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Zyre - an open-source framework for proximity-based peer-to-peer applications


Zyre does local area discovery and clustering. A Zyre node broadcasts UDP beacons, and connects to peers that it finds. This class wraps a Zyre node with a message-based API.

All incoming events are zmsg_t messages delivered via the zyre_recv call. The first frame defines the type of the message, and following frames provide further values:

ENTER fromnode headers ipaddress
    a new peer has entered the network
EXIT fromnode
    a peer has left the network
JOIN fromnode groupname
    a peer has joined a specific group
LEAVE fromnode groupname
    a peer has left a specific group
WHISPER fromnode message
    a peer has sent this node a message
SHOUT fromnode groupname message
    a peer has sent one of our groups a message

In SHOUT and WHISPER the message is a single frame in this version of Zyre. In ENTER, the headers frame contains a packed dictionary, see zhash_pack/unpack.

To join or leave a group, use the zyre_join and zyre_leave methods. To set a header value, use the zyre_set_header method. To send a message to a single peer, use zyre_whisper. To send a message to a group, use zyre_shout.


//  Constructor, creates a new Zyre node. Note that until you start the
//  node it is silent and invisible to other nodes on the network.
zyre_t *
    zyre_new (zctx_t *ctx);

//  Destructor, destroys a Zyre node. When you destroy a node, any
//  messages it is sending or receiving will be discarded.
    zyre_destroy (zyre_t **self_p);

//  Set node header; these are provided to other nodes during discovery
//  and come in each ENTER message.
    zyre_set_header (zyre_t *self, char *name, char *format, ...);

//  Start node, after setting header values. When you start a node it
//  begins discovery and connection. There is no stop method; to stop
//  a node, destroy it.
    zyre_start (zyre_t *self);

// Stop node, this signals to other peers that this node will go away.
// This is polite; however you can also just destroy the node without
// stopping it.
    zyre_stop (zyre_t *self);

//  Join a named group; after joining a group you can send messages to
//  the group and all Zyre nodes in that group will receive them.
    zyre_join (zyre_t *self, const char *group);

//  Leave a group
    zyre_leave (zyre_t *self, const char *group);

//  Receive next message from network; the message may be a control
//  message (ENTER, EXIT, JOIN, LEAVE) or data (WHISPER, SHOUT).
//  Returns zmsg_t object, or NULL if interrupted
zmsg_t *
    zyre_recv (zyre_t *self);

// Send message to single peer, specified as a UUID string
// Destroys message after sending
    zyre_whisper (zyre_t *self, char *peer, zmsg_t **msg_p);

// Send message to a named group
// Destroys message after sending
    zyre_shout (zyre_t *self, char *group, zmsg_t **msg_p);

// Send string to single peer specified as a UUID string.
// String is formatted using printf specifiers.
    zyre_whispers (zyre_t *self, char *peer, char *format, ...);

// Send message to a named group
// Destroys message after sending
    zyre_shouts (zyre_t *self, char *group, char *format, ...);
//  Return handle to the Zyre node, for polling
void *
    zyre_socket (zyre_t *self);

//  Self test of this class
    zyre_test (bool verbose);


zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
// Create two nodes
zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new (ctx);
zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new (ctx);
zyre_set_header (node1, "X-FILEMQ", "tcp://");
zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
zyre_start (node1);
zyre_start (node2);
zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

// Give time for them to interconnect
zclock_sleep (250);

// One node shouts to GLOBAL
zyre_shouts (node1,"GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

// TODO: should timeout and not hang if there's no networking
// ALSO why doesn't this work with localhost? zbeacon?
// Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2);
assert (msg);
char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
free (command);
char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
free (peerid);
zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg);

assert (headers_packed);
zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed);
assert (headers);
zframe_destroy (&headers_packed);
assert (streq (zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
zhash_destroy (&headers);
zmsg_destroy (&msg);

msg = zyre_recv (node2);
assert (msg);
command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
free (command);
zmsg_destroy (&msg);

msg = zyre_recv (node2);
assert (msg);
command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
free (command);
zmsg_destroy (&msg);

zyre_stop (node1);
zyre_stop (node2);

zyre_destroy (&node1);
zyre_destroy (&node2);
zctx_destroy (&ctx);

Extended API

Besides the plain receive method Zyre provides an API to receive an wrapped event. The obove explained message types are hereby replaced with the following enumerations:







Events must be destroyed once you no longer need them.

// Destructor; destroys an event instance
    zyre_event_destroy (zyre_event_t **self_p);

// Receive an event from the zyre node, wraps zyre_recv.
// The event may be a control message (ENTER, EXIT, JOIN, LEAVE)
// or data (WHISPER, SHOUT).
zyre_event_t *
    zyre_event_recv (zyre_t *self);

// Returns event type, which is a zyre_event_type_t
    zyre_event_type (zyre_event_t *self);

// Return the sending peer's id as a string
char *
    zyre_event_sender (zyre_event_t *self);

// Return the sending peer's ipaddress as a string
char *
    zyre_event_address (zyre_event_t *self);

// Returns the event headers, or NULL if there are none
zhash_t *
    zyre_event_headers (zyre_event_t *self);

// Returns value of a header from the message headers
// obtained by ENTER. Return NULL if no value was found.
char *
    zyre_event_header (zyre_event_t *self, char *name);

// Returns the group name that a SHOUT event was sent to
char *
    zyre_event_group (zyre_event_t *self);

// Returns the incoming message payload (currently one frame)
zmsg_t *
    zyre_event_msg (zyre_event_t *self);


zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
// Create two nodes
zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new (ctx);
zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new (ctx);
zyre_set_header (node1, "X-FILEMQ", "tcp://");
zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
zyre_start (node1);
zyre_start (node2);
zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

// Give time for them to interconnect
zclock_sleep (250);

// One node shouts to GLOBAL
zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
zmsg_addstr (msg, "Hello, World");
zyre_shout (node1, "GLOBAL", &msg);

// Parse ENTER
zyre_event_t *zyre_event = zyre_event_recv (node2);
assert (zyre_event_type (zyre_event) == ZYRE_EVENT_ENTER);
char *sender = zyre_event_sender (zyre_event);
assert (streq (zyre_event_header (zyre_event, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
msg = zyre_event_msg (zyre_event);
zyre_event_destroy (&zyre_event);

// Parse JOIN
zyre_event = zyre_event_recv (node2);
assert (zyre_event_type (zyre_event) == ZYRE_EVENT_JOIN);
zyre_event_destroy (&zyre_event);

// Parse SHOUT
zyre_event = zyre_event_recv (node2);
assert (zyre_event_type (zyre_event) == ZYRE_EVENT_SHOUT);
assert (streq (zyre_event_group (zyre_event), "GLOBAL"));
msg = zyre_event_msg (zyre_event);
char *string = zmsg_popstr (msg);
assert (streq (string, "Hello, World"));
free (string);
zyre_event_destroy (&zyre_event);

zyre_destroy (&node1);
zyre_destroy (&node2);
zctx_destroy (&ctx);

Project Organization

Zyre is owned by all its authors and contributors. This is an open source project licensed under the LGPLv3. To contribute to Zyre please read the C4.1 process that we use.