
    The file name used for export. You can open a file browser by clicking the "Browse" button or edit the text manually. Note that the correct extension is always appended/replaced automatically.
  • Language
    This option is only available if the exported format supports it. If the language setting of the input stream is known (or was guessed from its file name),the according language is already selected.
  • Export only forced
    If this checkbox is checked, only subtitles with a forced flag will be exported Export palette in PGCEdit text format. This option is only available for DVD output formats (SUB/IDX or SUP/IFO). If selected, a file with the same name as the output stream, but with the extension "txt" will be created that contains the palette in a format that can be imported into PgcEdit.