For these next few exercises, you will have the exact same Study Drills.
- Go back through and write a comment on what each line does.
- Read each one backward or out loud to find your errors.
- From now on, when you make mistakes, write down on a piece of paper what kind of mistake you made.
- When you go to the next exercise, look at the mistakes you have made and try not to make them in this new one.
- Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Programmers are like magicians who fool everyone into thinking they are perfect and never wrong, but it's all an act. They make mistakes all the time.
Didn't add the commas after the second and third strings. Led to an error: "IndexError: Replacement index 2 out of range for positional args tuple"
Opened a new window. Now getting a "zsh: killed python3 " error every time I try to run a file.
- this is unrelated. run python by /usr/bin/python3 and it fixes it.
- First tried running the script on the command line without adding the additional three variables to the command.
- Exercises 1-7, 9, 10