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₿eontrade WatchList 🇺🇸

wakatime GitHub version made-with-Markdown Buy me a coffee

npm version React Axios VSCode macOS

This single page application centralizes information on the top 250 crypto currencies. It is made with the javascript library React.

You can :

  1. Create a favorites list of your favorite crypto.
  2. View the percentage of gain/loss from 1 hour to 1 year.
  3. View the percentage between the ATH and the current value.
  4. View the chart of the selected crypto.
  5. Filter by ascending/descending order of market cap.

Getting Started

In order to facilitate the reading of the code and the exploration of the code, I suggest you to install Visual Studio Code and the code comment colorization plugin Colorful Comments for VSCode.


Clone this repository on your computer.

git clone

Execute the following command to install the dependencies:

npm install

In the end, you'll get this...


Run the application:

npm start

Enjoy !!

Made with ❤️ by Mikael Trilles

Entrez les programmes/logiciels/ressources que vous avez utilisé pour développer votre projet

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"data": {
  "active_cryptocurrencies": 13421,
  "upcoming_icos": 0,
  "ongoing_icos": 49,
  "ended_icos": 3376,
  "markets": 525,
  "total_market_cap": {
    "btc": 46586435.06132786,
    "eth": 868384140.8772379,
    "ltc": 19025428811.27638,
    "bch": 9201965703.97502,
    "bnb": 4072055427.301049,
    "eos": 980790971380.8069,
    "xrp": 2918614214873.1353,
    "xlm": 8972572517920.27,
    "link": 149005724500.2516,
    "dot": 141884008399.4614,
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    "aud": 1340293991578.8313,
    "bdt": 84641808197698.53,
    "bhd": 341637346802.32587,
    "bmd": 906296017620.7732,
    "brl": 4928437743821.734,
    "cad": 1179907691636.5012,
    "chf": 889880277853.608,
    "clp": 920697061340764.5,
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    "czk": 22050182108713.35,
    "dkk": 6715345349923.936,
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    "gbp": 762057193824.3912,
    "hkd": 7114378423522.188,
    "huf": 367774338483281.4,
    "idr": 13578309326255338,
    "ils": 3147615915477.9053,
    "inr": 72026709597435.97,
    "jpy": 123996249094812.38,
    "krw": 1184627099454223,
    "kwd": 279138267131.1799,
    "lkr": 326068184489292.3,
    "mmk": 1676982199023698.5,
    "mxn": 18894825518948.945,
    "myr": 4021235430183.363,
    "ngn": 376402862038258.44,
    "nok": 9290707833955.729,
    "nzd": 1478177867699.656,
    "php": 51042595337585.77,
    "pkr": 187874116774589.34,
    "pln": 4352605349402.0605,
    "rub": 52950347548381.4,
    "sar": 3401752194370.982,
    "sek": 9581982311058.885,
    "sgd": 1275936098775.546,
    "thb": 32800969078896.844,
    "try": 15685446436166.232,
    "twd": 27086922226640.777,
    "uah": 26758089936271.44,
    "vef": 90747420244.36789,
    "vnd": 21201889036220320,
    "zar": 15425175439529.865,
    "xdr": 669116537217.3787,
    "xag": 47898949904.961174,
    "xau": 525298234.7731769,
    "bits": 46586435061327.86,
    "sats": 4658643506132786
  "total_volume": {
    "btc": 3965330.0369009497,
    "eth": 73914857.68026459,
    "ltc": 1619400673.8433747,
    "bch": 783250123.2702069,
    "bnb": 346603977.6717386,
    "eos": 83482668154.74847,
    "xrp": 248425718712.47733,
    "xlm": 763724703698.4828,
    "link": 12683024023.049042,
    "dot": 12076839953.98326,
    "yfi": 13961288.01502962,
