diff --git a/crystal_diffusion/analysis/analytic_score/exploring_langevin_generator/generate_sample_energies.py b/crystal_diffusion/analysis/analytic_score/exploring_langevin_generator/generate_sample_energies.py
index 02340d4d..64d5c4fc 100644
--- a/crystal_diffusion/analysis/analytic_score/exploring_langevin_generator/generate_sample_energies.py
+++ b/crystal_diffusion/analysis/analytic_score/exploring_langevin_generator/generate_sample_energies.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def compute_oracle_energies(self, batch_relative_coordinates: torch.Tensor) -> n
         logger.info("Compute energy from Oracle")
         with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_work_dir:
-            for positions, box in zip(batch_cartesian_positions.numpy(), batched_unit_cells.numpy()):
+            for positions, box in zip(batch_cartesian_positions.cpu().numpy(), batched_unit_cells.cpu().numpy()):
                 energy, forces = get_energy_and_forces_from_lammps(positions,
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/dataset_covariance.py b/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/dataset_covariance.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eed61e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/dataset_covariance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+"""Effective Dataset Variance.
+The goal of this script is to compute the effective "sigma_d" of the
+actual datasets, that is, the standard deviation of the displacement
+from equilibrium, in fractional coordinates.
+import logging
+import einops
+import torch
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from crystal_diffusion import ANALYSIS_RESULTS_DIR, DATA_DIR
+from crystal_diffusion.data.diffusion.data_loader import (
+    LammpsForDiffusionDataModule, LammpsLoaderParameters)
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.basis_transformations import \
+    map_relative_coordinates_to_unit_cell
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.logging_utils import setup_analysis_logger
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+dataset_name = 'si_diffusion_2x2x2'
+# dataset_name = 'si_diffusion_1x1x1'
+output_dir = ANALYSIS_RESULTS_DIR / "covariances"
+if dataset_name == 'si_diffusion_1x1x1':
+    max_atom = 8
+    translation = torch.tensor([0.125, 0.125, 0.125])
+elif dataset_name == 'si_diffusion_2x2x2':
+    max_atom = 64
+    translation = torch.tensor([0.0625, 0.0625, 0.0625])
+lammps_run_dir = DATA_DIR / dataset_name
+processed_dataset_dir = lammps_run_dir / "processed"
+cache_dir = lammps_run_dir / "cache"
+data_params = LammpsLoaderParameters(batch_size=2048, max_atom=max_atom)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setup_analysis_logger()
+    logger.info(f"Computing the covariance matrix for {dataset_name}")
+    datamodule = LammpsForDiffusionDataModule(
+        lammps_run_dir=lammps_run_dir,
+        processed_dataset_dir=processed_dataset_dir,
+        hyper_params=data_params,
+        working_cache_dir=cache_dir,
+    )
+    datamodule.setup()
+    train_dataset = datamodule.train_dataset
+    list_means = []
+    for batch in tqdm(datamodule.train_dataloader(), "Mean"):
+        x = map_relative_coordinates_to_unit_cell(batch['relative_coordinates'] + translation)
+        list_means.append(x.mean(dim=0))
+    # Drop the last batch, which might not have dimension batch_size
+    x0 = torch.stack(list_means[:-1]).mean(dim=0)
+    list_covariances = []
+    list_sizes = []
+    for batch in tqdm(datamodule.train_dataloader(), "displacements"):
+        x = map_relative_coordinates_to_unit_cell(batch['relative_coordinates'] + translation)
+        list_sizes.append(x.shape[0])
+        displacements = einops.rearrange(x - x0, "batch natoms space -> batch (natoms space)")
+        covariance = (displacements[:, None, :] * displacements[:, :, None]).sum(dim=0)
+        list_covariances.append(covariance)
+    covariance = torch.stack(list_covariances).sum(dim=0) / sum(list_sizes)
+    output_file = output_dir / f"covariance_{dataset_name}.pkl"
+    logger.info(f"Writing to file {output_file}...")
+    with open(output_file, 'wb') as fd:
+        torch.save(covariance, fd)
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/plot_si_phonon_DOS.py b/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/plot_si_phonon_DOS.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d719b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/dataset_analysis/plot_si_phonon_DOS.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+"""Silicon phonon Density of States.
