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Hid Device Api

zestoi edited this page May 13, 2012 · 39 revisions

HID Device API

An API to allow mapping/scripting of HID devices in a similar manor to MIDI devices.

Summary and Rationale

When data is sent from a hid controller multiple controls are aggregated into packets so a common api is needed to allow the actual modified controls to be processed without every mapping needing to parse these packets themselves. Similarly when the state of a hid device needs to be updated (leds or other feedback) one or more updates are aggregated into a packet which contains the new state for all the controls within that packet regardless of whether each has changed or not. The common hid api should take care of this decoding/parsing/encoding.

Ideally the API (and future XML device definition file) should abstract the hid layer in such a way that a mapping written for a hid controller could also be used for a midi controller, possibly with no changes at all for a controller that can be used in both midi and hid modes).

For the HID device mappings for 1.11 each mapping has to implement it's own parsing/encoding of HID data. We would like to get some common code into the Javascript library that would later be ported to the C++ core. The concern is that if we add any functions now that mappers rely on we won't be able to change it later on, so even if the implementation is only in Javascript initially it needs to be well considered.


The API should consist of these functional areas:

Defining Controls

A control identifies the bits/bytes that relate to a specific element on the controller, whether incoming when physically changed or outgoing to be sent back to the controller.

A control can be defined from a script or from within a hid formatted xml device definition file.

If a control were to be defined from within a hid_mapping_format xml file it should be possible to bind this control to a custom script function via something like a scriptfunction="myprefix.myfunction" attribute or use the midi xml format method of key optionally representing the function name.

A control can be defined by:


  • led: a field to be sent back to the controller (doesn't have to be only an led)
  • fader: the data is interpreted as though it were a midi value/velocity with no masking at the bitlevel
  • button: a binary on/off
  • encoder: the physical control is an encoder that sends out continous like a pot but resets to zero once reaching it's maximum value (and conversely when moved in reverse) so the processed value should be the relative difference between this new and the previously received message

Packet Id

The id of the packet that this control is a member of


The byte offset within the packet


The length in bytes of the data field


An optional bitmask that is applied to the field to extract the actual value for this control (for when multiple controls are defined within a single byte)


Whether field is signed or not and it's length like "byte", "unsigned int", etc.


Used in the same way as for a midi mapping - the default group that this control will be bound to


A name for the control that ideally should match up with a mixx engine name


Specifying a key would automatically bind that control to the engine function like for a midi mapping.

Min Value

Lowest value of these bytes when the control is at its minimum setting. 0 is the default.

Max Value

The highest value of these bits/bytes when the control is at its maximum setting. 0xFFFF is the default for two bytes

Probably only name/group/packetid/type/byteoffset would be mandatory (and group only to conform to the mixxx midi standards) so the it perhaps could be called like:

addControlField("[Channel1]", "play", 0x1, 2, "button", { bitmask: 0x4 });
addControlField("[Channel1]", "volume", 0x1, 4, "fader", { max: 255 });

Parsing Incoming Controls

A function should exist in the API to parse an incoming packet of data. It should perform the following:

  • Decode the first byte to identify the packet type
  • Compare each remaining byte of data with the last received data for that packet and identify which bytes have changed
  • Apply needed bitwise logic for each control defined to be using this byte (and only these controls) to identify which have changed
  • Return a list of modified controls and their new values or automatically dispatch the changes to script functions that have been bound to these changes
  • Store a cache of the current packet to identify which bytes of this packet change in the future
  • Store a cache of the current value of each control within each packet to identify which controls change in the future
controls = parseControlState(raw_hid_packet);

for (i in controls) {
  print(controls[i].name + " has changed and is now " + controls[i].value);

Binding Actions to Incoming Controls

An API function should exist to bind a control to either an internal function (like binding a midi control to a mixxx engine action from a midi xml mapping file) or to a script function either by name of reference. Passing by function reference would allow inline small code snippets to be bound to the changes.

It should be possible to bind multiple functions to a single control

It should be possible to define what types of value changes should call the bound function such as "when non zero" (useful for mapping actions to button presses instead of presses and releases), "when zero" or "all"

The predefined group (if any) and name of the changed control should be passed to the function. This would allow mappings such as:

// bind directly to an engine action

addBinding("[Channel1]", "play", PRESS, "play");

// bind to a custom function

addScriptBinding("[Channel1]", "play", PRESS, "myprefix.myfunction");

// bind to an anonymous function

addScriptBinding("[Channel1]", "play", ALL, function(group, name, value) {
    if (value > 0) {
      engine.setValue(group, name, !engine.getValue(group, name));
    else {
        // do something different when the button is released

Sending Data to the HID Device

Since the API will be keeping a cache of the current values for all controls within all packets it should be possible to create a function that can be used like the engine.sendShortMsg()

The API function could be called in one of two ways:

Control Names

If a named control has been defined (within the XML or otherwise) for the LED in the same way as an incoming control then only this name and new value would need to be specified such as:

sendNamedMsg("[Channel1]", "play", 1);

The API would map the group and name back to the 'hid packet level' byte offset+bitmask and apply this to the cache of that packet by applying a simple bitwise AND and OR using defined bitmasks.

Control Definition

Some of the same parameters used to define a control could be passed in explicitly such as offset, bitmask value or offset, array of values and length:

sendShortMsg(offset, bitmask, value);
sendShortMsg(2, 0x3, 0x1);

partial_packet = [0x1, 0x0, 0x4, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8];
byte_offset = 10;
sendLongMsg(byte_offset, partial_packet, partial_packet.length);


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