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+# FastViT
+> [A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14189)
+## Introduction
+The recent amalgamation of transformer and convolutional designs has led to steady improvements in accuracy and efficiency of the models. In this work, we introduce FastViT, a hybrid vision transformer architecture that obtains the state-of-the-art latency-accuracy trade-off. To this end, we introduce a novel token mixing operator, RepMixer, a building block of FastViT, that uses structural reparameterization to lower the memory access cost by removing skip-connections in the network. We further apply train-time overparametrization and large kernel convolutions to boost accuracy and empirically show that these choices have minimal effect on latency. We show that - our model is 3.5x faster than CMT, a recent state-of-the-art hybrid transformer architecture, 4.9x faster than EfficientNet, and 1.9x faster than ConvNeXt on a mobile device for the same accuracy on the ImageNet dataset. At similar latency, our model obtains 4.2% better Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet than MobileOne. Our model consistently outperforms competing architectures across several tasks -- image classification, detection, segmentation and 3D mesh regression with significant improvement in latency on both a mobile device and a desktop GPU. Furthermore, our model is highly robust to out-of-distribution samples and corruptions, improving over competing robust models.
+## Results
+Our reproduced model performance on ImageNet-1K is reported as follows.
+| Model | Context | Top-1 (%) | Top-5 (%) | Params (M) | Recipe | Download |
+| FastViT-T8 | D910x8-G | 74.25 | 91.97 | 48 | [yaml](https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindcv/blob/main/configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml) |
+#### Notes
+- Context: Training context denoted as {device}x{pieces}-{MS mode}, where mindspore mode can be G - graph mode or F - pynative mode with ms function. For example, D910x8-G is for training on 8 pieces of Ascend 910 NPU using graph mode.
+- Top-1 and Top-5: Accuracy reported on the validation set of ImageNet-1K.
+## Quick Start
+### Preparation
+#### Installation
+Please refer to the [installation instruction](https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindcv#installation) in MindCV.
+#### Dataset Preparation
+Please download the [ImageNet-1K](https://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/index.php) dataset for model training and validation.
+### Training
+* Distributed Training
+It is easy to reproduce the reported results with the pre-defined training recipe. For distributed training on multiple Ascend 910 devices, please run
+# distributed training on multiple GPU/Ascend devices
+mpirun -n 8 python train.py --config configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml --data_dir /path/to/imagenet
+> If the script is executed by the root user, the `--allow-run-as-root` parameter must be added to `mpirun`.
+Similarly, you can train the model on multiple GPU devices with the above `mpirun` command.
+For detailed illustration of all hyper-parameters, please refer to [config.py](https://github.com/mindspore-lab/mindcv/blob/main/config.py).
+**Note:** As the global batch size (batch_size x num_devices) is an important hyper-parameter, it is recommended to keep the global batch size unchanged for reproduction or adjust the learning rate linearly to a new global batch size.
+* Standalone Training
+If you want to train or finetune the model on a smaller dataset without distributed training, please run:
+# standalone training on a CPU/GPU/Ascend device
+python train.py --config configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml --data_dir /path/to/dataset --distribute False
+### Validation
+To validate the accuracy of the trained model, you can use `validate.py` and parse the checkpoint path with `--ckpt_path`.
+python validate.py -c configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml --data_dir /path/to/imagenet --ckpt_path /path/to/ckpt
+### Deployment
+To deploy online inference services with the trained model efficiently, please refer to the [deployment tutorial](https://mindspore-lab.github.io/mindcv/tutorials/deployment/).
+## References
+[1] Vasu P K A, Gabriel J, Zhu J, et al. FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14189, 2023.
diff --git a/configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml b/configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml
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index 000000000..ad0abe128
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+++ b/configs/fastvit/fastvit_t8_ascend.yaml
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+# system
+mode: 0
+distribute: False
+num_parallel_workers: 8
+val_while_train: True
+val_interval: 1
+log_interval: 100
+# dataset
+dataset: "imagenet"
+data_dir: "/path/to/imagenet"
+shuffle: True
+dataset_download: False
+batch_size: 128
+# augmentation
+image_resize: 224
+scale: [0.08, 1.0]
+ratio: [0.75, 1.333]
+hflip: 0.5
+vflip: 0.0
+interpolation: "bicubic"
+re_prob: 0.1
+mixup: 0.8
+cutmix: 1.0
+color_jitter: 0.4
+auto_augment: "randaug-m7-mstd0.5"
+# model
+model: "fastvit_t8"
+num_classes: 1000
+pretrained: False
+keep_checkpoint_max: 10
+ckpt_save_policy: "latest_k"
+ckpt_save_interval: 1
+ckpt_save_dir: "./ckpt"
+epoch_size: 300
+dataset_sink_mode: True
+ema_decay: 0.9995
+amp_level: "O2"
+loss_scale_type: 'auto'
+# loss
+loss: "CE"
+label_smoothing: 0.1
+# lr scheduler
+scheduler: "cosine_decay"
+lr: 0.001
+min_lr: 0.0
+warmup_epochs: 5
+warmup_factor: 0.01
+decay_epochs: 295
+# optimizer
+opt: "adamw"
+momentum: 0.9
+weight_decay: 0.05
+filter_bias_and_bn: True
+use_nesterov: False
diff --git a/mindcv/models/fastvit.py b/mindcv/models/fastvit.py
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+++ b/mindcv/models/fastvit.py
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+import copy
+import math
+import os
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from functools import partial
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import mindspore as ms
+import mindspore.common.initializer as init
+from mindspore import nn, ops
+from mindspore.numpy import ones
+from mindcv.models.layers.pooling import GlobalAvgPooling
+from mindcv.models.registry import register_model
+IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
+def _cfg(url="", **kwargs):
+ return {
+ "url": url,
+ "num_classes": 1000,
+ "input_size": (3, 256, 256),
+ "pool_size": None,
+ "crop_pct": 0.95,
+ "interpolation": "bicubic",
+ "classifier": "head",
+ **kwargs,
+ }
+default_cfgs = {
+ "fastvit_t": _cfg(crop_pct=0.9),
+ "fastvit_s": _cfg(crop_pct=0.9),
+ "fastvit_m": _cfg(crop_pct=0.95),
+def convolutional_stem(
+ in_channels: int, out_channels: int, inference_mode: bool = False
+) -> nn.SequentialCell:
+ """Build convolutional stem with MobileOne blocks.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of input channels.