+The displacement covariance is related to the phonon dynamical matrix.
+Here we extract the corresponding phonon density of state, based on this covariance,
+to see if the energy scales match up.
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import torch
+from crystal_diffusion import ANALYSIS_RESULTS_DIR
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis import PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE, PLOT_STYLE_PATH
+# Define some constants.
+kelvin_in_Ha = 0.000_003_166_78
+T_in_kelvin = 300.0
+bohr_in_angst = 0.529177
+Si_mass = 28.0855
+proton_mass = 1836.152673426
+Ha_in_meV = 27211.0
+THz_in_meV = 4.136
+acell = 5.43
+dataset_name_2x2x2 = "si_diffusion_2x2x2"
+dataset_name_1x1x1 = "si_diffusion_1x1x1"
+output_dir = ANALYSIS_RESULTS_DIR / "covariances"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    kBT = kelvin_in_Ha * T_in_kelvin
+    a = acell / bohr_in_angst
+    M = Si_mass * proton_mass
+    constant_1x1x1 = M * a**2 / kBT / Ha_in_meV**2
+    constant_2x2x2 = M * (2.0 * a) ** 2 / kBT / Ha_in_meV**2
+    covariance_file_1x1x1 = output_dir / f"covariance_{dataset_name_1x1x1}.pkl"
+    sigma_1x1x1 = torch.load(covariance_file_1x1x1)
+    sigma_inv_1x1x1 = torch.linalg.pinv(sigma_1x1x1)
+    Omega_1x1x1 = sigma_inv_1x1x1 / constant_1x1x1
+    omega2_1x1x1 = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(Omega_1x1x1)
+    list_omega_in_meV_1x1x1 = torch.sqrt(torch.abs(omega2_1x1x1))
+    covariance_file_2x2x2 = output_dir / f"covariance_{dataset_name_2x2x2}.pkl"
+    sigma_2x2x2 = torch.load(covariance_file_2x2x2)
+    sigma_inv_2x2x2 = torch.linalg.pinv(sigma_2x2x2)
+    Omega_2x2x2 = sigma_inv_2x2x2 / constant_2x2x2
+    omega2_2x2x2 = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(Omega_2x2x2)
+    list_omega_in_meV_2x2x2 = torch.sqrt(torch.abs(omega2_2x2x2))
+    max_hw = torch.max(list_omega_in_meV_2x2x2) / THz_in_meV
+    bins = torch.linspace(0.0, max_hw, 50)
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE)
+    fig.suptitle("Eigenvalues of Dynamical Matrix, from Displacement Covariance")
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    ax.set_xlim(0, max_hw + 1)
+    ax.set_xlabel(r"$\hbar \omega$ (THz)")
+    ax.set_ylabel("Count")
+    ax.hist(
+        list_omega_in_meV_1x1x1 / THz_in_meV,
+        bins=bins,
+        label="Si 1x1x1",
+        color="green",
+        alpha=0.5,
+    )
+    ax.hist(
+        list_omega_in_meV_2x2x2 / THz_in_meV,
+        bins=bins,
+        label="Si 2x2x2",
+        color="blue",
+        alpha=0.25,
+    )
+    ax.legend(loc=0)
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/draw_samples_from_equilibrium.py b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/draw_samples_from_equilibrium.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..700b0b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/draw_samples_from_equilibrium.py
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+import logging
+import einops
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis import PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE, PLOT_STYLE_PATH
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis.analytic_score.exploring_langevin_generator.generate_sample_energies import \
+    EnergyCalculator
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis.analytic_score.utils import \
+    get_silicon_supercell
+from crystal_diffusion.generators.langevin_generator import LangevinGenerator
+from crystal_diffusion.generators.ode_position_generator import (
+    ExplodingVarianceODEPositionGenerator, ODESamplingParameters)
+from crystal_diffusion.generators.predictor_corrector_position_generator import \
+    PredictorCorrectorSamplingParameters
+from crystal_diffusion.generators.sde_position_generator import (
+    ExplodingVarianceSDEPositionGenerator, SDESamplingParameters)
+from crystal_diffusion.models.position_diffusion_lightning_model import \
+    PositionDiffusionLightningModel
+from crystal_diffusion.models.score_networks import ScoreNetwork
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.variance_sampler import NoiseParameters
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.logging_utils import setup_analysis_logger
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ForcedStartingPointLangevinGenerator(LangevinGenerator):
+    """Langevin Generator with Forced Starting point."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        noise_parameters: NoiseParameters,
+        sampling_parameters: PredictorCorrectorSamplingParameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network: ScoreNetwork,
+        starting_relative_coordinates: torch.Tensor,
+    ):
+        """Init method."""
