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Christina-Kang edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 19 revisions

Before making any contributions, be sure your code does not violate any of the following conventions:

Unwritten style rules

There are some rules that PyLint does not check for that should be obeyed

  • Use only ' for strings except in DocStrings.

PyLint exclusions

When specifying PyLint exclusions, use the human readable string format for the rule rather than the number value.

A correct example:

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

Spell check

Run a form of spell checker over command names and comments. If using VS Code it is recommended, you install the Code Spell Checker extension.

History and version updates

When making any code change, be sure to update the release history accordingly in the README file located at src\README.rst. Any new changes should be added to a new version called unreleased.

At the time of releasing a new CLI version, the code owners change the README.rst file to represent the released code version.

Code ownership

When adding new command groups and files, be sure to update the CODEOWNERS file at the root of the repository. For more information, see the GitHub documentation on code owners.

Supporting Python 2.7 and 3.6

The Service Fabric CLI supports the latest versions of both Python 2 and 3. Be sure that your code runs in both 2.7 and 3.6. The test suites should be run in virtual environments for both supported versions.

Command naming

When creating new commands, follow these guidelines when picking a command syntax and name:

  • Simpler is better
  • Do not try to match PS names
  • Try to match API names
  • If complex actions are necessary, concatenate verbs with -
  • Do not use extraneous verbs like get and set as actions
  • Match Unix and Linux conventions
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