+ out_channels: Number of output channels.
+ inference_mode: Flag to instantiate model in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ Returns:
+ nn.Sequential object with stem elements.
+ """
+ return nn.SequentialCell(
+ MobileOneBlock(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ group=1,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ use_se=False,
+ num_conv_branches=1,
+ ),
+ MobileOneBlock(
+ in_channels=out_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ group=out_channels,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ use_se=False,
+ num_conv_branches=1,
+ ),
+ MobileOneBlock(
+ in_channels=out_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ group=1,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ use_se=False,
+ num_conv_branches=1,
+ ),
+ )
+class MHSA(nn.Cell):
+ """Multi-headed Self Attention module.
+ Source modified from:
+ https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/master/timm/models/vision_transformer.py
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim: int,
+ head_dim: int = 32,
+ qkv_bias: bool = False,
+ attn_drop: float = 0.0,
+ proj_drop: float = 0.0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Build MHSA module that can handle 3D or 4D input tensors.
+ Args:
+ dim: Number of embedding dimensions.
+ head_dim: Number of hidden dimensions per head. Default: ``32``
+ qkv_bias: Use bias or not. Default: ``False``
+ attn_drop: Dropout rate for attention tensor.
+ proj_drop: Dropout rate for projection tensor.
+ """
+ super(MHSA, self).__init__()
+ assert dim % head_dim == 0, "dim should be divisible by head_dim"
+ self.head_dim = head_dim
+ self.num_heads = dim // head_dim
+ self.scale = head_dim**-0.5
+ self.qkv = nn.Dense(dim, dim * 3, has_bias=qkv_bias)
+ self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(p=attn_drop)
+ self.proj = nn.Dense(dim, dim)
+ self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(p=proj_drop)
+ self.batch_matmul = ops.BatchMatMul()
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ shape = x.shape
+ B, C, H, W = shape
+ N = H * W
+ if len(shape) == 4:
+ x = nn.flatten(x, start_dim=2).transpose((0, -1, -2)) # (B, N, C)
+ qkv = (
+ self.qkv(x)
+ .reshape((B, N, 3, self.num_heads, self.head_dim))
+ .permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
+ )
+ q, k, v = ops.Unstack(axis=0)(qkv)
+ # trick here to make q@k.t more stable
+ attn = self.batch_matmul(q*self.scale, k.transpose(0, 1, -1, -2))
+ attn = nn.Softmax(axis=-1)(attn)
+ attn = self.attn_drop(attn)
+ x = (attn @ v).transpose((0, 2, 1, -1)).reshape((B, N, C))
+ x = self.proj(x)
+ x = self.proj_drop(x)
+ if len(shape) == 4:
+ x = x.transpose((0, -1, -2)).reshape(B, C, H, W)
+ return x
+class PatchEmbed(nn.Cell):
+ """Convolutional patch embedding layer."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ patch_size: int,
+ stride: int,
+ in_channels: int,
+ embed_dim: int,
+ inference_mode: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Build patch embedding layer.
+ Args:
+ patch_size: Patch size for embedding computation.
+ stride: Stride for convolutional embedding layer.
+ in_channels: Number of channels of input tensor.
+ embed_dim: Number of embedding dimensions.
+ inference_mode: Flag to instantiate model in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.layers = nn.CellList()
+ self.layers.append(
+ ReparamLargeKernelConv(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=patch_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ group=in_channels,
+ small_kernel=3,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ )
+ )
+ self.layers.append(
+ MobileOneBlock(
+ in_channels=embed_dim,
+ out_channels=embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ group=1,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ use_se=False,
+ num_conv_branches=1,
+ )
+ )
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ for layer in self.layers:
+ x = layer(x)
+ return x
+class RepMixer(nn.Cell):
+ """Reparameterizable token mixer.
+ For more details, please refer to our paper:
+ FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ use_layer_scale=True,
+ layer_scale_init_value=1e-5,
+ inference_mode: bool = False,
+ ):
+ """Build RepMixer Module.
+ Args:
+ dim: Input feature map dimension. :math:`C_{in}` from an expected input of size :math:`(B, C_{in}, H, W)`.
+ kernel_size: Kernel size for spatial mixing. Default: 3
+ use_layer_scale: If True, learnable layer scale is used. Default: ``True``
+ layer_scale_init_value: Initial value for layer scale. Default: 1e-5
+ inference_mode: If True, instantiates model in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.inference_mode = inference_mode
+ self.reparam_conv = None
+ if inference_mode:
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.dim,
+ out_channels=self.dim,
+ kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
+ stride=1,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=self.kernel_size // 2,
+ group=self.dim,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ self.norm = MobileOneBlock(
+ dim,
+ dim,
+ kernel_size,
+ padding=kernel_size // 2,
+ group=dim,
+ use_act=False,
+ use_scale_branch=False,
+ num_conv_branches=0,
+ )
+ self.mixer = MobileOneBlock(
+ dim,
+ dim,
+ kernel_size,
+ padding=kernel_size // 2,
+ group=dim,
+ use_act=False,
+ )
+ self.use_layer_scale = use_layer_scale
+ if use_layer_scale:
+ self.layer_scale = ms.Parameter(
+ layer_scale_init_value * ops.ones((dim, 1, 1), ms.float32), name='w', requires_grad=True
+ )
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ if self.reparam_conv is not None:
+ x = self.reparam_conv(x)
+ return x
+ else:
+ if self.use_layer_scale:
+ x = x + self.layer_scale * (self.mixer(x) - self.norm(x))
+ else:
+ x = x + self.mixer(x) - self.norm(x)
+ return x
+ def reparameterize(self) -> None:
+ """Reparameterize mixer and norm into a single
+ convolutional layer for efficient inference.