+        super().__init__(
+            noise_parameters, sampling_parameters, sigma_normalized_score_network
+        )
+        self._starting_relative_coordinates = starting_relative_coordinates
+    def initialize(self, number_of_samples: int):
+        """This method must initialize the samples from the fully noised distribution."""
+        relative_coordinates = einops.repeat(
+            self._starting_relative_coordinates,
+            "natoms space -> batch_size natoms space",
+            batch_size=number_of_samples,
+        )
+        return relative_coordinates
+class ForcedStartingPointODEPositionGenerator(ExplodingVarianceODEPositionGenerator):
+    """Forced starting point ODE position generator."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        noise_parameters: NoiseParameters,
+        sampling_parameters: ODESamplingParameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network: ScoreNetwork,
+        starting_relative_coordinates: torch.Tensor,
+    ):
+        """Init method."""
+        super().__init__(
+            noise_parameters, sampling_parameters, sigma_normalized_score_network
+        )
+        self._starting_relative_coordinates = starting_relative_coordinates
+    def initialize(self, number_of_samples: int):
+        """This method must initialize the samples from the fully noised distribution."""
+        relative_coordinates = einops.repeat(
+            self._starting_relative_coordinates,
+            "natoms space -> batch_size natoms space",
+            batch_size=number_of_samples,
+        )
+        return relative_coordinates
+class ForcedStartingPointSDEPositionGenerator(ExplodingVarianceSDEPositionGenerator):
+    """Forced Starting Point SDE position generator."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        noise_parameters: NoiseParameters,
+        sampling_parameters: SDESamplingParameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network: ScoreNetwork,
+        starting_relative_coordinates: torch.Tensor,
+    ):
+        """Init method."""
+        super().__init__(
+            noise_parameters, sampling_parameters, sigma_normalized_score_network
+        )
+        self._starting_relative_coordinates = starting_relative_coordinates
+    def initialize(self, number_of_samples: int):
+        """This method must initialize the samples from the fully noised distribution."""
+        relative_coordinates = einops.repeat(
+            self._starting_relative_coordinates,
+            "natoms space -> batch_size natoms space",
+            batch_size=number_of_samples,
+        )
+        return relative_coordinates
+checkpoint_path = (
+    "/home/mila/r/rousseab/scratch/experiments/oct2_egnn_1x1x1/run1/"
+    "output/last_model/last_model-epoch=049-step=039100.ckpt"
+spatial_dimension = 3
+number_of_atoms = 8
+atom_types = np.ones(number_of_atoms, dtype=int)
+acell = 5.43
+total_time_steps = 1000
+number_of_corrector_steps = 10
+epsilon = 2.0e-7
+noise_parameters = NoiseParameters(
+    total_time_steps=total_time_steps,
+    corrector_step_epsilon=epsilon,
+    sigma_min=0.0001,
+    sigma_max=0.2,
+number_of_samples = 1000
+base_sampling_parameters_dict = dict(
+    number_of_atoms=number_of_atoms,
+    spatial_dimension=spatial_dimension,
+    cell_dimensions=[acell, acell, acell],
+    number_of_samples=number_of_samples,
+ode_sampling_parameters = ODESamplingParameters(
+    absolute_solver_tolerance=1.0e-5,
+    relative_solver_tolerance=1.0e-5,
+    **base_sampling_parameters_dict,
+# Fiddling with SDE is PITA. Also, is there a bug in there?
+sde_sampling_parameters = SDESamplingParameters(
+    adaptative=False, **base_sampling_parameters_dict
+langevin_sampling_parameters = PredictorCorrectorSamplingParameters(
+    number_of_corrector_steps=number_of_corrector_steps, **base_sampling_parameters_dict
+device = torch.device("cuda")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    basis_vectors = torch.diag(torch.tensor([acell, acell, acell])).to(device)
+    logger.info("Loading checkpoint...")