    "usd": 77141829295.68277,
    "aed": 283345796094.50714,
    "ars": 9841406826176.73,
    "aud": 114082737090.50624,
    "bdt": 7204515734722.038,
    "bhd": 29079383971.300507,
    "bmd": 77141829295.68277,
    "brl": 419497267709.92035,
    "cad": 100431024701.8786,
    "chf": 75744559341.65005,
    "clp": 78367612963190.94,
    "cny": 518763373647.60736,
    "czk": 1876860706763.9565,
    "dkk": 571594726859.0485,
    "eur": 76825933504.71683,
    "gbp": 64864552879.6162,
    "hkd": 605559502879.6449,
    "huf": 31304104494566.254,
    "idr": 1155754411146778,
    "ils": 267917815944.51672,
    "inr": 6130747601740.059,
    "jpy": 10554275087832.77,
    "krw": 100832729823795.78,
    "kwd": 23759606281.24094,
    "lkr": 27754172740005.695,
    "mmk": 142740861720431.84,
    "mxn": 1608284022455.4253,
    "myr": 342278296584.9438,
    "ngn": 32038544543082.875,
    "nok": 790803648949.6849,
    "nzd": 125819094999.55145,
    "php": 4344628134500.15,
    "pkr": 15991412037040.324,
    "pln": 370483740772.15326,
    "rub": 4507011608025.726,
    "sar": 289549310580.9777,
    "sek": 815596261467.0258,
    "sgd": 108604741508.5613,
    "thb": 2791942928382.1577,
    "try": 1335109067986.2397,
    "twd": 2305576423074.712,
    "uah": 2277586976009.532,
    "vef": 7724211367.376704,
    "vnd": 1804655954543198.8,
    "zar": 1312955400307.275,
    "xdr": 56953658285.34375,
    "xag": 4077048276.909787,
    "xau": 44712175.67807074,
    "bits": 3965330036900.9497,
    "sats": 396533003690094.94
  "market_cap_percentage": {
    "btc": 40.98223436686339,
    "eth": 13.756016258987957,
    "usdt": 7.306752674011379,
    "usdc": 6.116635622032319,
    "bnb": 4.011386462905801,
    "busd": 1.9783653683205917,
    "xrp": 1.6584562903432374,
    "ada": 1.599236450170733,
    "sol": 1.2606813778371193,
    "doge": 0.8859040004429497
  "market_cap_change_percentage_24h_usd": -5.540755106425886,
  "updated_at": 1657655908
  "id": "bitcoin",
  "symbol": "btc",
  "name": "Bitcoin",
  "image": "",
  "current_price": 19376.91,
  "market_cap": 370184957069,
  "market_cap_rank": 1,
  "fully_diluted_valuation": 407176986271,
  "total_volume": 22047492727,
  "high_24h": 20551,
  "low_24h": 19389.38,
  "price_change_24h": -1092.323598869105,
  "price_change_percentage_24h": -5.33642,
  "market_cap_change_24h": -20552537797.075623,
  "market_cap_change_percentage_24h": -5.25993,
  "circulating_supply": 19092150,
  "total_supply": 21000000,
  "max_supply": 21000000,
  "ath": 69045,
  "ath_change_percentage": -71.57874,
  "ath_date": "2021-11-10T14:24:11.849Z",
  "atl": 67.81,
  "atl_change_percentage": 28839.21358,
  "atl_date": "2013-07-06T00:00:00.000Z",
  "roi": null,
  "last_updated": "2022-07-12T19:35:29.261Z",
  "price_change_percentage_14d_in_currency": -6.623974095728785,
  "price_change_percentage_1h_in_currency": -2.2306818244894235,
  "price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency": -43.50746340900359,
  "price_change_percentage_200d_in_currency": -61.931884214191705,
  "price_change_percentage_24h_in_currency": -5.33641798831299,
  "price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency": -31.709290142495224,
  "price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency": -4.344704340631712

Here is a preview of the site


Coingecko API & Chart

Coin price chart API structure :${coinId}/market_chart?vs_currency=usd&days=${duration}${duration > 32 ? "&interval=daily" : ""}


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