+ """
+ if self.inference_mode:
+ return
+ self.mixer.reparameterize()
+ self.norm.reparameterize()
+ if self.use_layer_scale:
+ w = self.mixer.id_tensor + ops.ExpandDims()(self.layer_scale, -1) * (
+ self.mixer.reparam_conv.weight - self.norm.reparam_conv.weight
+ )
+ b = ops.Squeeze()(self.layer_scale) * (
+ self.mixer.reparam_conv.bias - self.norm.reparam_conv.bias
+ )
+ else:
+ w = (
+ self.mixer.id_tensor
+ + self.mixer.reparam_conv.weight
+ - self.norm.reparam_conv.weight
+ )
+ b = self.mixer.reparam_conv.bias - self.norm.reparam_conv.bias
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.dim,
+ out_channels=self.dim,
+ kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
+ stride=1,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=self.kernel_size // 2,
+ group=self.dim,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ self.reparam_conv.weight = w
+ self.reparam_conv.bias = b
+ for para in self.get_parameters():
+ para = ops.stop_gradient(para)
+ self.__delattr__("mixer")
+ self.__delattr__("norm")
+ if self.use_layer_scale:
+ self.__delattr__("layer_scale")
+class ConvFFN(nn.Cell):
+ """Convolutional FFN Module."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels: int,
+ hidden_channels: Optional[int] = None,
+ out_channels: Optional[int] = None,
+ act_layer: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ drop: float = 0.0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Build convolutional FFN module.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of input channels.
+ hidden_channels: Number of channels after expansion. Default: None
+ out_channels: Number of output channels. Default: None
+ act_layer: Activation layer. Default: ``GELU``
+ drop: Dropout rate. Default: ``0.0``.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ out_channels = out_channels or in_channels
+ hidden_channels = hidden_channels or in_channels
+ self.conv = nn.SequentialCell(
+ OrderedDict(
+ [("conv", nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=7,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=3,
+ group=in_channels,
+ has_bias=False,)),
+ ("bn", nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=out_channels))]))
+ self.fc1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size=1)
+ self.act = act_layer()
+ self.fc2 = nn.Conv2d(hidden_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1)
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop)
+ self._init_weights()
+ def _init_weights(self) -> None:
+ for _, cell in self.cells_and_names():
+ if isinstance(cell, nn.Conv2d):
+ cell.weight.set_data(init.initializer(init.TruncatedNormal(sigma=0.02),
+ cell.weight.shape,
+ cell.weight.dtype))
+ if cell.bias is not None:
+ cell.bias.set_data(init.initializer(init.Zero(), cell.bias.shape, cell.bias.dtype))
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ x = self.fc1(x)
+ x = self.act(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ x = self.fc2(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ return x
+class RepCPE(nn.Cell):
+ """Implementation of conditional positional encoding.
+ For more details refer to paper:
+ `Conditional Positional Encodings for Vision Transformers `_
+ In our implementation, we can reparameterize this module to eliminate a skip connection.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels: int,
+ embed_dim: int = 768,
+ spatial_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = (7, 7),
+ inference_mode=False,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Build reparameterizable conditional positional encoding
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of input channels.
+ embed_dim: Number of embedding dimensions. Default: 768
+ spatial_shape: Spatial shape of kernel for positional encoding. Default: (7, 7)
+ inference_mode: Flag to instantiate block in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ """
+ super(RepCPE, self).__init__()
+ if isinstance(spatial_shape, int):
+ spatial_shape = tuple([spatial_shape] * 2)
+ assert isinstance(spatial_shape, Tuple), (
+ f'"spatial_shape" must by a sequence or int, '
+ f"get {type(spatial_shape)} instead."
+ )
+ assert len(spatial_shape) == 2, (
+ f'Length of "spatial_shape" should be 2, '
+ f"got {len(spatial_shape)} instead."
+ )
+ self.spatial_shape = spatial_shape
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.group = embed_dim
+ self.reparam_conv = None
+ if inference_mode:
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=self.spatial_shape,
+ stride=1,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=int(self.spatial_shape[0] // 2),
+ group=self.embed_dim,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ self.pe = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels,
+ embed_dim,
+ spatial_shape,
+ 1,
+ 'pad',
+ int(spatial_shape[0] // 2),
+ has_bias=True,
+ group=embed_dim,
+ )
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ if self.reparam_conv is not None:
+ x = self.reparam_conv(x)
+ return x
+ else:
+ x = self.pe(x) + x
+ return x
+ def reparameterize(self) -> None:
+ # Build equivalent Id tensor
+ input_dim = self.in_channels // self.group
+ kernel_value = ops.Zeros()(
+ (
+ self.in_channels,
+ input_dim,
+ self.spatial_shape[0],
+ self.spatial_shape[1],
+ ), ms.float32
+ )
+ for i in range(self.in_channels):
+ kernel_value[
+ i,
+ i % input_dim,
+ self.spatial_shape[0] // 2,
+ self.spatial_shape[1] // 2,
+ ] = 1
+ id_tensor = kernel_value
+ # Reparameterize Id tensor and conv
+ w_final = id_tensor + self.pe.weight
+ b_final = self.pe.bias
+ # Introduce reparam conv
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=self.spatial_shape,
+ stride=1,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=int(self.spatial_shape[0] // 2),
+ group=self.embed_dim,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ self.reparam_conv.weight = w_final
+ self.reparam_conv.bias = b_final
+ for para in self.get_parameters():
+ para = ops.stop_gradient(para)
+ self.__delattr__("pe")
+class RepMixerBlock(nn.Cell):
+ """Implementation of Metaformer block with RepMixer as token mixer.
+ For more details on Metaformer structure, please refer to:
+ `MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision `_
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim: int,
+ kernel_size: int = 3,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ act_layer: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ drop: float = 0.0,
+ drop_path: float = 0.0,
+ use_layer_scale: bool = True,
+ layer_scale_init_value: float = 1e-5,
+ inference_mode: bool = False,
+ ):
+ """Build RepMixer Block.
+ Args:
+ dim: Number of embedding dimensions.
