DNS provider for Traefik Let's Encrypt support that enables the use of wildcard domains.
Allows using a existing CoreDNS with Etcd deployment to validate DNS-01
challenges from Let's Encrypt and get the wildcard certificate issued and configured.
Build or download the binary:
curl -sL https://github.com/miguelangel-nubla/traefik-etcd-coredns/releases/latest/download/traefik-etcd-coredns_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar zxvf - -C /path/to/
Add to your Traefik configuration file:
acmeLogging = true # Recommended for debugging
email = "[email protected]"
storage = "acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
provider = "exec"
delayBeforeCheck = 30
- Provide the required environment variables:
TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_DEBUG=true # Recommended for debugging
- Done! Traefik should now be creating and submitting for validation
Depending on your Etcd connection requirements you can pass the corresponding environment variables:
$ ./traefik-etcd-coredns --help
Traefik custom acme.dnsChallenge provider for CoreDNS servers with Etcd backend.
traefik-etcd-coredns [command]
Available Commands:
cleanup Delete the dns record
present Update the dns record
help Help about any command
--endpoints strings [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_ENDPOINTS] gRPC endpoints (default [])
--debug [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_DEBUG] enable client-side debug logging
--prefix string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_PREFIX] etcd key prefix (default "/skydns")
--dial-timeout duration [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_DIAL_TIMEOUT] dial timeout for client connections (default 2s)
--command-timeout duration [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_COMMAND_TIMEOUT] timeout for short running command (excluding dial timeout) (default 5s)
--insecure-transport [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_INSECURE_TRANSPORT] disable transport security for client connections (default true)
--insecure-skip-tls-verify [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY] skip server certificate verification
--cert string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_CERT] identify secure client using this TLS certificate file
--key string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_KEY] identify secure client using this TLS key file
--cacert string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_CACERT] verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle
--user string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_USER] username[:password] for authentication
--password string [env TRAEFIK_ETCD_COREDNS_PASSWORD] password for authentication (if this option is used, --user option shouldn't include password)
-h, --help help for traefik-etcd-coredns
Use "traefik-etcd-coredns [command] --help" for more information about a command.