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Modernisation Platform - GitHub

This directory creates and maintains the following GitHub items for the Modernisation Platform:

  • repositories
  • team membership
  • team access to repositories
  • rotation of testing-ci AWS keys and updates to corresponding Github secrets

The state is stored in S3, as defined in

How to create a new repository for a terraform module

Say that we want to create a new repository for a terraform module named bastion-linux. We need to add the following section to

module "terraform-module-bastion-linux" {
  source      = "./modules/repository"
  name        = "modernisation-platform-terraform-bastion-linux"
  description = "Module for creating Linux bastion servers in member AWS accounts"
  topics = [

Then add to the repositories dict inside the core-team module definition, for example

module "core-team" {
  repositories = [

Once the PR is merged, terraform will create the repository

Since the new repository you're creating is for a terraform module, please also consider adding the following:

  1. GitHub job for linting, refer for example to terraform-static-analysis.yml
  2. GitHub job for documentation, refer for example to documentation.yml

Note the template-repository holds all the files that will be added to every new repository.

How to archive a repository

NOTE: This documentation was written whilst performing repository archive and removing the references from the code. However, it has never been end-to-end tested. Therefore, you might find it buggy. If this documentation instructions worked for you, please remove this NOTE after the process. Otherwise, please update this documentation as required.

Delete the target GitHub repository references in code:

  1. Remove the repository module reference in modernisation-platform/terraform/github/
  2. Remove the repository reference from the core team's repository list in modernisation-platform/terraform/github/

You can run a local plan in modernisation-platform/terraform/github/ to verify the correctness of changes. You will need to pass your GH token when prompted.

Once happy with the changes, create a PR, get a review and merge your code. Because archive_on_destroy is set to true in the github_repository resource it will archive the repository, rather than delete it, even though it will be deleted from the terraform code.

The merge pipeline will fail with a similar error to the one below:

Error: DELETE 403 You must have administrative rights on a repository or team in order to remove the repository from that team []

This is due to the pipeline permissions limitations. Therefore the changes will need to be manually applied with terraform apply in the modernisation-platform/terraform/github/ directory. Again, you will need to pass your GH token when prompted. This step can possibly be run prior to the PR merge in order to avoid pipeline failures.

Rerunning terraform plan after the apply should report no changes.

In a browser, navigate to the target GitHub repository's settings and verify whether the repository is now archived.