+ kernel_size: Kernel size for repmixer. Default: 3
+ mlp_ratio: MLP expansion ratio. Default: 4.0
+ act_layer: Activation layer. Default: ``nn.GELU``
+ drop: Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ drop_path: Drop path rate. Default: 0.0
+ use_layer_scale: Flag to turn on layer scale. Default: ``True``
+ layer_scale_init_value: Layer scale value at initialization. Default: 1e-5
+ inference_mode: Flag to instantiate block in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.token_mixer = RepMixer(
+ dim,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ use_layer_scale=use_layer_scale,
+ layer_scale_init_value=layer_scale_init_value,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ )
+ assert mlp_ratio > 0, "MLP ratio should be greater than 0, found: {}".format(
+ mlp_ratio
+ )
+ mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
+ self.convffn = ConvFFN(
+ in_channels=dim,
+ hidden_channels=mlp_hidden_dim,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ drop=drop,
+ )
+ # Drop Path
+ self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0.0 else nn.Identity()
+ # Layer Scale
+ self.use_layer_scale = use_layer_scale
+ if use_layer_scale:
+ self.layer_scale = ms.Parameter(
+ layer_scale_init_value * ops.ones((dim, 1, 1), ms.float32), requires_grad=True
+ )
+ def construct(self, x):
+ if self.use_layer_scale:
+ x = self.token_mixer(x)
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.layer_scale * self.convffn(x))
+ else:
+ x = self.token_mixer(x)
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.convffn(x))
+ return x
+class AttentionBlock(nn.Cell):
+ """Implementation of metaformer block with MHSA as token mixer.
+ For more details on Metaformer structure, please refer to:
+ `MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision `_
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim: int,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ act_layer: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: nn.Cell = nn.BatchNorm2d,
+ drop: float = 0.0,
+ drop_path: float = 0.0,
+ use_layer_scale: bool = True,
+ layer_scale_init_value: float = 1e-5,
+ ):
+ """Build Attention Block.
+ Args:
+ dim: Number of embedding dimensions.
+ mlp_ratio: MLP expansion ratio. Default: 4.0
+ act_layer: Activation layer. Default: ``nn.GELU``
+ norm_layer: Normalization layer. Default: ``nn.BatchNorm2d``
+ drop: Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ drop_path: Drop path rate. Default: 0.0
+ use_layer_scale: Flag to turn on layer scale. Default: ``True``
+ layer_scale_init_value: Layer scale value at initialization. Default: 1e-5
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.norm = norm_layer(dim)
+ self.token_mixer = MHSA(dim=dim)
+ assert mlp_ratio > 0, "MLP ratio should be greater than 0, found: {}".format(
+ mlp_ratio
+ )
+ mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
+ self.convffn = ConvFFN(
+ in_channels=dim,
+ hidden_channels=mlp_hidden_dim,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ drop=drop,
+ )
+ # Drop path
+ self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0.0 else nn.Identity()
+ # Layer Scale
+ self.use_layer_scale = use_layer_scale
+ if use_layer_scale:
+ self.layer_scale_1 = ms.Parameter(
+ layer_scale_init_value * ops.ones((dim, 1, 1), ms.float32), requires_grad=True
+ )
+ self.layer_scale_2 = ms.Parameter(
+ layer_scale_init_value * ops.ones((dim, 1, 1), ms.float32), requires_grad=True
+ )
+ def construct(self, x):
+ if self.use_layer_scale:
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.layer_scale_1 * self.token_mixer(self.norm(x)))
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.layer_scale_2 * self.convffn(x))
+ else:
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.token_mixer(self.norm(x)))
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.convffn(x))
+ return x
+def basic_blocks(
+ dim: int,
+ block_index: int,
+ num_blocks: List[int],
+ token_mixer_type: str,
+ kernel_size: int = 3,
+ mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
+ act_layer: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer: nn.Cell = nn.BatchNorm2d,
+ drop_rate: float = 0.0,
+ drop_path_rate: float = 0.0,
+ use_layer_scale: bool = True,
+ layer_scale_init_value: float = 1e-5,
+ inference_mode=False,
+) -> nn.SequentialCell:
+ """Build FastViT blocks within a stage.
+ Args:
+ dim: Number of embedding dimensions.
+ block_index: block index.
+ num_blocks: List containing number of blocks per stage.
+ token_mixer_type: Token mixer type.
+ kernel_size: Kernel size for repmixer.
+ mlp_ratio: MLP expansion ratio.
+ act_layer: Activation layer.
+ norm_layer: Normalization layer.
+ drop_rate: Dropout rate.
+ drop_path_rate: Drop path rate.
+ use_layer_scale: Flag to turn on layer scale regularization.
+ layer_scale_init_value: Layer scale value at initialization.
+ inference_mode: Flag to instantiate block in inference mode.
+ Returns:
+ nn.Sequential object of all the blocks within the stage.
+ """
+ blocks = []
+ for block_idx in range(num_blocks[block_index]):
+ block_dpr = (
+ drop_path_rate
+ * (block_idx + sum(num_blocks[:block_index]))
+ / (sum(num_blocks) - 1)
+ )
+ if token_mixer_type == "repmixer":
+ blocks.append(
+ RepMixerBlock(
+ dim,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ drop_path=block_dpr,
+ use_layer_scale=use_layer_scale,
+ layer_scale_init_value=layer_scale_init_value,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ )
+ )
+ elif token_mixer_type == "attention":
+ blocks.append(
+ AttentionBlock(
+ dim,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ drop_path=block_dpr,
+ use_layer_scale=use_layer_scale,
+ layer_scale_init_value=layer_scale_init_value,
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Token mixer type: {} not supported".format(token_mixer_type)
+ )
+ blocks = nn.SequentialCell(*blocks)
+ return blocks
+class FastViT(nn.Cell):
+ """
+ This class implements `FastViT architecture `_
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ layers,
+ token_mixers: Tuple[str, ...],
+ embed_dims=None,
+ mlp_ratios=None,
+ downsamples=None,
+ repmixer_kernel_size=3,
+ norm_layer: nn.Cell = nn.BatchNorm2d,
+ act_layer: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ num_classes=1000,
+ pos_embs=None,
+ down_patch_size=7,
+ down_stride=2,
+ drop_rate=0.0,
+ drop_path_rate=0.0,
+ use_layer_scale=True,
+ layer_scale_init_value=1e-5,
+ fork_feat=False,
+ init_cfg=None,
+ pretrained=None,
+ cls_ratio=2.0,
+ inference_mode=False,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ if not fork_feat:
+ self.num_classes = num_classes
+ self.fork_feat = fork_feat
+ if pos_embs is None:
+ pos_embs = [None] * len(layers)
+ # Convolutional stem
+ self.patch_embed = convolutional_stem(3, embed_dims[0], inference_mode)
+ # Build the main stages of the network architecture
+ self.network = nn.CellList()
+ for i in range(len(layers)):
+ # Add position embeddings if requested
+ if pos_embs[i] is not None:
+ self.network.append(
+ pos_embs[i](
+ embed_dims[i], embed_dims[i], inference_mode=inference_mode
+ )
+ )
+ stage = basic_blocks(
+ embed_dims[i],
+ i,
+ layers,
+ token_mixer_type=token_mixers[i],
+ kernel_size=repmixer_kernel_size,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratios[i],
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ drop_rate=drop_rate,
+ drop_path_rate=drop_path_rate,
+ use_layer_scale=use_layer_scale,
+ layer_scale_init_value=layer_scale_init_value,
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ )
+ self.network.append(stage)
+ if i >= len(layers) - 1:
+ break
+ # Patch merging/downsampling between stages.
