- allow Mongo Node Driver 4.3.1 enabling Mongo 5.0
- make sure writefence concludes for async server calls
- release for meteor-1.2
- release for meteor-1.2-rc.17
- for [email protected]
- fix #5 - bad error handling on server calls
- make LocalCollection accessible from all package files
- make sure callbacks get called from server only calls
- batchInsert() called in server method ignores allow/deny rules
- use .rawCollection() from meteor 1.0.4
- proper handling for collections with ObjectIDs for _id
- update mongodb driver
- don't define batchInsert for a null collection.
- all inserts in a batch fail if any insert fails.
- mimic insert behaviour with check of LocalCollection.isPlainObject() before sending to db.
make batchInsert() function for Mongo.Collection instances to mimic behaviour of insert().
check insert allow / deny rules on all objects to be inserted before inserting any objects.
refactor to enable the above behaviours so that the /collection name/batchInsert Meteor.method has access to the collection instance
create batchInsert Meteor.method that uses the node mongo drivers batch insert capability to speed up multiple inserts
client side inserts are secured with simple check whether the Meteor.user making the request has {admin: true}