+    pl_model = PositionDiffusionLightningModel.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
+    pl_model.eval()
+    sigma_normalized_score_network = pl_model.sigma_normalized_score_network
+    for parameter in sigma_normalized_score_network.parameters():
+        parameter.requires_grad_(False)
+    equilibrium_relative_coordinates = (
+        torch.from_numpy(get_silicon_supercell(supercell_factor=1))
+        .to(torch.float32)
+        .to(device)
+    )
+    ode_generator = ForcedStartingPointODEPositionGenerator(
+        noise_parameters=noise_parameters,
+        sampling_parameters=ode_sampling_parameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network=sigma_normalized_score_network,
+        starting_relative_coordinates=equilibrium_relative_coordinates,
+    )
+    sde_generator = ForcedStartingPointSDEPositionGenerator(
+        noise_parameters=noise_parameters,
+        sampling_parameters=sde_sampling_parameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network=sigma_normalized_score_network,
+        starting_relative_coordinates=equilibrium_relative_coordinates,
+    )
+    langevin_generator = ForcedStartingPointLangevinGenerator(
+        noise_parameters=noise_parameters,
+        sampling_parameters=langevin_sampling_parameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network=sigma_normalized_score_network,
+        starting_relative_coordinates=equilibrium_relative_coordinates,
+    )
+    unit_cells = einops.repeat(basis_vectors, "s1 s2 -> b s1 s2", b=number_of_samples)
+    ode_samples = ode_generator.sample(
+        number_of_samples=number_of_samples, device=device, unit_cell=unit_cells
+    )
+    sde_samples = sde_generator.sample(
+        number_of_samples=number_of_samples, device=device, unit_cell=unit_cells
+    )
+    langevin_samples = langevin_generator.sample(
+        number_of_samples=number_of_samples, device=device, unit_cell=unit_cells
+    )
+    energy_calculator = EnergyCalculator(
+        unit_cell=basis_vectors, number_of_atoms=number_of_atoms
+    )
+    ode_energies = energy_calculator.compute_oracle_energies(ode_samples)
+    sde_energies = energy_calculator.compute_oracle_energies(sde_samples)
+    langevin_energies = energy_calculator.compute_oracle_energies(langevin_samples)
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE)
+    fig.suptitle("Energies of Samples Drawn from Equilibrium Coordinates")
+    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
+    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
+    ax1.set_title("Zoom In")
+    ax2.set_title("Broad View")
+    list_q = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
+    list_energies = [ode_energies, sde_energies, langevin_energies]
+    list_colors = ["blue", "red", "green"]
+    langevin_label = (
+        f"LANGEVIN (time steps = {total_time_steps}, "
+        f"corrector steps = {number_of_corrector_steps}, epsilon ={epsilon: 5.2e})"
+    )
+    list_labels = ["ODE", "SDE", langevin_label]
+    for ax in [ax1, ax2]:
+        for energies, label in zip(list_energies, list_labels):
+            quantiles = np.quantile(energies, list_q)
+            ax.plot(100 * list_q, quantiles, "-", label=label)
+        ax.fill_between(
+            [0, 100],
+            y1=-34.6,
+            y2=-34.1,
+            color="yellow",
+            alpha=0.25,
+            label="Training Energy Range",
+        )
+        ax.set_xlabel("Quantile (%)")
+        ax.set_ylabel("Energy (eV)")
+        ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 100.1)
+    ax1.set_ylim(-35, -34.0)
+    ax2.legend(loc="upper right", fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=1, fontsize=6)
+    fig.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_hessian_eigenvalues.py b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_hessian_eigenvalues.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b48669be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_hessian_eigenvalues.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import einops
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.func import jacrev
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis import PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE, PLOT_STYLE_PATH