+ if downsamples[i] or embed_dims[i] != embed_dims[i + 1]:
+ self.network.append(
+ PatchEmbed(
+ patch_size=down_patch_size,
+ stride=down_stride,
+ in_channels=embed_dims[i],
+ embed_dim=embed_dims[i + 1],
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ )
+ )
+ # For segmentation and detection, extract intermediate output
+ if self.fork_feat:
+ # add a norm layer for each output
+ self.out_indices = [0, 2, 4, 6]
+ for i_emb, i_layer in enumerate(self.out_indices):
+ if i_emb == 0 and os.environ.get("FORK_LAST3", None):
+ """For RetinaNet, `start_level=1`. The first norm layer will not used.
+ cmd: `FORK_LAST3=1 python -m torch.distributed.launch ...`
+ """
+ layer = nn.Identity()
+ else:
+ layer = norm_layer(embed_dims[i_emb])
+ layer_name = f"norm{i_layer}"
+ self.insert_child_to_cell(layer_name, layer)
+ else:
+ # Classifier head
+ self.gap = GlobalAvgPooling()
+ self.conv_exp = MobileOneBlock(
+ in_channels=embed_dims[-1],
+ out_channels=int(embed_dims[-1] * cls_ratio),
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1,
+ group=embed_dims[-1],
+ inference_mode=inference_mode,
+ use_se=True,
+ num_conv_branches=1,
+ )
+ self.head = (
+ nn.Dense(int(embed_dims[-1] * cls_ratio), num_classes)
+ if num_classes > 0
+ else nn.Identity()
+ )
+ self.cls_init_weights()
+ self.init_cfg = copy.deepcopy(init_cfg)
+ def cls_init_weights(self) -> None:
+ """Init. for classification"""
+ for _, cell in self.cells_and_names():
+ if isinstance(cell, nn.Dense):
+ cell.weight.set_data(init.initializer(init.TruncatedNormal(sigma=0.02),
+ cell.weight.shape,
+ cell.weight.dtype))
+ if isinstance(cell, nn.Dense) and cell.bias is not None:
+ cell.bias.set_data(init.initializer(init.Zero(), cell.bias.shape, cell.bias.dtype))
+ def forward_embeddings(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ x = self.patch_embed(x)
+ return x
+ def forward_tokens(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ outs = []
+ for idx, block in enumerate(self.network):
+ x = block(x)
+ if self.fork_feat and idx in self.out_indices:
+ norm_layer = getattr(self, f"norm{idx}")
+ x_out = norm_layer(x)
+ outs.append(x_out)
+ if self.fork_feat:
+ # output the features of four stages for dense prediction
+ return outs
+ # output only the features of last layer for image classification
+ return x
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ # input embedding
+ x = self.forward_embeddings(x)
+ # through backbone
+ x = self.forward_tokens(x)
+ if self.fork_feat:
+ # output features of four stages for dense prediction
+ return x
+ # for image classification
+ x = self.conv_exp(x)
+ x = self.gap(x)
+ x = x.view((x.shape[0], -1))
+ cls_out = self.head(x)
+ return cls_out
+def fastvit_t8(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-T8 model variant."""
+ layers = [2, 2, 4, 2]
+ embed_dims = [48, 96, 192, 384]
+ mlp_ratios = [3, 3, 3, 3]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_t"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_t12(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-T12 model variant."""
+ layers = [2, 2, 6, 2]
+ embed_dims = [64, 128, 256, 512]
+ mlp_ratios = [3, 3, 3, 3]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_t"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_s12(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-S12 model variant."""
+ layers = [2, 2, 6, 2]
+ embed_dims = [64, 128, 256, 512]
+ mlp_ratios = [4, 4, 4, 4]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_s"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_sa12(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-SA12 model variant."""
+ layers = [2, 2, 6, 2]
+ embed_dims = [64, 128, 256, 512]
+ mlp_ratios = [4, 4, 4, 4]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ pos_embs = [None, None, None, partial(RepCPE, spatial_shape=(7, 7))]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "attention")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ pos_embs=pos_embs,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_s"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_sa24(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-SA24 model variant."""
+ layers = [4, 4, 12, 4]
+ embed_dims = [64, 128, 256, 512]
+ mlp_ratios = [4, 4, 4, 4]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ pos_embs = [None, None, None, partial(RepCPE, spatial_shape=(7, 7))]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "attention")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ pos_embs=pos_embs,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_s"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_sa36(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-SA36 model variant."""
+ layers = [6, 6, 18, 6]
+ embed_dims = [64, 128, 256, 512]
+ mlp_ratios = [4, 4, 4, 4]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ pos_embs = [None, None, None, partial(RepCPE, spatial_shape=(7, 7))]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "attention")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ pos_embs=pos_embs,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ layer_scale_init_value=1e-6,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_m"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+def fastvit_ma36(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate FastViT-MA36 model variant."""
