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Automated Issue Triaging

Jackson Kearl edited this page May 25, 2021 · 16 revisions

As part of our issue triaging pipeline,

Author Verification

In cases where an issue is particularly difficult to verify, for instance those which only reproduce in a specific environment, the bot is able to help out by asking the original issue author to verify and automatically marking the issue as verified once they respond. It works as follows:

  1. To initialize the workflow, label an issue author-verification-requested and either ensure it is closed with a commit, or manually add the insiders-released when you know it has been released in the latest insiders.
  2. Upon the issue becoming both insiders-released and author-verification-requested, the bot will ask the issue author to verify it by commenting \verified.
  3. Once the author comments, the bot will label the issue verified and it will be removed from our endgame queries.

Insiders Released

The insiders-released pipeline runs automatically to:

  • Mark all issues newly closed with a commit as unreleased
  • Periodically (~daily) scan through all unreleased issues and promote them to insiders-released if their closing patch is present in the latest insiders.

Closing With a Commit

Various pipelines work best when an issue is "closed with a commit". This means the latest timeline instance of one of:

  • A commit with the Closes/Fixes #NUM GitHub syntax being put on main
  • A PR which is marked as Closes/Fixes #NUM being merged into main
  • A comment with \closedWith SHA made by a team member

Note: If an issue is reopened, the prior closing events will be ignored.

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