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis.analytic_score.utils import \
+    get_silicon_supercell
+from crystal_diffusion.models.position_diffusion_lightning_model import \
+    PositionDiffusionLightningModel
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.exploding_variance import ExplodingVariance
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.variance_sampler import NoiseParameters
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.logging_utils import setup_analysis_logger
+from experiment_analysis.score_stability_analysis.util import \
+    get_normalized_score_function
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+system = "Si_1x1x1"
+if system == "Si_1x1x1":
+    checkpoint_path = Path(
+        "/home/mila/r/rousseab/scratch/experiments/oct2_egnn_1x1x1/run1/output/"
+        "last_model/last_model-epoch=049-step=039100.ckpt"
+    )
+    number_of_atoms = 8
+    acell = 5.43
+    supercell_factor = 1
+    hessian_batch_size = 10
+elif system == "Si_2x2x2":
+    pickle_path = Path("/home/mila/r/rousseab/scratch/checkpoints/sota_egnn_2x2x2.pkl")
+    number_of_atoms = 64
+    acell = 10.86
+    supercell_factor = 2
+    hessian_batch_size = 1
+spatial_dimension = 3
+atom_types = np.ones(number_of_atoms, dtype=int)
+total_time_steps = 1000
+sigma_min = 0.0001
+sigma_max = 0.2
+noise_parameters = NoiseParameters(
+    total_time_steps=total_time_steps,
+    sigma_min=sigma_min,
+    sigma_max=sigma_max,
+nsteps = 501
+device = torch.device("cuda")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    variance_calculator = ExplodingVariance(noise_parameters)
+    basis_vectors = torch.diag(torch.tensor([acell, acell, acell])).to(device)
+    equilibrium_relative_coordinates = (
+        torch.from_numpy(get_silicon_supercell(supercell_factor=supercell_factor))
+        .to(torch.float32)
+        .to(device)
+    )
+    logger.info("Loading checkpoint...")
+    if system == "Si_1x1x1":
+        pl_model = PositionDiffusionLightningModel.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
+        pl_model.eval()
+        sigma_normalized_score_network = pl_model.sigma_normalized_score_network
+    elif system == "Si_2x2x2":
+        sigma_normalized_score_network = torch.load(pickle_path)
+    for parameter in sigma_normalized_score_network.parameters():
+        parameter.requires_grad_(False)
+    normalized_score_function = get_normalized_score_function(
+        noise_parameters=noise_parameters,
+        sigma_normalized_score_network=sigma_normalized_score_network,
+        basis_vectors=basis_vectors,
+    )
+    times = torch.linspace(1, 0, nsteps).unsqueeze(-1)
+    sigmas = variance_calculator.get_sigma(times)
+    g2 = variance_calculator.get_g_squared(times)
+    prefactor = -g2 / sigmas
+    relative_coordinates = einops.repeat(
+        equilibrium_relative_coordinates, "n s -> b n s", b=nsteps
+    )
+    batch_hessian_function = jacrev(normalized_score_function, argnums=0)
+    list_flat_hessians = []
+    for x, t in tqdm(
+        zip(
+            torch.split(relative_coordinates, hessian_batch_size),
+            torch.split(times, hessian_batch_size),
+        ),
+        "Hessian",
+    ):
+        batch_hessian = batch_hessian_function(x, t)
+        flat_hessian = einops.rearrange(
+            torch.diagonal(batch_hessian, dim1=0, dim2=3),
+            "n1 s1 n2 s2 b -> b (n1 s1) (n2 s2)",
+        )
+        list_flat_hessians.append(flat_hessian)
+    flat_hessian = torch.concat(list_flat_hessians)
+    p = einops.repeat(
+        prefactor,
+        "b 1 -> b d1 d2",
+        d1=number_of_atoms * spatial_dimension,
+        d2=number_of_atoms * spatial_dimension,
+    ).to(flat_hessian)
+    normalized_hessian = p * flat_hessian
+    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = torch.linalg.eigh(normalized_hessian)
+    eigenvalues = eigenvalues.cpu().transpose(1, 0)
+    small_count = (eigenvalues < 5e-4).sum(dim=0)
+    list_times = times.flatten().cpu()
+    list_sigmas = sigmas.flatten().cpu()
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE[0], PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE[0]))
+    fig.suptitle("Hessian Eigenvalues")
+    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
+    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
+    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
+    ax3.set_xlabel(r"$\sigma(t)$")
+    ax3.set_ylabel("Small Count")
+    ax3.set_ylim(0, number_of_atoms * spatial_dimension)
+    ax3.semilogx(list_sigmas, small_count, "-", color="black")
+    for ax in [ax1, ax2]:
+        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\sigma(t)$")
+        ax.set_ylabel("Eigenvalue")
+        for list_e in eigenvalues:
+            ax.semilogx(list_sigmas, list_e, "-", color="grey")
+    ax2.set_ylim([-2.5e-4, 2.5e-4])
+    for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]:
+        ax.set_xlim(sigma_min, sigma_max)
+    fig.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
+    fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE[0], PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE[0]))
+    fig2.suptitle("Hessian Eigenvalues At Small Time")
+    ax1 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
+    ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\sigma(t)$")
+    ax1.set_ylabel("Eigenvalues")
+    for list_e in eigenvalues:
+        ax1.loglog(list_sigmas, list_e, "-", color="grey")
+    ax1.set_xlim(sigma_min, 1e-2)
+    fig2.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
+    fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE)
+    fig3.suptitle("Hessian Eigenvalues of Normalized Score")
+    ax1 = fig3.add_subplot(121)
+    ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(122)
+    ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\sigma(t)$")
+    ax1.set_ylabel("Eigenvalues")
+    ax2.set_ylabel(r"$g^2(t) / \sigma(t)$")
+    ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\sigma(t)$")
+    label1 = r"$\sigma(t)/g^2 \times \bf H$"
+    label2 = r"$\bf H$"
+    for list_e in eigenvalues:
+        ax1.semilogx(
+            list_sigmas,
+            list_e / (-prefactor.flatten()),
+            "-",
+            lw=1,
+            color="red",
+            label=label1,
+        )
+        ax1.semilogx(list_sigmas, list_e, "-", color="grey", lw=1, label=label2)
+        label1 = "__nolabel__"
+        label2 = "__nolabel__"
+    ax1.legend(loc=0)
+    ax2.semilogx(list_sigmas, (-prefactor.flatten()), "-", color="blue")
+    for ax in [ax1, ax2]:
+        ax.set_xlim(sigma_min, sigma_max)
+    fig3.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
+    jacobian_eig_at_t0 = eigenvalues[:, -1] / (-prefactor[-1])
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_score_norm.py b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_score_norm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef4ddbc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/plot_score_norm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import logging
+import einops
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis import PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE, PLOT_STYLE_PATH
+from crystal_diffusion.analysis.analytic_score.utils import \
+    get_silicon_supercell
+from crystal_diffusion.models.position_diffusion_lightning_model import \
+    PositionDiffusionLightningModel
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.exploding_variance import ExplodingVariance
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.variance_sampler import NoiseParameters
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.basis_transformations import \
+    map_relative_coordinates_to_unit_cell
+from crystal_diffusion.utils.logging_utils import setup_analysis_logger
+from experiment_analysis.score_stability_analysis.util import \
+    create_fixed_time_normalized_score_function
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+checkpoint_path = ("/home/mila/r/rousseab/scratch/experiments/oct2_egnn_1x1x1/run1/"
+                   "output/last_model/last_model-epoch=049-step=039100.ckpt")
+spatial_dimension = 3
+number_of_atoms = 8
+atom_types = np.ones(number_of_atoms, dtype=int)
+acell = 5.43
+basis_vectors = torch.diag(torch.tensor([acell, acell, acell]))
+total_time_steps = 1000
+noise_parameters = NoiseParameters(
+    total_time_steps=total_time_steps,
+    sigma_min=0.0001,
+    sigma_max=0.2,
+device = torch.device("cuda")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    variance_calculator = ExplodingVariance(noise_parameters)
+    logger.info("Loading checkpoint...")
+    pl_model = PositionDiffusionLightningModel.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
+    pl_model.eval()
+    sigma_normalized_score_network = pl_model.sigma_normalized_score_network
+    for parameter in sigma_normalized_score_network.parameters():
+        parameter.requires_grad_(False)
+    equilibrium_relative_coordinates = torch.from_numpy(
+        get_silicon_supercell(supercell_factor=1)
+    ).to(torch.float32)
+    direction = torch.zeros_like(equilibrium_relative_coordinates)
+    # Move a single atom
+    # direction[0, 0] = 1.0
+    # list_delta = torch.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 101)
+    # Put two particles on top of each other
+    dv = equilibrium_relative_coordinates[0] - equilibrium_relative_coordinates[1]
+    direction[0] = -0.5 * dv
+    direction[1] = 0.5 * dv
+    list_delta = torch.linspace(0., 2.0, 201)
+    relative_coordinates = []
+    for delta in list_delta:
+        relative_coordinates.append(
+            equilibrium_relative_coordinates + delta * direction
+        )
+    relative_coordinates = map_relative_coordinates_to_unit_cell(
+        torch.stack(relative_coordinates)
+    ).to(device)
+    list_t = torch.tensor([0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.01])
+    list_sigmas = variance_calculator.get_sigma(list_t)
+    list_norms = []
+    for t in tqdm(list_t, "norms"):
+        vector_field_fn = create_fixed_time_normalized_score_function(
+            sigma_normalized_score_network,
+            noise_parameters,
+            time=t,
+            basis_vectors=basis_vectors,
+        )
+        normalized_scores = vector_field_fn(relative_coordinates)
+        flat_normalized_scores = einops.rearrange(
+            normalized_scores, " b n s -> b (n s)"
+        )
+        list_norms.append(flat_normalized_scores.norm(dim=-1).cpu())
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=PLEASANT_FIG_SIZE)
+    fig.suptitle("Normalized Score Norm Along Specific Direction")
+    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\delta$")
+    ax1.set_ylabel(r"$|{\bf n}({\bf x}, t)|$")
+    for t, sigma, norms in zip(list_t, list_sigmas, list_norms):
+        ax1.plot(
+            list_delta, norms, "-", label=f"t = {t: 3.2f}, $\\sigma$ = {sigma: 5.2e}"
+        )
+    ax1.legend(loc=0)
+    fig.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/util.py b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e272894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiment_analysis/score_stability_analysis/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import itertools
+from typing import Callable
+import einops
+import torch
+from crystal_diffusion.models.score_networks import ScoreNetwork
+from crystal_diffusion.namespace import (CARTESIAN_FORCES, NOISE,
+                                         NOISY_RELATIVE_COORDINATES, TIME,
+                                         UNIT_CELL)
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.exploding_variance import ExplodingVariance
+from crystal_diffusion.samplers.variance_sampler import NoiseParameters
+def get_normalized_score_function(
+    noise_parameters: NoiseParameters,
+    sigma_normalized_score_network: ScoreNetwork,
+    basis_vectors: torch.Tensor,
+) -> Callable:
+    """Get normalizd score function."""
+    variance_calculator = ExplodingVariance(noise_parameters)
+    def normalized_score_function(
+        relative_coordinates: torch.Tensor, times: torch.Tensor
+    ) -> torch.Tensor:
+        batch_size, number_of_atoms, spatial_dimension = relative_coordinates.shape
+        unit_cells = einops.repeat(
+            basis_vectors.to(relative_coordinates), "s1 s2 -> b s1 s2", b=batch_size
+        )
+        forces = torch.zeros_like(relative_coordinates)
+        sigmas = variance_calculator.get_sigma(times)
+        augmented_batch = {
+            NOISY_RELATIVE_COORDINATES: relative_coordinates,
+            TIME: times,
+            NOISE: sigmas,
+            UNIT_CELL: unit_cells,
+            CARTESIAN_FORCES: forces,
+        }
+        sigma_normalized_scores = sigma_normalized_score_network(
+            augmented_batch, conditional=False
+        )
+        return sigma_normalized_scores
+    return normalized_score_function
+def get_cubic_point_group_symmetries():
+    """Get cubic point group symmetries."""
+    permutations = [
+        torch.diag(torch.ones(3))[[idx]] for idx in itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2])
+    ]
+    sign_changes = [
+        torch.diag(torch.tensor(diag))
+        for diag in itertools.product([-1.0, 1.0], repeat=3)
+    ]
+    symmetries = []
+    for permutation in permutations:
+        for sign_change in sign_changes:
+            symmetries.append(permutation @ sign_change)
+    return symmetries