+ layers = [6, 6, 18, 6]
+ embed_dims = [76, 152, 304, 608]
+ mlp_ratios = [4, 4, 4, 4]
+ downsamples = [True, True, True, True]
+ pos_embs = [None, None, None, partial(RepCPE, spatial_shape=(7, 7))]
+ token_mixers = ("repmixer", "repmixer", "repmixer", "attention")
+ model = FastViT(
+ layers,
+ embed_dims=embed_dims,
+ token_mixers=token_mixers,
+ pos_embs=pos_embs,
+ mlp_ratios=mlp_ratios,
+ downsamples=downsamples,
+ layer_scale_init_value=1e-6,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ model.default_cfg = default_cfgs["fastvit_m"]
+ if pretrained:
+ raise ValueError("Functionality not implemented.")
+ return model
+class DropPath(nn.Cell):
+ """DropPath (Stochastic Depth) regularization layers"""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ drop_prob: float = 0.0,
+ scale_by_keep: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.keep_prob = 1.0 - drop_prob
+ self.scale_by_keep = scale_by_keep
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=drop_prob)
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ if self.keep_prob == 1.0 or not self.training:
+ return x
+ shape = (x.shape[0], ) + (1,) * (x.ndim - 1)
+ random_tensor = self.dropout(ones(shape))
+ if not self.scale_by_keep:
+ random_tensor = ops.mul(random_tensor, self.keep_prob)
+ return x * random_tensor
+class SEBlock(nn.Cell):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, rd_ratio: float = 0.0625) -> None:
+ """Construct a Squeeze and Excite Module.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of input channels.
+ rd_ratio: Input channel reduction ratio.
+ """
+ super(SEBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.reduce = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=int(in_channels * rd_ratio),
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ pad_mode='valid',
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ self.expand = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=int(in_channels * rd_ratio),
+ out_channels=in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ pad_mode='valid',
+ stride=1,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ def construct(self, inputs: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ """Apply forward pass."""
+ b, c, h, w = inputs.shape
+ x = ops.AvgPool(pad_mode='valid', kernel_size=(h, w))(inputs)
+ x = self.reduce(x)
+ x = nn.ReLU()(x)
+ x = self.expand(x)
+ x = nn.Sigmoid()(x)
+ x = x.view((-1, c, 1, 1))
+ return inputs * x
+class MobileOneBlock(nn.Cell):
+ """MobileOne building block.
+ This block has a multi-branched architecture at train-time
+ and plain-CNN style architecture at inference time
+ For more details, please refer to our paper:
+ `An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backbone` -
+ https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.04040.pdf
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels: int,
+ out_channels: int,
+ kernel_size: int,
+ stride: int = 1,
+ padding: int = 0,
+ dilation: int = 1,
+ group: int = 1,
+ inference_mode: bool = False,
+ use_se: bool = False,
+ use_act: bool = True,
+ use_scale_branch: bool = True,
+ num_conv_branches: int = 1,
+ activation: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Construct a MobileOneBlock module.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of channels in the input.
+ out_channels: Number of channels produced by the block.
+ kernel_size: Size of the convolution kernel.
+ stride: Stride size.
+ padding: Zero-padding size.
+ dilation: Kernel dilation factor.
+ group: Group number.
+ inference_mode: If True, instantiates model in inference mode.
+ use_se: Whether to use SE-ReLU activations.
+ use_act: Whether to use activation. Default: ``True``
+ use_scale_branch: Whether to use scale branch. Default: ``True``
+ num_conv_branches: Number of linear conv branches.
+ """
+ super(MobileOneBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.inference_mode = inference_mode
+ self.group = group
+ self.stride = stride
+ self.padding = padding
+ self.dilation = dilation
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.num_conv_branches = num_conv_branches
+ # Check if SE-ReLU is requested
+ if use_se:
+ self.se = SEBlock(out_channels)
+ else:
+ self.se = nn.Identity()
+ if use_act:
+ self.activation = activation()
+ else:
+ self.activation = nn.Identity()
+ if inference_mode:
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=padding,
+ dilation=dilation,
+ group=group,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ # Re-parameterizable skip connection
+ self.rbr_skip = (
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=in_channels)
+ if out_channels == in_channels and stride == 1
+ else None
+ )
+ # Re-parameterizable conv branches
+ if num_conv_branches > 0:
+ self.rbr_conv = nn.CellList()
+ for _ in range(self.num_conv_branches):
+ self.rbr_conv.append(
+ self._conv_bn(kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding)
+ )
+ else:
+ self.rbr_conv = None
+ # Re-parameterizable scale branch
+ self.rbr_scale = None
+ if (kernel_size > 1) and use_scale_branch:
+ self.rbr_scale = self._conv_bn(kernel_size=1, padding=0)
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ """Apply forward pass."""
+ # Inference mode forward pass.
+ if self.inference_mode:
+ return self.activation(self.se(self.reparam_conv(x)))
+ # Multi-branched train-time forward pass.
+ # Skip branch output
+ identity_out = 0
+ if self.rbr_skip is not None:
+ identity_out = self.rbr_skip(x)
+ # Scale branch output
+ scale_out = 0
+ if self.rbr_scale is not None:
+ scale_out = self.rbr_scale(x)
+ # Other branches
+ out = scale_out + identity_out
+ if self.rbr_conv is not None:
+ for ix in range(self.num_conv_branches):
+ out += self.rbr_conv[ix](x)
+ return self.activation(self.se(out))
+ def reparameterize(self):
+ """Following works like `RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again` -
+ https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.03697.pdf. We re-parameterize multi-branched
+ architecture used at training time to obtain a plain CNN-like structure
+ for inference.
+ """
+ if self.inference_mode:
+ return
+ kernel, bias = self._get_kernel_bias()
+ self.reparam_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.out_channels,
+ kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
+ stride=self.stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=self.padding,
+ dilation=self.dilation,
+ group=self.group,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ self.reparam_conv.weight = kernel
+ self.reparam_conv.bias = bias
+ # Delete un-used branches
+ for para in self.get_parameters():
+ para = ops.stop_gradient(para)
+ self.__delattr__("rbr_conv")
+ self.__delattr__("rbr_scale")
+ if hasattr(self, "rbr_skip"):
+ self.__delattr__("rbr_skip")
+ self.inference_mode = True
+ def _get_kernel_bias(self) -> Tuple[ms.Tensor, ms.Tensor]:
+ """Method to obtain re-parameterized kernel and bias.
+ Reference: https://github.com/DingXiaoH/RepVGG/blob/main/repvgg.py#L83
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (kernel, bias) after fusing branches.
+ """
+ # get weights and bias of scale branch
+ kernel_scale = 0
+ bias_scale = 0
+ if self.rbr_scale is not None:
+ kernel_scale, bias_scale = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.rbr_scale)
+ # Pad scale branch kernel to match conv branch kernel size.
+ pad = self.kernel_size // 2
+ pad_op = nn.Pad(paddings=((0, 0), (0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)))
+ kernel_scale = pad_op(kernel_scale)
+ # get weights and bias of skip branch
+ kernel_identity = 0
+ bias_identity = 0
+ if self.rbr_skip is not None:
+ kernel_identity, bias_identity = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.rbr_skip)
+ # get weights and bias of conv branches
+ kernel_conv = 0
+ bias_conv = 0
+ if self.rbr_conv is not None:
+ for ix in range(self.num_conv_branches):
+ _kernel, _bias = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.rbr_conv[ix])
+ kernel_conv += _kernel
+ bias_conv += _bias
+ kernel_final = kernel_conv + kernel_scale + kernel_identity
+ bias_final = bias_conv + bias_scale + bias_identity
+ return kernel_final, bias_final
+ def _fuse_bn_tensor(
+ self, branch: Union[nn.SequentialCell, nn.BatchNorm2d]
+ ) -> Tuple[ms.Tensor, ms.Tensor]:
+ """Method to fuse batchnorm layer with preceeding conv layer.
+ Reference: https://github.com/DingXiaoH/RepVGG/blob/main/repvgg.py#L95
+ Args:
+ branch: Sequence of ops to be fused.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (kernel, bias) after fusing batchnorm.
+ """
+ if isinstance(branch, nn.SequentialCell):
+ kernel = branch.conv.weight
+ running_mean = branch.bn.moving_mean
+ running_var = branch.bn.moving_variance
+ gamma = branch.bn.gamma
+ beta = branch.bn.beta
+ eps = branch.bn.eps
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(branch, nn.BatchNorm2d)
+ if not hasattr(self, "id_tensor"):
+ input_dim = self.in_channels // self.group
+ kernel_value = ops.zeros(
+ (self.in_channels, input_dim, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size),
+ ms.float32
+ )
+ for i in range(self.in_channels):
+ kernel_value[
+ i, i % input_dim, self.kernel_size // 2, self.kernel_size // 2
+ ] = 1
+ self.id_tensor = kernel_value
+ kernel = self.id_tensor
+ running_mean = branch.moving_mean
+ running_var = branch.moving_variance
+ gamma = branch.gamma
+ beta = branch.beta
+ eps = branch.eps
+ std = (running_var + eps).sqrt()
+ t = (gamma / std).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
+ return kernel * t, beta - running_mean * gamma / std
+ def _conv_bn(self, kernel_size: int, padding: int) -> nn.SequentialCell:
+ """Helper method to construct conv-batchnorm layers.
+ Args:
+ kernel_size: Size of the convolution kernel.
+ padding: Zero-padding size.
+ Returns:
+ Conv-BN module.
+ """
+ mod_list = nn.SequentialCell(
+ OrderedDict(
+ [("conv", nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=self.stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=padding,
+ group=self.group,
+ has_bias=False, )),
+ ("bn", nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=self.out_channels))]))
+ return mod_list
+class ReparamLargeKernelConv(nn.Cell):
+ """Building Block of RepLKNet
+ This class defines overparameterized large kernel conv block
+ introduced in `RepLKNet `_
+ Reference: https://github.com/DingXiaoH/RepLKNet-pytorch
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels: int,
+ out_channels: int,
+ kernel_size: int,
+ stride: int,
+ group: int,
+ small_kernel: int,
+ inference_mode: bool = False,
+ activation: nn.Cell = nn.GELU,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Construct a ReparamLargeKernelConv module.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Number of input channels.
+ out_channels: Number of output channels.
+ kernel_size: Kernel size of the large kernel conv branch.
+ stride: Stride size. Default: 1
+ groups: Group number. Default: 1
+ small_kernel: Kernel size of small kernel conv branch.
+ inference_mode: If True, instantiates model in inference mode. Default: ``False``
+ activation: Activation module. Default: ``nn.GELU``
+ """
+ super(ReparamLargeKernelConv, self).__init__()
+ self.stride = stride
+ self.group = group
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.activation = activation()
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.small_kernel = small_kernel
+ self.padding = kernel_size // 2
+ self.lkb_reparam = None
+ self.small_conv = None
+ if inference_mode:
+ self.lkb_reparam = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=self.padding,
+ dilation=1,
+ group=group,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ self.lkb_origin = self._conv_bn(
+ kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=self.padding
+ )
+ if small_kernel is not None:
+ assert (
+ small_kernel <= kernel_size
+ ), "The kernel size for re-param cannot be larger than the large kernel!"
+ self.small_conv = self._conv_bn(
+ kernel_size=small_kernel, padding=small_kernel // 2
+ )
+ def construct(self, x: ms.Tensor) -> ms.Tensor:
+ """Apply forward pass."""
+ if self.lkb_reparam is not None:
+ out = self.lkb_reparam(x)
+ else:
+ out = self.lkb_origin(x)
+ if self.small_conv is not None:
+ out += self.small_conv(x)
+ self.activation(out)
+ return out
+ def get_kernel_bias(self) -> Tuple[ms.Tensor, ms.Tensor]:
+ """Method to obtain re-parameterized kernel and bias.
+ Reference: https://github.com/DingXiaoH/RepLKNet-pytorch
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (kernel, bias) after fusing branches.
+ """
+ eq_k, eq_b = self._fuse_bn(self.lkb_origin.conv, self.lkb_origin.bn)
+ if hasattr(self, "small_conv"):
+ small_k, small_b = self._fuse_bn(self.small_conv.conv, self.small_conv.bn)
+ eq_b += small_b
+ pad_op = nn.Pad(paddings=((0, 0), (0, 0), ((self.kernel_size - self.small_kernel) // 2,
+ (self.kernel_size - self.small_kernel) // 2),
+ ((self.kernel_size - self.small_kernel) // 2,
+ (self.kernel_size - self.small_kernel) // 2)))
+ eq_k += pad_op(small_k)
+ return eq_k, eq_b
+ def reparameterize(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Following works like `RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again` -
+ https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.03697.pdf. We re-parameterize multi-branched
+ architecture used at training time to obtain a plain CNN-like structure
+ for inference.
+ """
+ eq_k, eq_b = self.get_kernel_bias()
+ self.lkb_reparam = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.out_channels,
+ kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
+ stride=self.stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=self.padding,
+ dilation=self.lkb_origin.conv.dilation,
+ group=self.group,
+ has_bias=True,
+ )
+ self.lkb_reparam.weight = eq_k
+ self.lkb_reparam.bias = eq_b
+ self.__delattr__("lkb_origin")
+ if hasattr(self, "small_conv"):
+ self.__delattr__("small_conv")
+ @staticmethod
+ def _fuse_bn(
+ conv: ms.Tensor, bn: nn.BatchNorm2d
+ ) -> Tuple[ms.Tensor, ms.Tensor]:
+ """Method to fuse batchnorm layer with conv layer.
+ Args:
+ conv: Convolutional kernel weights.
+ bn: Batchnorm 2d layer.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple of (kernel, bias) after fusing batchnorm.
+ """
+ kernel = conv.weight
+ running_mean = bn.moving_mean
+ running_var = bn.moving_variance
+ gamma = bn.gamma
+ beta = bn.beta
+ eps = bn.eps
+ std = (running_var + eps).sqrt()
+ t = (gamma / std).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
+ return kernel * t, beta - running_mean * gamma / std
+ def _conv_bn(self, kernel_size: int, padding: int = 0) -> nn.SequentialCell:
+ """Helper method to construct conv-batchnorm layers.
+ Args:
+ kernel_size: Size of the convolution kernel.
+ padding: Zero-padding size.
+ Returns:
+ A nn.Sequential Conv-BN module.
+ """
+ mod_list = nn.SequentialCell(
+ OrderedDict(
+ [("conv", nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=self.stride,
+ pad_mode='pad',
+ padding=padding,
+ group=self.group,
+ has_bias=False,)),
+ ("bn", nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=self.out_channels))]))
+ return mod_list
+def reparameterize_model(model: nn.Cell) -> nn.Cell:
+ """Method returns a model where a multi-branched structure
+ used in training is re-parameterized into a single branch
+ for inference.
+ Args:
+ model: MobileOne model in train mode.
+ Returns:
+ MobileOne model in inference mode.
+ """
+ # Avoid editing original graph
+ model = copy.deepcopy(model)
+ for _, cell in model.cells_and_names():
+ if hasattr(cell, "reparameterize"):
+ cell.reparameterize()
+ return model
+class CosineWDSchedule:
+ def __init__(self, optimizer, t_max, eta_min=0, last_epoch=-1):
+ self.last_epoch = last_epoch
+ self.base_wds = [group["weight_decay"] for group in optimizer.param_groups]
+ self.t_max = t_max
+ self.eta_min = eta_min
+ def _get_wd(self, optimizer):
+ if self.last_epoch == 0:
+ return self.base_wds
+ elif (self.last_epoch - 1 - self.t_max) % (2 * self.t_max) == 0:
+ return [
+ group["weight_decay"]
+ + (base_lr - self.eta_min) * (1 - math.cos(math.pi / self.t_max)) / 2
+ for base_lr, group in zip(self.base_wds, optimizer.param_groups)
+ ]
+ return [
+ (1 + math.cos(math.pi * self.last_epoch / self.t_max))
+ / (1 + math.cos(math.pi * (self.last_epoch - 1) / self.t_max))
+ * (group["weight_decay"] - self.eta_min)
+ + self.eta_min
+ for group in optimizer.param_groups
+ ]
+ def update_weight_decay(self, optimizer):
+ self.last_epoch += 1
+ values = self._get_wd(optimizer)
+ for i, data in enumerate(zip(optimizer.param_groups, values)):
+ param_group, wd = data
+ # Avoid updating weight decay of param_groups that should not be decayed.
+ if param_group["weight_decay"] > 0.0:
+ param_group["weight_decay"] = wd
+class DistillationLoss(nn.Cell):
+ """
+ This module wraps a standard criterion and adds an extra knowledge distillation loss by
+ taking a teacher model prediction and using it as additional supervision.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ base_criterion: nn.Cell,
+ teacher_model: nn.Cell,
+ distillation_type: str,
+ alpha: float,
+ tau: float,
+ ):
+ super(DistillationLoss, self).__init__()
+ self.base_criterion = base_criterion
+ self.teacher_model = teacher_model
+ assert distillation_type in ["none", "soft", "hard"]
+ self.distillation_type = distillation_type
+ self.alpha = alpha
+ self.tau = tau
+ def construct(self, inputs, outputs, labels):
+ """
+ Args:
+ inputs: The original inputs that are feed to the teacher model.
+ outputs: Output tensor from model being trained.
+ labels: the labels for the base criterion.
+ """
+ base_loss = self.base_criterion(outputs, labels)
+ if self.distillation_type == "none":
+ return base_loss
+ teacher_outputs = self.teacher_model(inputs)
+ teacher_outputs = ops.stop_gradient(teacher_outputs)
+ if self.distillation_type == "soft":
+ T = self.tau
+ distillation_loss = (
+ ops.KLDivLoss(
+ nn.LogSoftmax(outputs / T, axis=1),
+ nn.LogSoftmax(teacher_outputs / T, axis=1),
+ reduction="sum",
+ )
+ * (T * T)
+ / ops.Size()(outputs)
+ )
+ elif self.distillation_type == "hard":
+ distillation_loss = ops.cross_entropy(outputs, ops.Argmax(axis=1)(teacher_outputs))
+ loss = base_loss * (1 - self.alpha) + distillation_loss * self.alpha
+ return loss