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中国学生社区 (Chinese Student Community) |
/csc/ |
(Version: 2000-01-01)
- 目录 {:toc}
明尼苏达大学(UMN)的中国学生社区(CSC)致力于支持中国国际学生过渡到美国的生活。CSC 成立于 2023 年,它的理念是为 UMN 的中国学生量身定做一个强大的社区,分享宝贵的资源和促进文化理解与适应。
本网页内的所有内容均由中国学生社区 (Chinese Student Community)提供,MinG/CNS 仅在此列出以便读者查阅, CSC 对其内容负责并享有最终解释权。 由于信息变化较快以及作者能力所限,本文内容无法保证100%的准确性,敬请谅解。 欢迎通过 Github Pull Request 来对本文档的更改做出建议。
This document provides a list of information shared by the Chinese Student Community. MinG/CNS has no role in editing information here. CSC is responsible for and reserves the right of final interpretation of the contents.
Suggestions for updating and/or fixing are always welcomed via Github Pull Request.
The “copyleft” of the entire document belongs to all of the author team, co-editors, and contributors.
Authors, co-editors, and contributors of this documentation:
- Jia, Zheng Robert
Locations of Visitors: